Of course, that's all!

But his actions naturally led to the man's misunderstanding.

"Don't blame me for not advising you. This woman is a wanted criminal of our Tianji Sect. If you want to interfere, you have to consider your own weight."

Such an aggressive tone is only for Mo Xun who doesn't want to cause trouble. If it were other high-level cultivators, I'm afraid that even if they are defeated, they would have to fight.

The bearded man didn't attack directly, probably because Mo Xun concealed his breath at this moment. The other party only saw his Jindan cultivation in a hurry, but couldn't judge the realm specifically.

Otherwise, with the strength of the middle stage, even if he dealt with two early stage cultivators at the same time, there would not be much pressure.

This kind of idle anger is naturally not the first day that Mo Xun has been subjected to.

Just as he was about to turn into a stream of light and stay away from this place of trouble, the woman's voice came to his ears again.

"I have the Five Elements Sect's Insider Jade Card!"

The so-called Insider Jade Card is a special identity certificate specially issued by the Five Elements Sect for the grand banquet this time.

With this jade card, not only can you enter the inner hall to participate in the banquet, but more importantly, you can enter and exit certain special places where skills or secrets are stored for three days at will, and exchange what you need from them in the form of equal exchange.

This equal exchange is not spiritual stones, but simply barter.

For example, if you want to obtain the sect's secret method, you need to take out equivalent things and exchange them after identification.

Of course, what people can take out for exchange is naturally not the top, and may even be some uncommon treasures that are not usually used, but they must be extraordinary.

Doing so, on the one hand, it shows the atmosphere of the sect, and on the other hand, it can attract a large number of high-level cultivators, thereby showing the appeal of the sect to the outside world.

And it can also achieve equal exchanges and revitalize the original dead things.

However, this kind of jade card is not issued casually.

After all, from the perspective of the sect, once a private place is opened, some scoundrels will inevitably take advantage of the situation.

Therefore, most of those who can get this jade token are people of status.

For someone like Mo Xun, who went to congratulate as an unknown casual cultivator, even if he could get in, he could only watch the ceremony at most. It is obviously unrealistic to want to walk around freely.

In fact, he had specifically inquired about this kind of jade token before, but he didn't have any way.

If he could get this thing, it would be of great benefit to his next actions.

He paused again, but disappeared in a flash.

Not long after he left, a fight sounded behind him.

Then, the woman's screams came out.

Although the two of them are only in a small realm, once they enter the Jindan stage, this difference is like the difference between heaven and earth.

In addition, the woman was already injured, and the cultivation method she practiced did not seem to be good at fighting. As soon as they fought, they were already in danger.

But just when the big man was almost sure of victory, a fiery red arrow came whistling with a sound of breaking through the air!

The big man was startled and quickly dodged.

Then there was a loud explosion, and the sharp arrow turned into a raging fire in the air. In the blink of an eye, it was submerged in the flames.

This is not over yet. Following closely, there were silver light needles, which flashed dazzling light in the sun, covering the sky and falling like crazy raindrops.

There were dozens of talismans hidden in these light needles.

"What are you still standing there for? Go!"

As the voice fell, two escape lights fled to the distance with the speed of lightning.

This sudden scene obviously caught the big man off guard.

However, those seemingly powerful and extremely shocking attacks were just a trick!

And the person who launched this attack was naturally Mo Xun who had returned.

Mo Xun supported the woman with one hand, and with the other hand, he quickly pinched the Dao formula and threw out the escape talisman. He didn't believe that the little trick he had just used would cause much damage to the big man.

As long as he could delay for a while, he would be satisfied.

The woman's face was pale at this moment. In addition to her shoulder, her abdomen was cut open by some sharp weapon. The blood was flowing non-stop, and her green dress was stained with a deep red.

Mo Xun, who was escaping, took out a few talismans again, and without asking for the woman's consent, he wiped them on her blood and threw them behind him.

Those talismans turned into several rays of light in the air and went in all directions.

This talisman is a high-level meteor talisman, which is used to deal with tracking and has a very good effect.

But the price is naturally not cheap!

As for whether it can deceive the Jindan cultivator, it is unknown.

Half a day later, on an unnamed island, Mo Xun hurriedly landed with the still weak woman.

He quickly dug a small cave on the rock wall, and then skillfully placed several formation flags to completely cover the small island.

The woman was already sitting cross-legged on the ground, practicing qigong to heal her wounds.

"Boy, I have figured out that every time you are kind, it is related to women!"

Mo Xun slowly walked to the entrance of the cave, casually added a ban to isolate the fluctuation of magic power, and responded: "So, you are also a woman?"

Gong Yang smiled.

"You and I are just a cooperative relationship, which cannot be regarded as kindness... However, I have not yet taken human form, and it is still unknown whether I am a man or a woman. Even if I take the form of a woman, what's wrong with that?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly had a beautiful figure in his mind, but when the other party spoke the old voice of Gong Yang, he immediately got goose bumps.

If Gong Yang really turned into a woman, he felt that he would not dare to sleep, for fear that he would be awakened even in his dreams.

"Let's get back to the point. Do you think this woman really has an expert jade token?"

This is also what Mo Xun is most concerned about at the moment. He did not hesitate to spend dozens of talismans and took the risk of offending people. Don't let it go to waste in the end.

When he thought of this, his eyes lingering on the woman became a little more strange.

"What's the difficulty? It's easy for you to control her now. Just open the storage bag and you will know."

Mo Xun shook his head confidently.

"No, since I dare to save her, I am not afraid of this person's tricks."


A few hours passed, the sky darkened, the sea and the sky merged, and under the sunset, it was really like its name, the whole ocean seemed to be caught in a raging fire, which was shocking.

The woman who was healing slowly opened her eyes, her complexion still looked weak, but her breath was much more stable.

Although this woman's clothes were torn and stained with blood at this moment, she looked really embarrassed, but her temperament after calming down could not help but make people secretly praise her.

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