Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 461 Gu Qingqing (two in one) (12)

Chapter 461 Gu Qingqing (two in one)

"Since you have almost recovered, let's talk!"

The moonlight had already risen to the sky, and the air was very humid, with a bit of fishy smell.

The light in the small cave was dim.

The woman had obviously finished her exercise, but for some reason, she still closed her eyes and did not move.

Faced with this sudden exposure of her little thoughts, the woman smiled awkwardly.

"Did Daoyou see it?"

Mo Xun glanced at her, then slowly stood up and walked out of the cave without looking back.

"Wash yourself first, and we will talk later."

The woman looked at his disappearing back, and was about to speak, but she hesitated, but her face was inadvertently frowned.

After an incense stick, the green-dressed woman dressed up in a gorgeous way stood in front of Mo Xun again.

The woman's name was Gu Qingqing, as for whether it was her real name, it was unknown.

But Mo Xun didn't care much about these.

The two sat on a simple stone bench, with a rough stone table made temporarily in the middle.

Mo Xun's sleeves flicked past, and two cups of tea suddenly appeared in front of him, with a wisp of hot steam rising from them.

"Fairy Gu, as for the grudge between you and that person, I am not interested in knowing, but I think you should fulfill your promise before, right?"

Mo Xun did not intend to beat around the bush from the moment he opened his mouth. After all, time was limited. Next, he had to rush to Bixia Island and did not want to stay here for too long.

Gu Qingqing smiled sweetly, with a pair of smart eyes, as if she could speak, with a bit of shyness, and a charming, very seductive glance at Mo Xun.

It must be said that this woman is very beautiful.

Perhaps because of excessive blood loss, her face lost some blood color, but her white cheeks were like cream, and there was no flaw.

Her face was also very delicate. If there was a flaw, it was that her cheeks were slightly chubby.

But it is precisely because of this natural decoration that it not only does not reduce the points, but also adds a bit of plump beauty.

There is a kind of...

It seems that there is a feeling that makes people unconsciously want to reach out and pinch it.

Although she is just sitting, the green clothes still can't hide her graceful figure.

Just this one look, Mo Xun felt his heart skip a beat.

Then, a somewhat restless heat instantly ignited his whole body.

"Boy, don't burn me with this raging fire that has accumulated for a hundred years!"

Fortunately, Gong Yang's slightly teasing voice immediately made Mo Xun sober.

In an instant, he understood.

The woman in front of him probably used a charm on him!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun immediately glared at the other party angrily, and at the same time, a heart-clearing spell was silently recited in his heart.

"Do you have any dissatisfaction with me, Daoist friend?"

Gu Qingqing covered her mouth and smiled slyly, then pretended to be aggrieved, quite pitiful, with a pair of twinkling eyes still staying on Mo Xun.

However, Mo Xun turned his head slightly away, no longer looking at him, and snorted coldly.

"Fairy Gu, you'd better put away your tricks, otherwise if you get angry, you can't blame me!"

Gu Qingqing smiled sweetly: "Daoyou, what you said is so strange, how can I not understand it?"

Mo Xun frowned even more tightly, just now it was only visually captivating, but now even the voice was a bit charming, just this sentence, it made people's bones and muscles become numb.

Mo Xun exhaled heavily, and the tip of his nose was a little hot.

After a moment, he said lightly: "Fairy Gu, neither you nor I are idle people, don't do these boring things, and take out the things you promised me as soon as possible, don't waste time."

"Hehe... Daoyou, I don't understand what you said!"

Mo Xun turned his head suddenly, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

The other party is going to default on his debt!

He has lived for hundreds of years, and naturally he has encountered such a situation, but in his impression, such people usually don't have a good ending.

"Do you think I'm easy to fool?"

Gu Qingqing quickly covered her chest and pretended to be timid and said: "Daoyou, why are you looking at me like this? Do you want to take advantage of my injury to do something improper?"

Mo Xun sneered, he really didn't have time to continue acting with this woman.

"Mo advises the fairy not to pretend to be confused, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what? Do you really want to take advantage of someone's misfortune?"

Such a charming tone is really inconsistent with the meaning of the words.

Mo Xun suppressed his anger and looked at her coldly, then raised his right hand, pinched a Taoist formula in front of his chest, and chanted a spell in his mouth at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a shrill scream came from the cave.

Then he saw Gu Qingqing fall to the ground, covering her head in pain, rolling around in a very embarrassed manner, completely losing her charming appearance just now.

In the cave, waves of women's cries of pain echoed.

"Daoyou...Daoyou...Stop it quickly..."

Amid a weak plea for mercy, Mo Xun put away the spell with anger still not subsided, and stared at the other party like that.

After a long time, Gu Qingqing got up with lingering fear, but after this tossing and turning, her hair, which had just been combed, became messy again, and her new green clothes were also stained with a lot of dust.

"You...what did you do to me?"

At this moment, Gu Qingqing completely changed from her previous arrogance, her eyes were blood red, her face was half angry and half frightened, she was panting, and she obviously suffered a lot of pain.

Mo Xun said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's just a small restriction in your body!"

"You are despicable!"

Mo Xun smiled coldly again.

"Why did the fairy say this? If it weren't for me, I'm afraid the fairy would have died long ago, right?"


Gu Qingqing covered her head with one hand, her lips turning purple with anger.

"Okay, I'm in trouble this time. Whatever you want, tell me quickly!"

This was what Mo Xun was waiting for. His kindness was not so easy to come by.

“Let’s talk about the Holy Light of the Tomb of Gods first!”

"have no idea!"

Mo Xun frowned and slowly stood up.

"It seems that the fairy is still a little suspicious of my methods!"

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to repeat his old tricks, Gu Qingqing said quickly: "I really don't know. I just wanted fellow Taoists to help me, and I was just talking nonsense!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's calm mood immediately became furious again.

For the first time, he had the idea of ​​turning the face that was in front of him into a pig's head!

Sure enough, you can’t believe what a woman says, especially a beautiful woman!

"So, what you said before about being an expert in jade cards is all false?"

If the other party dared to say yes, Mo Xun didn't even know what he would do next.

Gu Qingqing's heart skipped a beat as she looked at the palms in Mo Xun's sleeves that were already gathering spiritual power.

"This is true!"

She was not afraid of a head-on conflict with the other party. After all, the two were in the same realm. Even if they did fight, they would not be without the ability to fight back. But when she thought of the splitting headache just now, and the feeling of almost exploding, she couldn't help but fight. A chill.

Mo Xun said without any emotion: "Take it out!"

But Gu Qingqing suddenly started to hesitate again.

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

"But it's not in my hands now... But don't worry, I know who has the jade token. Once I return to Xuanyuan City, I will definitely find a way to get it for you."

Mo Xun sat back on the stone bench, gently stroked his forehead, and forced down his anger.

He really couldn't figure out how such a person could survive to this day and even take pills.

He was now 90% certain that this woman had probably done something outrageous and unreasonable to be hunted down.

In other words, if he rushes to save people this time, there is a high chance that he is aiding the evildoers!

After all, how good can the character of a person without faith be?

"Who holds the jade card?"

"It's in the hands of a gambler, but don't worry, he owes me a favor. As long as I ask, there will be no problem."

At this moment, Mo Xun really wanted to start a fight with the opponent.

This woman's words were partly true and partly false, but he had no confidence at all.

The two of them just looked at each other, one with a cold gaze, and the other seemed not to be outdone, but was obviously trying to maintain his momentum.

Mo Xun said word for word: "I hope you can keep your word this time!"

"It's natural. I swear to the inner demon, but...but you have to unlock the restrictions on me first."

"To be honest, I believe in myself more than the fairy's oath."

For a person who is full of lies, no matter how many oaths he makes, what's the use?

"What do you mean by this? Are you questioning my character?"

Mo Xun asked without any hesitation: "What do you think?"

Gu Qingqing snorted softly, then flicked her long sleeves to create an isolation barrier between herself and Mo Xun.

When he showed up again, he had changed into the same clothes again.

Mo Xun was also speechless. How much did this woman love cyan? From head to toe, even the hosta, hair scarf, and even a pair of embroidered shoes at her feet were all the same color.

Mo Xun glanced at her angrily.

"By the way, the gift of valuable treasures you mentioned before must be fulfilled, right?"

This time Gu Qingqing was speechless again.

The man in front of her was definitely the most stingy and weird man she had ever seen.

In front of such a beautiful woman, she only thinks about some treasure!

"Didn't I promise to give you an expert jade medal?"

"According to your previous promise, these are two different things!"


Gu Qingqing gasped bitterly. If she hadn't been controlled by others, how would she have ever been so angry?

She gritted her teeth secretly in her heart, don't let her get rid of this damn restriction, otherwise this person will definitely regret being a man!

But then, the style of painting changed.

She suddenly smiled and returned to her previous charming look. She walked behind Mo Xun and put her hands around his neck.

"To be honest, fellow Taoist, my most important treasure is myself!"

In an instant, the extremely intoxicating fragrance reached the tip of Mo Xun's nose.

(More than a hundred words are omitted here...)

An unprecedented feeling suddenly spread throughout his body, as if a restraining spell had been cast, making him unable to move at all.

(Continue to be omitted here...)

The faint fragrance is like fine wine.

(More than 300 words are also omitted here, please make up your mind...)

At this moment, Mo Xun's original intention, which was not completely lost, wanted to resist the absurdity in front of him, but for some reason, he was completely fascinated by it.

"Boy, you say no with your mouth, but your body is very honest!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang's reminder again was like a basin of cold water on the fire, instantly pouring cold water from the top of his head.

Mo Xun suddenly stretched out his arm, grabbed behind his back, and tightly clasped the other's wrist.

When he felt a sharp bayonet almost piercing through his clothes on his back, Mo Xun's whole body was like the cold wind in December. Although his whole body was cold, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He almost fell into the trap of this woman.

A femme fatale, the ancients did not deceive me!

Gu Qingqing was also stunned for a moment. Before she could react, a string of obscure spells, like a rotten heart worm, drilled into her brain.

Then there was a "clang" sound, and the sharp blade fell to the ground.

Gu Qingqing also fell down at the same time, covering her head with both hands, and cried out in heart-wrenching pain. Her originally beautiful face was also distorted due to the piercing pain.

Mo Xun looked at the sharp knife still shining coldly under his feet. He really didn't expect that there would be such a person who repays kindness with enmity in this world.

He pinched his fingers with one hand, moved his lips quickly, and chanted the revenge spell over and over again.

It was also his fault for being soft-hearted. If he had been half a breath later, I'm afraid that at this moment, his heart would have been pierced.

Mo Xun stood there, looking coldly at Gu Qingqing, who was almost tortured to death, under his feet. A cold light flashed in his eyes. For a moment, he wanted to raise his knife and make this vicious woman disappear completely from this world.

If this person was not still useful to him, he might have been covered in blood by now!

But for this little suffering, he must make the other party remember it.


It was not until an incense stick later that Mo Xun finally stopped the magic, and Gu Qingqing on the ground had been tortured beyond recognition by the heart-eating spell.

Her original beautiful appearance had long since disappeared, and the clothes she had just changed into were also torn into tatters by her in the pain.

Under the disheveled hair and dirty face, the delicate face was only pale.

The slender figure curled up in the corner was still trembling, and her expression of fear made people feel a little more pitiful.

However, Mo Xun did not have the slightest intention of sympathizing with the beauty at this moment.

This kind of woman only has a good appearance!

In her heart, I am afraid that she has no bottom line for things like courtesy, righteousness, integrity and shame.

He even thought about whether he should be more ruthless and send it to Tianjimen after getting the inner jade token.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang said jokingly: "Boy, your peach blossom today has a lot of poisonous thorns!"

Mo Xun's face was still a little angry.

Unknowingly, he owed Gong Yang another favor.

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