Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 464 The auction begins (two in one) (12)

Chapter 464 The auction begins (two in one)

This auction was held in a cave on the island.

After being re-carved, the area of ​​thousands of feet looks quite magnificent.

The interior is rugged and steep, and is illuminated by various natural crystals. Instead of feeling dark, it is extremely dazzling and makes people sigh at the ingenuity of nature.

The damp air inside has probably been cleaned up long ago, and it is warm and comfortable.

There is a small underground river flowing through it, which has been preserved very delicately. There are also wooden bridges and pavilions built on it. In this closed world, there is a special taste.

To say that there are not many people here today.

There are probably only three or four hundred Jindan cultivators, plus disciples and followers, there are no more than a thousand people at most.

The entire cave is shrouded by a looming magic array, and it is divided into different areas according to the terrain.

All reception and arrangements are naturally the responsibility of the Jiuxuan Sect.

Mo Xun originally wanted to use three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs as the entry-level auction item, but he changed his mind halfway.

"Senior, do you mean to use this item to test the power of this magic weapon?"

The registered disciple looked at Mo Xun with a calm face and was somewhat speechless.

It's not that he has never encountered auctions of magic weapons, but it is rare to use a high-level magic weapon to test it.

In theory, the sale of treasures and the like, showing the power is an indispensable part, but such a waste is really redundant.

The key is that this "Golden Rainbow Halberd" is indeed a magic weapon, but there is nothing special about it. It must not even be considered a medium-grade one.

What's more strange is that this handsome senior in front of him set the reserve price of this halberd to three rare spiritual herbs, which is really... puzzling!

Although the little disciple has only the cultivation base of the initial stage of foundation building, his knowledge is not short.

The three spiritual herbs that the other party asked for, no matter which one, are almost extinct in this world. At least he has never encountered them in his many years of following his master.

And the other party's offer was obviously unwilling to make a deal.

Of course, it is not impossible that some people will deliberately play some tricks to make it impossible to make a deal in order to get the entry-level items and sneak into the auction.

But the strange thing is that since the other party has such an idea, why would he waste a high-level magic weapon? Isn't this a waste of effort?

Thinking of this, when the little disciple looked at Mo Xun, there was a little more strangeness in his eyes.

However, Mo Xun was thinking about something else.

Since entering here, he seemed to be curious and looked around, but his eyes kept wandering on those strange cultivators.

He became more and more certain that many people who came this time had made some disguises.

This kind of disguise technique is especially common among casual cultivators like them.

As elders and disciples of large sects, most of them disdain to do so, and there is no need.

The casual cultivators have been in the martial arts world for a long time, and changing their appearance is a common way for them to survive.

No matter where they go, they can't avoid this habit of hiding their heads and showing their tails.

But this naturally makes Mo Xun's plan to find people quite difficult.

Although this place is not restricted by spiritual consciousness, he can only use it for sensing at most. If he wants to use it to explore the true appearance of others, he may cause trouble.

In fact, there is another way, that is, aura!

But whether it is the Wu brothers or Bai Li and others, he is extremely unfamiliar with them. Even if he was chased by Bai Li for a long time, a hundred years have passed, and he has long lost much memory of the other party's magic aura.

Therefore, it is conceivable how difficult it is to find the target among hundreds of people.

His eyes are not only looking for the two or three people who are traveling together. According to his speculation, if those people really want to hide their identities, they will most likely act separately.

Gu Qingqing's auction items made Mo Xun speechless.

The first one, the top-grade snow muscle pill, as the name suggests, whitens!

The second item, the sixth-level Sky Snow Cloud Lizard Inner Pill, is not very useful, but it is still whitening!

The third item, the Bipolar Jade Dark Silk, no need to guess, the same effect.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look at her face. This woman, it turns out that she is not pure natural!

Then, he looked at the storage bag on her waist.

He was really curious, what was in it?

In his opinion, these things are of no benefit to cultivation, but what is surprising is that after evaluation, they can be at the same level as his Golden Rainbow Halberd and are both entry-level items.

It seems that what this female cultivator wants is really different from that of men.

And Gu Qingqing's replacement items also surprised Mo Xun, which are Canghai Monster Sand, Zihuang Bamboo, and Silk-wrapped Spirit Fang!

These three treasures are all refining materials!

Could it be that this woman is a refiner?

Of course, curiosity is curiosity, but he never bothered to ask about things that had nothing to do with him. As long as the other party could keep his promise and help him get the expert jade token, it didn't matter what secrets this person had.

Among the cultivators who came this time, there were many female cultivators, and Gu Qingqing's alternative treasures were not without a market.

After Zhirou brought the two into the cave, she went to greet other cultivators.

Once inside, there were other people responsible for receiving and guiding.

The auction venue was set in an extremely wide and closed cave. What was a bit special was that the ground was bumpy, with strange rocks and ups and downs, and it was extremely uneven.

However, the arranger had ulterior motives. Many places were adapted to local conditions, and cushions were placed directly on those strange stones.

It was still early before the auction, and there were about a hundred people sitting scattered around.

Some came alone, looking lonely, while others were more pompous, followed by some disciples and followers.

In the huge cave, it was quiet!

Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing chose a corner at random and sat down cross-legged.

I saw several small rooms suspended in the air high above my head, arranged in order, looking quite strange.

Each room was about ten feet in size, surrounded by formations to isolate the spiritual consciousness from prying.

If I guessed correctly, these should be specially prepared for Yuanying cultivators.

Mo Xun smiled bitterly to himself. He didn't expect that after practicing so far, he had already stepped into the ranks of high-level cultivators, but it seemed that no matter where he went, he was always at the bottom.

But this point can be thought of.

After all, different status means different circles.

With his realm, he can naturally walk sideways among low-level cultivators, but what can he do?

Except for getting some insignificant admiration, it is meaningless.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Hearing Gu Qingqing's sudden voice transmission, Mo Xun stared at the past.

"Don't look at me like that. Since you came here, you have been looking around intentionally or unintentionally. Even a fool can see it!"

After a while, Gu Qingqing continued to ask: "Who do you want to find? Maybe I know him."

Mo Xun touched his chin and did not respond. Instead, he asked: "I have never asked you, are you here because of the pursuit of Tianji Sect or for this auction?"

"Anyway, no matter what I say, you won't believe it, so why ask?"

As more and more people came, there were sporadic conversations, probably listening to the chats of old friends.

Many people who can come to this auction are native cultivators of the Five Elements Sect or Xuanyuan City. The rest are here to watch the ceremony by taking advantage of the invitation of the wedding.

Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyebrows and pointed to a person in the distance to Gu Qingqing.

This cultivator who had just come in was the man in the middle stage of Jindan who had chased Gu Qingqing before.

Fortunately, before coming here, in order to be on the safe side, Mo Xun also deliberately changed his appearance.

Otherwise, he would have been recognized at this moment.

"Fairy Gu, if I shout at this time, I wonder what the result will be?"

Hearing this joke, Gu Qingqing's face was not only not a little strange, but also chuckled.

"Then you can shout, but I'm thinking, Qiao Yuan is probably not only hating me now, right? And..."

At this point, Gu Qingqing suddenly blinked her eyes, and her tone was full of tenderness and charm.

"And now that my magic power has been sealed by Daoyou, I have long been a weak woman. Could it be that Daoyou is so cruel to throw me out?"

Mo Xun ignored this woman and continued to search in the crowd.

Although he couldn't tell the true appearance of many people, he could see some familiarity from their body shapes and postures.

The premise of this is that the other party only changed his appearance but not his body shape.

Another thing is the eyes. After all, no matter how a person disguises himself, the most difficult thing to hide is his eyes.

What he has to think about now is, if he really finds Bai Li, how should he attack?

The cultivation of the two people now is almost one small realm apart.

If he confronts head-on, he really doesn't have much confidence, and it's even more difficult to do it because the other party has companions.

In addition, the tail next to him is also quite a headache.

Once he has no time to split himself, with this woman's personality, she will definitely get out of his control at the first time, and the expert jade token will be completely out of play.

He was already thinking in his heart whether to knock this person unconscious first, put him in the green gourd, and deal with him separately after he finishes his business.

But this way, there will be some risks.

After all, this woman has the Jindan cultivation level, and cannot be treated like the foundation building or Qi training practitioners before. What if the other party has other means and wakes up in the gourd in advance?

In fact, there is another way, that is to turn this woman into his ally and cooperate with him to deal with Bai Li.

With Gu Qingqing's help, his confidence can be increased to at least 60% to 70%.

But then again, how can he make the other party willing to help him?

You know, the best way to control a person is not to threaten or force, but to induce!

As long as there is enough interest to drive, not to mention strangers, even mortal enemies may stand on his side.

So the question is, what does this woman need?

Or what is her purpose in coming to this auction?

And what kind of interest relationship did she have with Tianjimen before?

Perhaps only by clarifying these can we find a breakthrough in the other party.

Mo Xun touched his chin with one hand and remained silent for a long time!


After half a day, the entire cave was almost full of people.

As a strong wind blew in from the cave entrance, everyone's attention was attracted.

Then, two beams of light entered a room in the sky one after the other.

"Old Demon Xin, I'm still faster!"

"Humph! If you hadn't cheated before, do you think I would lose?"

As he spoke, an object suddenly flew out of a room and landed in another room.

"Hahaha... Anyway, thank you Brother Xin for this bottle of poisonous water!"

Only then did everyone realize that two Nascent Soul cultivators had arrived.

The cave, which was originally a little noisy, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone restrained their consciousness at the same time. They could not tolerate being too presumptuous in front of such old monsters.

You need to know that the more powerful a person is, the weirder their temper is.

Sometimes, it's not unheard of to see someone being killed on the spot.

Although fighting is prohibited here, if they really offend these old demons, even Master Jiuxuan may not be able to survive.

Mo Xun also quickly looked away.

Although he is no longer as nervous as before when facing the old monster Nascent Soul, he still has not let go of the caution in his heart.

This is naturally a sign of his confidence!

Now, he is no longer a newbie. He has been practicing for more than a hundred years and has experienced so many things. Even if he cannot reach certain profound existences, his judgment on some things is no longer as ignorant as before.

For example, if the ram in his body was in the past, he would always worry about being discovered by high-level monks.

It's different now. With his ability, he can confidently hide it better.

This seems to be a bit absolute, but the fact is that it is indeed the case.

After another half an hour, three people came into the room above them again.

Moreover, the five of them obviously knew each other, and they just started chatting without any scruples under everyone's gaze.

Most of what they said were insignificant jokes and pleasantries, until after a burst of laughter, everyone knew that the real owner had arrived.

Jiuxuan Zhenren is a thin old man. In terms of appearance, apart from looking a bit immortal, there doesn't seem to be anything too peculiar about him.

But it was this ordinary thing that made Mo Xun secretly surprised!

Because Mo Xun could not feel the slightest fluctuation of mana from his body.

In other words, the other party is like an old elder in the mortal world, without any cultivation.

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