As for Hua Qingyan, she should have a close relationship with this woman.

After the little girl named Anu heard the news, she was eager to tell Hua Qingyan, hoping that she could find the Wu brothers before the auction and get the spiritual medicines first.

Of course, these are just speculations.

Maybe the two brothers have no intention of participating in this auction, or they changed their minds after their whereabouts were leaked.

Then what Hua Qingyan can do is still to find the two as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Mo Xun held his chin with one hand, lowered his head slightly, and his eyes lingered on the woman's face, as if trying to see the truth in her words.

In fact, there is nothing to deceive about this kind of thing. After all, it is not difficult for him to spend some time to inquire.

After a stick of incense, Mo Xun left this place.

But then, his mind changed a little subtly.

According to what the woman said, the Wu brothers now have a lot of lost spiritual medicines. If he can get them, it will definitely be of great benefit to his cultivation.

Originally, he just wanted to find clues about Bai Li through these two people. Now, it seems that he has to go to this auction.

In fact, there is another idea that flashed through his mind.

That is to find Hua Qingyan and cooperate with her to see if he can find the two brothers before the auction.

After all, the other party has been planning for so long, so I think there must be some other channels or means.

And a very important point is that the two Wu brothers have Jindan cultivation. If he really encounters them alone, he can't handle it.

But such an idea is obviously just his wishful thinking!

In fact, the most feasible thing is to try to buy more spiritual herbs at the auction.

But when he thought of the storage bag on his waist, he shook his head. An auction open only to Jindan cultivators, the competition is so fierce that you don't need to think about it, and you know what the situation will be.

After a moment, he smiled bitterly.

When did he become like this? For a few spiritual herbs, he actually wanted to rob a house.

The old saying is true, a penny can really stump a hero!

On the second day, Mo Xun left the cave again early in the morning.

Since he had decided to participate in the auction, he still had to make some preparations in advance.

Apart from other things, at least sufficient spiritual stones were definitely indispensable.

But then again, how many things could he still sell now?

There were still some thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, and then there were the magical sands that were like a small mountain.

Originally, out of caution, he planned to take action slowly, but now he had to reconsider.

But after a few busy days, two pieces of news he heard made him speechless.

First, not everyone can participate in this auction, and not everyone can enter the venue if they reach a certain realm. If you want to enter, you must have more than three items with sufficient weight to offset the auction.

This thing is easier to say. I think it can be easily solved by taking out a few spiritual herbs of the previous year.

The second thing is that it is said that not all transactions are settled in spiritual stones.

The bidder can specify a few items he needs in advance, and use barter to complete the bidding.

In this way, even if you have a lot of spiritual stones, you may not be able to get the treasure.

And this possibility is very high!

After all, who is not worth a lot of money when it comes to Jindan and above? The truly precious things cannot be easily bought with spiritual stones alone.

At this moment, Mo Xun really wanted to curse.

After several days of tossing and turning, he can be said to have discounted and promoted, and quickly sold a lot of good things, and finally accumulated a sum of spiritual stones, but he didn't expect that it would be such a result.

No wonder Hua Qingyan, with his wealth, guessed that the Wu brothers would sell the spiritual medicine in their hands at this auction, but still asked around for the whereabouts of the two people. I'm afraid he was worried about unexpected changes, and then wanted to negotiate and exchange before that.

Mo Xun stroked his forehead and sighed silently.

Recently, things have been really bad, making him a little anxious, which led to such blind stupidity.

I thought that after forming the elixir, I could relax temporarily, but I didn't expect that although my realm was improved and my life span was greatly increased, the new problems I faced also came one after another like snowflakes.

In fact, it stands to reason that he can slow down now.

If there are not enough spirit stones, he can accumulate them slowly; if there are not enough elixirs, it is nothing more than slowing down the progress of cultivation; as for the matter of Gongyang, he can also take a long-term view.

All the difficulties, in the final analysis, are derived from the "desire" in his heart.

Or to put it bluntly, it is his own fault!

He has been a little irritable recently. Fortunately, he has not practiced much in the past few days. Otherwise, in this state of mind, even if he does not go crazy, it is probably a waste of time.

With this thought, Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Since he was reminded of the inner demon last time, Gongyang suggested that he develop a special practice.

That is, every once in a while, he would take time out to enter into a state of meditation and self-reflection.

On the one hand, he could summarize his recent gains and losses in cultivation, and on the other hand, it was to calm his mind.

After trying it twice, he found that the effect was not bad.

Let’s not talk about how much help it would have in cultivation, at least in terms of his mood, it made him calm a lot.

Although in many cases, even if he found some problems, he still might not make much change, but it would eventually play a role in his next way of dealing with things or thinking.

For example, now, even if he knew that he was too eager for success, he would not deliberately restrain himself, but he was much more open-minded about gains and losses.

A few days later, Mo Xun, who was meditating, suddenly slapped his forehead.

I almost forgot about that thing!

In the dim secret room, in a green glow, he disappeared.

In the green world, several incarnations were quietly swallowing pills and practicing as usual.

He had previously imagined whether he could use some secret method to use the incarnation instead of his original body to refine tools or pills.

In this way, most of the problems he is facing now can be solved immediately.

But later, when he asked Gong Yang, he learned that to achieve this method, the incarnation must have independent consciousness.

And once there is consciousness, it may bring a serious consequence.

That is to be completely out of the control of the original body!

Before he had absolute strength, doing so would be like burying an unknown risk for himself.

He passed the incarnation and headed straight for the white soil, coming to the place where the soul essence was buried that day.

He blew gently from his mouth, and the strong wind swept through, raising a cloud of white dust.

But the soul essence powder that was originally buried had disappeared.

Mo Xun frowned.

"Could it be decomposed and absorbed by the white soil again?"

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