Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 465 Essence-Nourishing Pill (Two-in-One) (12)

Chapter 465: Nourishing Essence Pill (Two-in-One)

Perhaps when one reaches a certain realm, one will return to the original state like this.

In fact, concealing one's breath is also a great learning. Being able to completely conceal one's magic power is a manifestation of ability.

"First of all, Jiuxuan would like to thank all the fellow Taoists for coming here to support us. It has been nearly three hundred years since the auction was established. At the beginning, Shi was just thinking about making friends with cultivators all over the world, and never thought that it would be held until now..."

Listening to the bland opening remarks of Jiuxuan Zhenren, Mo Xun pondered secretly.

In these words, the following information was probably revealed.

First of all, among the five Yuanying cultivators who came this time, two were in the middle stage and three were in the early stage. Among them, two were from the Five Elements Sect.

This face is really not small.

Including Jiuxuan Zhenren, six Yuanying cultivators gathered together, and this scale is almost equal to an eight-star sect.

Therefore, the safety here is beyond doubt. These words not only deterred some evil-minded people, but also made everyone feel at ease with the auction.

After all, there were so many unfamiliar cultivators present, and many of them did not dare to show off their treasures too much to participate.

Once they were targeted by someone with ulterior motives, there would be trouble.

With these people in charge, even if someone wanted to take the opportunity to mark others, it would not be so easy, and they would have to consider the consequences after being discovered.

Although Jiuxuan's words were implicit, the deterrent meaning was not weak at all.

It was probably to tell everyone that at least on this Bixia Island, there was no need to worry too much.

In addition, the other party deliberately chose this place, not randomly, but the specific reason would have to wait until the end of the auction before it could be announced.

It inevitably aroused some curiosity among the crowd!

The man who presided over the auction was a man in the middle stage of the Jindan.

"My name is Xi Yingjie, nice to meet all the seniors and fellow practitioners!"

This man is naturally from the Jiuxuan Sect, and his hair is also gray. From the outside, he seems not much younger than his master Jiuxuan Zhenren, but no one would doubt that the two are at least four or five hundred years apart.

Although there are many magical medicines for maintaining youth in the world of immortal cultivation, and even some exercises have the effect of maintaining beauty, many people miss the best time to maintain youth when they are young due to lack of opportunities. Although they have achieved success in cultivation in the end, there is no good way to make up for it.

This situation is most common among casual cultivators!

Of course, there are also many people who don't care about these things, or they will do it deliberately to show some immortal style.

"This auction will be hosted by Xi first. I won't repeat too much nonsense. I will just waste a little time to briefly introduce the auction rules."

The so-called rules are roughly like this.

When submitting the auction items, everyone can choose to barter or sell them with spirit stones.

Jiuxuanmen did not evaluate the reserve price in advance. The sellers set the exchange items or reserve price by themselves.

During the auction, the exchange of items is given priority. If no one exchanges, the price will be called according to the spirit stone.

In this way, it is a bit like a combination of an exchange meeting and an auction.

However, what Mo Xun just learned made him speechless.

That is, in this auction, if you buy an item, the item you provide must be sold in the end and cannot be sold unsold.

What does it mean?

Take Mo Xun as an example. He changed his mind temporarily and sold the Golden Rainbow Halberd as an item. He originally did not want to make a deal, so he only registered the exchange item without the spirit stone reserve price.

But if he couldn't bear it and bought an item, people would evaluate the previous price by themselves and force the sale.

This approach is naturally aimed at those cultivators who are willing to buy treasures but not sell them.

After all, the purpose of this auction is not to make a profit, but to promote the circulation of cultivation resources, so this arrangement is understandable.

If someone deliberately sets a high reserve price, which results in a failure to close the deal, the price will be forced to drop.

In short, it won’t work if you try to be a little cunning.

As for how the host identifies the owner of each item and implements this special rule, it is through the number plate in front of each person.

Next to Mo Xun, there is a big number 97, and Gu Qingqing is next to him, number 98.

With the appearance of the first item, everyone’s attention was immediately attracted.

“This bottle of ‘Qianyuan Yangjing Dahuandan’ was made by my master himself. Let it be the opening of this auction!”

After the words fell, there was a brief silence in the venue.

Originally, because of these old monsters above their heads, the crowd was still a little nervous, but they immediately became excited.

Even Mo Xun’s heart jumped secretly.

With more than a hundred years of experience in alchemy, how could he not know the name of Yangjing Dan.

This thing is of no help to the cultivation of mana, but it is a rare spiritual consciousness elixir.

He came to Xihezhou from Southern Xinjiang. Almost every time he went to a place, while collecting spiritual herbs, he was most concerned about the elixir formula!

Over the years, he has passed through 90 or more elixir formulas, but despite this, he has never encountered this kind of elixir that he has only seen in books.

Spiritual consciousness seems to be born after the foundation is built.

But I am afraid that no one can study it as clearly as the cultivation of mana. As for the way to improve, although there are many, no matter which one it is, it is either very small or as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Xi Yingjie smiled and uncorked the bottle, gesturing to everyone.

Although the venue was so large, people with a keen sense of smell could still smell a faint medicinal fragrance, and immediately looked incredible.

This nourishing essence pill also has large and small ones, and the difference between the two is a world of difference. Moreover, it was made by a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage, so the effect can be imagined!

"There are twelve pills in total. As for the efficacy, I won't show off. I believe everyone here knows much more than me. As for the reserve price... 20,000 spirit stones!"

Then someone started to bid!

This kind of auction has no limit on the room for price increase, from one spirit stone to one spirit stone.

With this first voice, the people behind reacted, and the voices of bids followed one after another.

In a few breaths, the price of a bottle of pills was pushed to the stall of 80,000.

Mo Xun was also secretly shocked!

Seeing this situation, his hand, which was originally raised, fell again.

Although he is worth a lot of money, he can't afford such a waste.

However, the sensation caused by this first auction item made him feel that his trip was worthwhile.

It seems that this time, he really came to the right place.

From the reactions of the crowd, it can be seen that this thing is precious. This divine consciousness pill is too rare. It is so rare that even most Jindan cultivators have only heard of it but have never seen it.

And the most important thing is that this thing can be purchased with spirit stones!

I think this Jiuxuan Zhenren is also thinking about getting a good start.

In fact, Mo Xun has never been very interested in such disposable consumables.

After all, no matter how good the pill is, it is impossible to have much effect through one bottle.

If you want to see significant changes, you must take it for a long time.

If the auction is a divine consciousness pill recipe, or a spiritual herb, he might have to go all out and take a gamble.

Of course, he is not the only one who understands this truth.

The reason why these people are so competitive is probably because of another miraculous effect of this pill.

In addition to assisting the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, the Yangjing Dahuan Pill can also be used as a good medicine to quickly restore spiritual consciousness. Once the spiritual consciousness is not good in a fight, it can save lives.

In this way, even a Lingshi worth tens of thousands of Lingshi seems to be nothing compared to the life of a Jindan cultivator.

Mo Xun thought so, and the price had reached 100,000.

The number of bidders naturally decreased.

"120,000 Lingshi!"

As a hoarse voice came, many people cast their eyes on a thin man at the back.

If this price is replaced by the labor cost of refining magic weapons, it is equivalent to two or three.

As soon as this was said, the venue suddenly became mostly quiet.

Xi Yingjie looked at the man and asked with a smile: "Is there anyone else bidding?"

After three breaths, this really good opening item was finally sold!

Watching the two people handing over the items on the spot, Mo Xun suddenly heard Gu Qingqing's sweet voice.

"Look at your face, you seem a little disappointed!"

Mo Xun glanced at her lightly, and said in a lukewarm tone: "Fairy, weren't you ready to raise your hand just now?"

To be honest, if the price wasn't too high, Mo Xun really wanted to buy one to study.

The next auction item was a level 7 demon beast inner pill. As soon as it was taken out, there was another commotion.

Looking at the treasures one after another, Mo Xun's eyes were almost straight.

A level 7 demon beast is an existence that can already transform. In terms of strength, it is enough to rival a strong man in the late stage of Jindan.

Feeling the strong demonic aura emanating from this thing, Mo Xun felt that his head was a little dazed.

Even though he was knowledgeable, he had never seen a level 7 inner pill.

This item was from a Yuanying cultivator, and it could also be auctioned with spirit stones. In just a moment, the price was pushed to 150,000. Compared with the Yangjing Pill just now, the atmosphere in the venue reached a climax again.

Mo Xun sighed that he was short of money, and guessed that it seemed that the first few items were from the people above him.

Sure enough, the next one was a good-grade protective soft armor, also made of the seventh-level monster scale armor.

The fourth item was the Qingjing treasure egg!

The fifth item was the Kongchan fruit!

Each of the following items made the people present excited.

These treasures from Yuanying cultivators, even if they were not bought, opened everyone's eyes.

During this period, Mo Xun raised his hand two or three times, but once it exceeded 100,000 spirit stones, he lost the desire to continue bidding.

After all, no matter how good the treasure is, it will eventually be put to good use.

If he was a second-generation ancestor with a strong background, he would naturally not just be jealous.

Any of these things would be rare treasures if they were put outside. The reason why several people took them out at this time was probably to support the scene for Jiuxuan Zhenren.

Time passed quickly, and it was half a day later.

Hundreds of people were bidding. Even if each person bid at least three items, there were thousands of items. Therefore, the whole event would not be over without ten days or half a month.

Although it was no big deal for a high-level cultivator to stay up all night for a whole month, the host would still stop for a short while every half a day.

"The next item, as long as I say the name, I'm afraid many Taoist friends will be unable to sit still!"

The man smiled and took out a jade box. He was very good at mobilizing the atmosphere.

"But unfortunately, like the previous treasure, it needs to be exchanged first."

While speaking, the other party had already opened the jade box.

"It's Lihuo Shen!"

Soon, someone called out the name directly.

As an alchemist, Mo Xun naturally recognized the short piece of wood as thick as a baby's arm at the first time.

There was also a bit of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

If I remember correctly, the main function of this thing is to refine the bottleneck elixir in the early stage of Danjie.

There are many kinds of elixirs, some for healing, some for restoring mana, some for improving cultivation, and some like the previous Yangjing elixir, which is specifically for cultivating spiritual consciousness.

In addition, there are various side doors, which are too numerous to list.

This bottleneck elixir, as the name suggests, is specially used to help cultivators break through the bottleneck.

Once entering the Danjie stage, will the cultivation be greatly improved? The most obvious is the realm breakthrough.

Some people, because they cannot advance, may be stuck at the bottleneck for their entire lives.

In this way, this extremely special elixir was born.

However, this pill is also like the spiritual pill. Because of the scarcity of spiritual herbs and the difficulty of refining, it has become a rare thing.

"It seems that everyone has recognized it. This thing is indeed Lihuo Ginseng. Although the age of the medicine is a little low, only about two hundred years old, it can already be used as medicine."

At this point, Xi Yingjie held the jade box high and gestured to everyone.

"But the seller said that it needs to be exchanged for a laurel branch!"

As soon as this was said, many people's eyes immediately showed a strange look.

The famous laurel tree is naturally known to everyone. This thing is also one of the ancient sacred trees and has the miraculous effect of immortality.

Mo Xun was somewhat surprised at this moment.

Everyone knows that although this Lihuo Ginseng is precious, it is far different from the nine sacred trees.

With such a price, who would be willing unless they are fools?

Besides, the refining of the bottleneck pill is not completed with only one Lihuo Ginseng. This thing can only be regarded as the main medicine at most.

In addition, there is the problem of success rate and quality of the pill.

According to Mo Xun's experience, such a ginseng can only be refined into three furnaces at most, which means that only when the success rate is more than 30%, it is possible to refine it into a pill.

Moreover, with such a long age of medicine, even if it is refined, how much medicinal effect can it exert?

It is too fantastic to exchange nine sacred trees for a spiritual herb.

Xi Yingjie hurriedly said: "Fortunately, the seller said that he does not need much, a piece of wood the size of a fingernail will do, and a pill recipe is also included."

Although the other party did not specify what pill recipe, everyone knew that it must be a bottleneck pill recipe.

But even so, there is still some price mismatch.

After a few breaths, seeing that no one raised their hands except for whispered discussions, Xi Yingjie smiled and said: "Since no one wants to exchange, we can only bid with spirit stones."

From this point of view, this seller probably bought something before, and was forced to auction it at this moment.

Just as Xi Yingjie announced the bottom price, Mo Xun noticed that Gu Qingqing, who was standing beside him, immediately raised her fair hand.

With the continuous offers, the price of a single spiritual herb was raised to 30,000 spiritual stones in a short period of time, and it was still increasing.

Sorry, I have been busy recently and have delayed the update. There is another chapter of 4,000 words tonight, and 8,000 words every day for the next two days. I will make up for it as soon as possible.

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