Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 462 Bixia Island (two in one) (12)

Chapter 462 Bixia Island (Two in One)

"Fairy Gu, we can have a good chat now!!"

Mo Xun secretly pondered in his heart that the other party's charm was mostly exerted through a seductive voice or the faint fragrance it exuded. Of course, that pair of charming eyes and this face that turned everyone upside down could all be used as a means of deception.

This woman has harmed so many people with this method.

It seems that I need to be more vigilant when dealing with women in the future.

Especially for such a beautiful woman, if she doesn't have a background, I'm afraid that none of those who can cultivate to this level are easy to deal with!

The short incense stick just now seemed extremely long to Gu Qingqing.

The splitting headache was like countless ants drilling into her head, biting every bit of her flesh, making her so painful that she almost wanted to tear her scalp off her head.

What is the pain that makes you want to die? Only after experiencing it, you will know the three flavors!

Gu Qingqing leaned against the stone wall in a rather embarrassed manner, panting heavily, and her hair and clothes were almost soaked with sweat. She looked like she had just crawled out of a water cellar.

This look was completely different from the previous charming one!

"You are a devil!"

Looking at the pair of eyes that should have been full of anger and hatred, and the white pearly teeth that almost bit the purple lips, Mo Xun touched his cheek innocently.

It seemed that it was the first time in his life that he was called like this.

But he naturally didn't care about these. The so-called pity for women, in his eyes, never had much weight.

Mo Xun raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"If I am a devil, what should a fairy be? A villain who repays kindness with grievances, or an ungrateful beast?"

If the other party just lied or broke his promise, all he could do was to punish him slightly.

As for not getting the reward he deserved, he could only think that he was unlucky!

But this woman wanted to take his life!

In this way, the nature of the matter changed completely.

The difference between "festival" and "grudge" is that the former is at most a fight, with some bloodshed and injuries, but the latter is a fight to the death.

If it is just because of unwillingness to pay the reward, in his opinion, it can only be regarded as "festival" at most, but killing people with a knife to repay kindness with hatred is a deadly feud.

Gu Qingqing turned her head in anger, her eyes were red.

Mo Xun knew that reasoning with such a person was tantamount to playing the lute to a cow.

He had no obligation to forcibly change a person's values, and he didn't have the time to do so.

Since everyone had the intention to kill, there was no worry next.

It's just that this woman is of great use to him, and he has to think carefully about how to use her.

Although he seemed to have completely grasped the other party at this moment, he knew clearly that this restriction method could only work within the range of his spiritual consciousness.

Once out of his control, with the other party's cultivation level, it may take less than half a day to forcibly lift the ban.

"Fairy Gu, I will temporarily seal your magic power next, I hope you can cooperate!"

This request is almost equivalent to handing over one's life completely to others. When Mo Xun said it, it was full of unquestionable tone.

Gu Qingqing smiled bitterly.

"Do I have the right to choose?"

Mo Xun nodded with satisfaction. This was just a temporary measure.

He really valued the expert jade card too much, and now he was reluctant to give up the auction and go back to Xuanyuan City to get the jade card, so he could only wrong this person and accompany him.

However, judging from the other party's appearance here, this Fairy Gu probably also wanted to gain something at the auction!


Half an hour later, a long rainbow rose into the sky.

In the sky, Mo Xun looked at Gu Qingqing, who had changed greatly beside him, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Sure enough, at this level, every cultivator has amazing skills.

At least in Mo Xun's opinion, the elegant young man standing aside with a bit of oily hair and powdered face has completely lost the smell of powder on him. If you don't use your spiritual sense to carefully investigate, no one can see that he is wearing a hairpin and a hat under this dress.

But it's better this way, so as to avoid any trouble.

Mo Xun suddenly took out a folding fan and pretended to be a scholar.

"I don't know how many times you have participated in this Jiuxuan auction, brother Gu, can you introduce it to me?"

Gu Qingqing snorted coldly.

"Even if I know, I won't tell you!"

Mo Xun was not angry, and even if the other party really said something, he might not believe it.

In the short one or two days of getting to know her, he could see that this woman spoke with her eyes closed most of the time, and she had become accustomed to talking nonsense!

Half a day later, the sky above Bixia Island was shrouded in clouds and mist.

From time to time, there would be a light of escape falling, and then in the blink of an eye, it would disappear in the formation barrier.

The entire island was not too big, but not too small. It was dozens of miles in radius and had long been covered by a circle of invisible formations.

If you don't know the truth, looking down from the sky, you can probably only see slightly desolate reefs and waves, which seem to be no different from other islands and reefs.

The only difference is that around the island, there is a Jindan cultivator with profound magic power standing in the void.

Upon closer observation, these people are all late-stage strongmen!

They are all the true disciples of the Jiuxuan Master. At this moment, they are here to welcome and greet the guests, and to guard and alert the guests.

After all, this event is extraordinary. Not only a large number of Jindan cultivators have come, but also some Yuanying ancestors.

No matter who they are, they are all top-notch in their respective territories, so they cannot be careless.

As soon as they enter the island, the scene in front of them changes immediately.

The green grass is shady, the trees are jade-like, and the shrubs are towering, looming in the mist.

In the distance, there are rocks and streams, and the birds are chirping.

There is no smell of the sea in the air. The breeze is gentle, but it is full of fragrance and refreshing.

There is no trace of islands and reefs here. It is like a paradise filled with fairy air.

Mo Xun was slightly amazed. He really didn't expect that the Jiuxuan Master would be so willing to spend so much money to hold an auction and transform the entire island into such a paradise.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here is quite rich.

For those who like the scenery of mountains and rivers and love tranquility, this place is an excellent place for cultivation and retreat.

It is a bit expensive just for an auction.

Obviously, the Jiuxuan Master had probably chosen this place a few months ago and then renovated it at great expense.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun had more expectations for the next auction.

After registering outside the island, there will be a foundation-building junior to guide them.

These people are probably all from the Jiuxuan Sect.

In fact, from this point of view, although the Jiuxuan Master has always regarded himself as a casual cultivator, he has now cultivated a considerable force. Strictly speaking, he is no longer a casual cultivator.

But perhaps the name of "Yuanying casual cultivator" is good. This senior probably still calls himself that in order to distinguish himself from others or to appear more unique!

"Two seniors, please go this way!"

The one leading the way is a petite and cute female foundation-building cultivator.

Although she is not very beautiful, she is lively and agile in her smiles and frowns.

"Little fairy, how many disciples does your master have?"

The three of them walked in the shade of green grass. The sun was shining brightly, and occasionally there were some crisp bird sounds, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"Senior, you are too polite. My name is Zhirou. You can just call me by my real name. I am not worthy of being a fairy in front of you. As for how many disciples the master has, I don’t know, but I have met more than a dozen uncles and uncles."

Mo Xun waved his paper fan while looking left and right, and chatted with the little girl from time to time.

Gu Qingqing, who was standing aside, had a dark face throughout the whole process, as if she had not accepted the situation of being controlled by others.

"So many, then why didn't your master create a sect?"

Zhirou smiled and explained: "I don't know about this, but I heard from several senior brothers that it seems that the master doesn't like to be tied down, so he never founded a sect. But over the years, the outside world has always called us Jiuxuan Sect. We disciples sometimes introduce ourselves to others in this way. After the master knew about it, he didn't say anything, so we gradually accepted it."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and then asked: "Miss Zhirou, how many foundation-building disciples like you are there?"

"Senior, this question stumped me again..."

Zhirou thought for a while and then said: "Although I haven't counted it, I think there are about 50 or 60 people. After all, there are no sect rules, and the uncles don't need to report to the ancestor when they accept disciples."

To be honest, Mo Xun didn't quite understand the routine of Jiuxuan Zhenren.

Obviously, there are a large number of disciples, but they are managed like a free-range person.

It seems that, as the outside world says, this person does behave eccentrically.

Passing by a pavilion and rockery, Mo Xun asked curiously: "Miss Zhirou, this place is so beautifully and elegantly decorated, it must have taken a lot of effort, right?"

"That's right, several seniors started working on this half a year ago, and even the juniors were drafted into the army! Senior, please look at the flowers in the waterside pavilion over there, they were arranged by the juniors."

The little girl smiled playfully and pointed to a small lake not far away.

Mo Xun raised his fan to block his forehead to block the dazzling light.

Suddenly, he changed his usual tone and said in a very slick way: "I didn't expect Miss Zhirou to be not only beautiful, but also so clever. Why don't you take us there first!"

Hearing this compliment, Zhirou blushed immediately.

However, Gu Qingqing, who was standing by, suddenly snorted and said with some disdain: "It's just a child's trick, what's so good about it?"

Mo Xun ignored the irritable woman and just wanted to move forward, but turned around and looked at the hillside in the distance.

Gu Qingqing wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw Mo Xun's abnormality, she turned around quickly. Then, she frowned and looked at Mo Xun with a strange look.

Just because her spiritual sense swept over, there were two people on the other side of the hillside, and it seemed that there was a conflict.

As for why she frowned, it was because she was surprised that Mo Xun's spiritual sense was stronger than hers, otherwise, why did he discover the movement over there before her?

Although her magic power was sealed now, her spiritual sense realm still existed.

You know, if the two of them talk about cultivation, they are actually the same.

It was even said that it had been twenty or thirty years since she formed the elixir, but Mo Xun was obviously still consolidating her cultivation.

And because she practices charm, she has an advantage over ordinary monks in terms of spiritual consciousness. However, despite this, the spiritual consciousness of the stinky man next to her is still superior to hers.

Of course, the reason for all this lies in the Jing Yuan Gong that Mo Xun practiced.

It's just that as a party involved, Mo Xun still doesn't know it yet!


Among the three, Zhirou was still surprised.

The little girl's cultivation in the early stages of foundation building seems to have just advanced.

Originally, she was a little embarrassed under Gu Qingqing's sarcasm, but now she saw the weird behavior of the two people, and she didn't know why for a while.

With a roar, Mo Xun opened the folding fan again, and with a series of neat movements, combined with his handsome appearance at the moment, he seemed a bit cool in it.

"It seems that a certain uncle of yours is coming soon!"

Zhirou opened her small mouth, which looked quite cute.

Sure enough, just a few breaths later, a rainbow light flew quickly from the distance.

Mo Xun smiled and said, "Go and have a look!"

Like all women, Gu Qingqing was really curious about this kind of excitement, but as if because of her previous unpleasantness, she instinctively wanted to reject anything that came out of Mo Xun's mouth.

But before the objections could be spoken, Mo Xun had already taken the lead and walked over there.

Zhirou was confused and naturally followed her quickly.

Gu Qingqing, who was still a little angry, was the only one left there.

But at this time, Mo Xun's somewhat cold voice sounded in her ears again.

"Brother Gu, hurry up!"

Gu Qingqing looked at the not-so-tall figure, gritted her teeth secretly, and clenched her fists very hard in her sleeves.

But soon, she seemed to have thought of something, took two quick steps, and followed him.

"I thought you were a gentleman at first, but looking at it now, you are nothing more than a lustful person. It's just your taste..."

Speaking of this, she deliberately glanced at Zhirou beside her, and then shook her head slightly.

"But it's really a bit... tsk tsk... it's hard to put into words!"

Mo Xun smiled and said, "Yes, Mo's taste has always been like this. He only likes young people and has no great interest in old women!"

Gu Qingqing's expression immediately dropped.

"Mo, what do you mean?"

"literal meaning!"

After saying that, Mo Xun ignored her, and in a flash, he had already crossed the hillside and reached the opposite side.


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