Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 459: Holy Light of the God's Tomb

He grabbed a handful of white soil, concentrated his mind for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

It was not absorbed!

He hurriedly activated the spell, and Xuantian True Fire rose in his palm. The white soil slowly peeled off, and finally only a wisp of powder like fine sand remained.

If you look closely, you can find that there is a faint spiritual energy surrounding this powder.

Mo Xun stared at the powder in his hand and didn't say a word for a long time.

This was the first time he encountered something that could not be decomposed by white soil.

Then he came to the black soil and tried it again with the same method, and also got a little soul essence powder.

With this discovery, Mo Xun immediately became more energetic.

Next, he kept lingering in it and doing purification work.

After a whole day, when he got the pure powder again, his face was full of excitement.

He clearly remembered that the same amount of soul essence was buried in the black and white soil before, but now, the white soil seems to have 10% or 20% more than the black soil.

This means that the white soil in front of him, although it cannot ripen spiritual medicine, can breed soul essence.

When he thought of this, the haze that had been surrounding his heart for many days seemed to be swept away.

At this moment, if Mo Xun had not been forcibly suppressed, he would really want to laugh a few times.

Since he bought the recipe and knew the existence of soul essence, he has never been anxious about it.

If it can be solved by spiritual stones alone, it would be easier to say, but this soul essence is like a bamboo shoot in a three-acre bamboo garden. It is really rare and cannot be easily obtained.

Whether it is the previous Mengtian City or the current Xuanyuan City, he has spent a lot of effort to collect it, but the results are hard to describe.

Now that there is a solution, how can he not be happy?

From burying these soul essences, it takes only half a month to calculate carefully.

At this speed, it will be about twice as much in about four or five months.

Although it is not very fast, it is obviously satisfactory at the moment.

Then, he took out several soul essences he had recently bought and scattered them in the white soil.

Was this just a coincidence, or did he make some mistakes when he was refining it just now, which led to the difference between the two sides? He still needed to do a few more experiments.

What if his memory was wrong and the amount buried on the two sides was different, wouldn’t it be a false alarm?

Or this white soil is only effective for one soul essence, and it still can’t solve the problem he is facing now.

But in general, this discovery has given him a lot of hope.

If it is as expected, it will solve a big problem for him.

Maybe it won’t be long before he can start refining pills again!

Thinking of this, he felt a little lonely. Over the years, whenever he encountered something happy, there was always no one to share it with him, which made him quite helpless.

This is a kind of loneliness in hardship.

On the brink of life and death, he could only say goodbye to himself. Breaking through the bottleneck, he could only be quietly excited. Even if he condensed the golden elixir and entered the ranks of the high-level, his life span increased by hundreds of years, he only rewarded himself with a moment of leisure time.

Ten days later, on the Red Flame Sea.

The morning glow began to rise on the horizon. At the end of the sight, five or six sails formed a straight line at the junction of water and sky.

It was a rare good weather, with a light breeze on the water.

Occasionally, a few seabirds with strange cries swooped down from the sky, creating a splash of water.

Above the clouds, a light red escape light flew by quickly.

Mo Xun held the map in one hand and looked into the distance.

Above the sea, the only thing that could serve as a beacon was the scattered islands.

He had been flying for a day and a night since he came out of Xuanyuan City.

At this moment, he not only swallowed the inner elixir of the snow mink, but also changed his appearance, turning himself into a handsome scholar, and even pinned an ink and paper fan on his waist.

From a distance, the fair-skinned figure had a bit of a bookish air.

Although this place was a little desolate, the spiritual energy was pretty good.

Passing by several small islands, if you look carefully, you can still see the faint traces of magic arrays. It seems that there are scattered cultivators who have opened caves here.

Just as he was looking for the direction, a strong fluctuation of magic power suddenly came.

Then two escape lights came towards him one after another.

In a few breaths, a green figure appeared not far ahead.

"Daoyou, help me!"

This was a beautiful woman who looked to be in her twenties and had an extremely good appearance. However, at this moment, her face was pale because of the loss of color, and her breath was quite disordered.

The jade hand covering one shoulder was mostly stained red by blood.

However, under the green long skirt, the exquisite body was well-proportioned.

The moment he saw the woman's face clearly, Mo Xun frowned.

Because the next moment, a big man with a curly beard appeared at the same time.

Both of them have the Jindan cultivation, but the woman is only in the early stage, while the big man has reached the middle stage!

"Please save me, fellow Taoist."

As the woman spoke, she had already circled behind Mo Xun.

In an instant, Mo Xun seemed to be an intervening person who suddenly rushed out and separated the two from each other.

The big man glared at them with a pair of copper bell-like eyes, and said sternly: "It has nothing to do with you, it's best not to meddle in other people's business!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's eyes immediately became a little colder.

If the other party's attitude was better, with his personality, he would naturally not be bored.

But if this is the case...

He couldn't help but snort in response, then flicked his sleeves with no less momentum, and left the place silently in front of the two people.

The woman was slightly stunned when she saw this scene.

Perhaps because of her extraordinary beauty, she had never encountered such a situation in front of men, and she didn't react for a while.

Mo Xun also glared at the woman with great anger.

This woman was obviously deliberately diverting trouble.

Kindness can be shown once in a while, but being a hero to save the beauty has never been his style.

Who knows what kind of filth exists between these two people? It is a taboo to interfere in other people's grievances at will.

"Please stay. I know the secret of the Holy Light of the Tomb of God. If you are willing to help, I will share this matter with you, and I will also give you a treasure. Even if you just want my body, it is not impossible!"

The woman's voice transmission was obviously panicked and anxious.

Mo Xun suddenly stopped. Wasn't the so-called holy light of the God's Tomb the strange phenomenon in the jungle that Ye Ping had heard about a few days ago?

He immediately turned his head to look at the woman, and then glanced at the man not far away.

To be honest, he was not very interested in the so-called strange treasure. If it wasn't for the fact that this matter happened to be somewhat related to his action this time, he wouldn't even ask about it.

His fingers gently stroked his clothes in his long sleeves.

Since he knew about this, he did tell Ye Ping to follow up.

But due to the tight blockade of the Five Elements Sect, it was left unresolved later.

Hearing such news again at this moment, it was inevitable that he had a few more different murmurs in his heart.

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