Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 457 Jiuxuan Zhenren

"Can you promise that once you know the answer, you will leave and not harm us, mother and daughter?"

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist. Although I am not a good person, I am not someone who kills innocent people!"

After a moment of silence, the woman seemed to have made up her mind and said, "Okay, I hope you can keep your word!"

Mo Xun smiled slightly. This result is naturally the best.

Although he has enough confidence to pry open the two people's mouths, since it can be easier, why not do it? "

"Now we can only roughly judge that the Wu brothers will appear on Bixia Island in half a month."

Mo Xun couldn't help but frowned.

"Judgment? "

Although the woman had planned to compromise, she still did not relax her strong sense of vigilance. Perhaps it was because her weak body had been standing for too long and her nerves were tense. At this moment, her chest was violently heaving, and she spoke with a little more weakness.

"That's right. For more than half a year, the Wu brothers have been hiding from place to place, and there has been no news. It was not until a few days ago that someone found their traces at the southern end of the Red Flame Sea."

Hearing this, Mo Xun was obviously more confused.

He knew something about the Red Flame Sea. As for Bixia Island, it should be one of the islands, but the other party's statement was a bit strange.

Since the traces of the two were found, why did they have to wait for half a month?

When Mo Xun expressed his doubts, the woman's face showed surprise.

"Don't you know the Jiuxuan Auction?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked, "But is it related to the Jiuxuan Zhenren who is known as the Yuanying Sanxiu? "

"Yes, this auction was indeed initiated by Jiuxuan Zhenren. It is held every ten years. It is said that it has been held for more than a dozen times, and the location is different each time. This time, it was chosen on Bixia Island. ”

Speaking of this, Mo Xun had a general understanding in his mind.

It seems that the Wu brothers intended to participate in the auction, so they went to the Red Flame Sea in advance, and were discovered, and then the previous speculation was made.

From the woman's mouth, Mo Xun also roughly understood the so-called auction.

As for Jiuxuan Zhenren, he had heard of it a long time ago.

This person's reputation is really not small. About two hundred years ago, he advanced to the late stage of Yuanying as a casual cultivator.

Although in the Central Region, every seven-star sect has a Yuanying in charge, there are very few casual cultivators who can achieve such an achievement, not to mention the late great cultivators.

After all, for casual cultivators, every step forward is as difficult as ascending to heaven!

For people without roots and wings, even if they condense Yuanying, it is already a great opportunity. No matter where they are, they are admired by thousands of people.

And the Jiuxuan Auction is specially provided by this person for high-level cultivators above the Jindan level to exchange The grand event was held every time with unprecedented grandeur, not only attracting a large number of Jindan cultivators, but also some Yuanying ancestors who would participate in it.

In fact, this can be understood.

After all, when you reach that level, you will only focus on breaking through and ascending. The cultivation items you need must be extraordinary, so you will spend so much energy to recruit heroes from all over the world in exchange for some rare treasures.

The reason why this person chose to hold it under the jurisdiction of the Five Elements Sect this time was probably because he saw the wedding of the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch, and many people took the opportunity to come here.

After thinking about these, even Mo Xun had a little yearning for such a grand event.

In recent days, although Ye Ping had inquired about many major events in Xuanyuan City, he only missed this one. I think it was because this kind of news was only circulated among cultivators above Jindan.

But soon, he had another question.

"Daoyou just said that the two people were hiding here and there, why is that?"

"Aren't you coming for the treasures of these two people? "


Seeing the genuine expression on Mo Xun's face, the woman felt more and more strange.

"I wonder if you know the secret realm of Yushan not long ago?"

Mo Xun nodded gently: "I have heard a little bit about it!"

The so-called Yushan is also in the territory of the Five Elements Sect, and in the forest of the God's Tomb.

About half a year ago, because of the fight between hundreds of monsters, a cultivator's cave that had been buried for thousands of years was accidentally opened. After it was spread, many cultivators flocked to it at the same time.

This includes the Wu brothers!

As for the specific situation, Mo Xun just listened to it at the time and did not ask in detail.

From the woman's mouth, he learned that there was a small sect called "Wuyunmen". Perhaps by chance, a spiritual medicine garden was found in it.

But when they collected all the spiritual medicines in it, they were bumped into by the Wu brothers, and then they became greedy and killed more than a dozen people from Wuyunmen in one breath. The disciples took the medicine and left.

Even the leader of the sect died tragically on the spot!

Afterwards, although the Wuyun Sect was weak, it was not completely helpless.

The disciples who survived by chance spread the news in the city as soon as they returned to Xuanyuan City, and at the same time made public all the gains from the medicine garden that day. For a time, the Wu brothers naturally became the target of public criticism.

Many people immediately stood up, under the banner of upholding justice and seeking justice for the Wuyun Sect, and vowed to eliminate the two evil leaders as soon as possible.

Such a public-spirited behavior, in the eyes of discerning people, is nothing more than for the treasures that were robbed.

Among them, there are many long-lost spiritual medicines.

Such a piece of fat meat, how can it not be envied?

It was originally thought that the two brothers had already left the Five Elements Sect under the search, but who knew that they had actually hidden themselves and were discovered over the Red Flame Sea.

This was like stirring up a hornet's nest. I'm afraid that many people are already planning to rush to Bixia Island.

The two brothers' thoughts are actually easy to understand.

Having a lot of spiritual medicines in hand, but not knowing how to make pills, they naturally want to use them as capital to sell them at such a large auction and then exchange them for other treasures.

Even if there are guards at this temporarily selected place, it will definitely not be as strict as that in Xuanyuan City. Even if their identities are recognized, it will be much easier to get away.

Mo Xun nodded secretly. In this way, everything is probably clear.

It seems that Yang Tianxiao that day was not a mindless provocation.

Maybe the other party was just trying to provoke anger and force the Wu brothers to show up.

Sure enough, those who can cultivate to the Jindan stage are not easy to deal with!

If this theory is followed, Bai Li and the other two will most likely appear at the auction, Mo Xunru thought.

The reason why the mother and daughter in front of them inquired about this kind of information was that there were two medicinal herbs in that batch of spiritual herbs that were very useful for the woman's injuries.


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