Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 466 Found (two in one) (12)

Chapter 466 Found it (two in one)

Seeing Gu Qingqing's determined look, Mo Xun's heart moved.

From his point of view, such a price is already more than it deserves. After all, it is just a spiritual grass, not a finished elixir.

Whether the refining can be successful or not remains to be seen!

From Gu Qingqing's attitude, we can roughly infer two possibilities.

Either for some reason, the other party had to take a picture of this Lihuo Ginseng, or he already had other herbs in his hand that contained the bottleneck elixir, and this was the only thing missing.

But no matter which one it is, it shows that this thing is very important to Gu Qingqing.

"Forty thousand spirit stones!"

Gu Qingqing gritted her teeth and shouted out the latest quotation.

Mo Xun touched his chin and glanced at her secretly. This woman was not as rich as he thought.

But having said that, how many monks can make hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones at random?

People like Gu Qingqing were probably from casual cultivating backgrounds. I am afraid that they had already spent all their wealth when they formed the elixir.

While he was thinking, a monk wearing a bamboo hat in the corner suddenly raised his hand and said: "Please suspend!"

Many people's eyes were immediately attracted.

This is the first time someone has called for a timeout since the game started.

This situation is naturally subject to the rules of the auction. If someone does not have enough spiritual stones, they can temporarily ask to stop, sell their belongings, and start again.

As for who to sell it to, it depends on your ability. Jiuxuanyimen who organized the auction is not responsible for recycling.

"I don't have enough spirit stones, and there is no laurel tree, but... there is a small piece of soul-nurturing tree material. I wonder if it can be replaced?"

Soul nourishing tree?

Mo Xun followed everyone's gaze and looked at the hidden-headed monk who suddenly appeared.

I didn't expect that the other party would make such a request.

It is said that they both belong to the nine sacred trees, but compared to the laurel tree, the soul-nurturing tree is slightly inferior in terms of use and value.

Of course, this also depends on the portion. If the wood provided by the other party is large enough, that's another matter.

Xi Yingjie hesitated for a moment, wondering in his heart whether this person wanted to exchange the soul-nourishing wood directly, or was he planning to sell it to others first and then proceed with the bidding?

Before he could ask this question, someone above his head spoke first.

"How big is this little friend's soul-nurturing tree? Can you take it out first and let me see it?"

The man was also stunned for a moment, not expecting that his behavior would arouse the interest of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Could it be said that this auction item came from this Yuan Ying ancestor?

After a brief silence, a flash of light flashed in the man's hand, and a small piece of black wood appeared.

Mo Xun's sharp eyes recognized this object immediately.

The main reason is that he is too familiar with this thing.

The wood is not big, just as the previous Lihuo Ginseng seller requested, it is about the size of a fingernail.

In the room in mid-air, the Nascent Soul old man in brown clothes sighed, shook his head in disappointment, and said no more.

This sigh also made the monk in the hat sink. The other party didn't like him!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xi Yingjie on the stage suddenly said: "The seller just sent a message to me, saying that it is OK. This Lihuo ginseng belongs to fellow Taoist!"

The sudden turn of events made the monk in the hat suddenly happy.

It turns out that this seller is not the Nascent Soul monk!

But what few people noticed was that Gu Qingqing in the crowd frowned secretly.

Just when the two were about to hand over, a strange voice suddenly sounded.

"Wait a moment!"

Everyone's eyes turned again and all looked at Gu Qingqing...

Facing these strange looks, Gu Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and then slowly turned her head away mechanically.

Mo Xun glanced at the crowd calmly, then brushed his hand from his waist and took out a white jade box under everyone's gaze.

There was a crisp "bang" sound, and the lid of the box opened.

"I also have a piece of soul-nurturing wood in my hand. I wonder if I can continue to participate in the bidding?"

It wasn't a loud sound, but it was extremely clear in this somewhat silent cave.

Mo Xun slowly turned the jade box and faced Xi Yingjie on the stage.

Only then did everyone see clearly that there was a piece of black wood the size of a baby's fist placed inside, emitting a faint smell.

After seeing the contents of the box clearly, the face of the monk wearing a bamboo hat in the corner suddenly turned dark.

The hand that was about to throw it out still held the small black piece of wood.

At this moment, a burst of laughter suddenly came from above his head.

"Yes, yes, I want this piece of soul-nurturing wood, little friend!"

This irrefutable tone rang in everyone's ears again.

However, the expressions of the people present had different expressions.

Xi Yingjie opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak for a moment. Gu Qingqing had not yet reacted to this surprise. She really did not expect that this dramatic scene would appear next to her in the dimness where no one noticed it. , a monk who was originally inexplicably surprised, a happy smile immediately solidified on his face.

Maybe at this moment, Mo Xun is the only one, so he is a bit calmer!

Such a request is naturally inconsistent with the rules of the auction. After all, the soul-nurturing wood is not an auction item, but an exchange item required by the seller. You can get it wherever you want.

But if such words come from the mouth of a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is obviously different.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Xi Yingjie's face.

If this was the beginning, he would naturally be fine with it, but the reassurance his master Jiuxuan Zhenren had given everyone before would inevitably be criticized.

Using power to suppress others has never been a rare thing in the world of immortality. Many people even instinctively think that this is a matter of course, because they have all experienced it more or less, even when they are in front of low-level monks. , that’s what was done.

It’s just that it’s a bit demeaning in front of so many people!

This matter may not seem like a big deal, but if it is not handled well, it will sow the seeds of panic in everyone's hearts. During the next auction, who will be willing to take out good things because they are worried about being coveted by others? ?

Mo Xun was the most indifferent here. No matter who he gave this thing to, the Lihuo Ginseng was obviously already in his possession.

Just when Xi Yingjie was at a loss, the Nascent Soul monk spoke again.

"Hahaha... I'm being rude, my nephew, please continue!"

Everyone is smart. As soon as these words came out, they all realized that it must be the Master Jiu Xuan who secretly intervened at this time.

Xi Yingjie was naturally capable of being entrusted with such an important task. After a brief silence, he smiled and said to Mo Xun, "Since fellow Taoist has provided what the seller needs, you can participate in the bidding."

Then he looked at the monk in a hat in the corner, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You have also seen that if anyone can come up with a larger soul-nurturing tree, you can also participate in the bidding!"

After a few breaths, when no one bid again, he said: "In that case, this Lihuo Ginseng belongs to fellow Taoist!"

After the words fell, Xi Yingjie raised his hand and threw it, and the jade box flew out in the air. Mo Xun also threw the soul-raising wood onto the stage.

As for the authenticity of something, there is no need to doubt it. At this level, no one has a sharp eye, and in this situation, even if you want to cheat, you have to weigh the consequences.

Mo Xun put away the jade box, and the auction on the stage began again.

Not long after, Gu Qingqing's message came to his ears.

"Hehe... I really didn't expect that fellow Taoist actually owns the soul-nurturing sacred tree!"

Mo Xun turned to look at her, suddenly slapped his forehead, and said with a smile in realization: "I have forgotten that the fairy just now seemed to have participated in the bidding."

Seeing the somewhat unbeatable expression, Gu Qingqing gritted her teeth bitterly.

But in the blink of an eye, she changed into a coquettish manner, and her body leaned towards Mo Xun at the same time, and even touched him with her arm intentionally or unintentionally.

"Yes, I wonder if you can give up your love and give this thing to me?"

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, then smiled brightly, showing his white teeth.


Gu Qingqing's smile suddenly froze on her face, just like in a brothel, the lady took off her pants, but the other party said unceremoniously: You are too ugly, change to the next one!

After a brief moment of embarrassment, Gu Qingqing still asked without giving up: "What are fellow Taoists going to do with this thing?"

Mo Xun opened the folding fan with one hand and shook it coolly in front of him.

"Of course it's alchemy... By the way, what is the fairy going to use it for?

Gu Qingqing rolled her eyes, and then sighed softly, with a hint of melancholy in her tone.

"To be honest, fellow Taoist, the purpose of my coming here is this Lihuo Ginseng, and this thing is related to my life, so I ask my fellow Taoist to save my life."

As she spoke, Gu Qingqing's hands were already on Mo Xun's arms, and her body pressed against Mo Xun's without any scruples. Her soft breasts rubbed against each other intentionally or unintentionally.

Mo Xun turned his head and met the delicate face so close at hand. There seemed to be a circle of tears in his eyes with flowing eyes. This weak posture was really a bit pitiful.

It's just that such a pretense, when placed on a woman disguised as a man, can't help but make people think a lot!

Mo Xun looked around carefully and saw that no one was paying attention. He gently pushed the other person's two fair and slender catkins away from his arms, and deliberately opened some distance.

"If you have something to say, don't move your hands or feet!"

Gu Qingqing frowned. Even though she was not thin-skinned, being rejected face to face again and again still made her feel unspeakably depressed.

Doesn't this person have a peach addiction?

The two of them were just like that in the darkness, their eyes intersecting. One's eyes were calm, while the other's were full of scrutinizing weirdness.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Gongyang suddenly said: "Boy, you are so high-profile this time, maybe it is not only for the bottleneck pill, right?"

"What do you think?"

The ram chuckled.

"Based on what I know about you, there must be a monster when something goes wrong. You must have some wrong idea."

Gu Qingqing's hands were hanging in the air, with nowhere to place them for a moment. Although no one seemed to notice their actions, not one of the monks in the hall was blind.

Maybe some people have already begun to criticize these two friends of the Duanxiu.

Mo Xun said to Gongyang: "Actually, it's nothing. We may face some troubles next. If Fairy Gu is around, she can be of some help."

Just as Mo Xun thought before, coercion is not as effective as inducement!

Although he didn't believe in any life-saving words, it was obvious that this thing must be very important to Gu Qingqing.

Before Gu Qingqing could say anything, Mo Xun waved his hand.

Some things need to be done slowly and slowly!

In the following day, the two of them made several more or less moves. Mo Xun exchanged a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine for several kinds of soul essence, and Gu Qingqing bought two materials, which made Mo Xun more convinced that this woman was probably a weapon refiner.

When Gu Qingqing saw that Mo Xun used a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine, she couldn't help but feel strange again.

In addition to her, Mo Xun's high profile also attracted the attention of some other people.

But there was nothing he could do about it. Since he came to the meeting, he naturally couldn't continue to keep a low profile. It was nothing more than paying more attention to the future!

During this period, there were a few lost spiritual herbs that came to light, but most of them were exchanged in the form of barter. Even if he wanted to make a move, he had no way to do it.

However, every time he saw such an item, he would carefully observe the movements of the monks around him, trying to find the whereabouts of the Wu brothers among these people.

"The next item will surely not disappoint you!"

While Xi Yingjie was speaking, he suddenly clenched his hands in the air, and a golden light flashed. An object immediately appeared, which was Mo Xun's Golden Rainbow Halberd!

Gu Qingqing's eyes were immediately attracted to it.

She was naturally familiar with Mo Xun's items, and it was from this item that she concluded that Mo Xun must have killed cultivators of the same level, because no one in this world would sell their own life magic weapon!

However, if Mo Xun knew about this speculation, he would probably be ashamed.

"This item is called Golden Rainbow Halberd. Although it is only a low-grade magic weapon, its power is really good. Next, I will show you how to do it."

Mo Xun, who was far away, immediately held his breath and concentrated.

The critical moment has finally arrived!

Xi Yingjie's sleeves flicked past, and another object appeared in front of him, just floating quietly in the air.

This object is silver-gray, a bit like an incense burner, and it emits a faint glow all over, but that's all!

This thing is the ash-burning furnace that Mo Xun took from Ji Chong!

The moment this object appeared, Mo Xun's sharp eyes quickly wandered over everyone present.

The reason why he came to Xihezhou, if you trace it back to the source, you have to talk about the ambush more than a hundred years ago.

At that time, after getting the whereabouts of the Chixiao Seal from Hongying, he planned to ambush Ji Chong, but due to fate, he accidentally killed Bai Li's brother, and was chased and fled into the bloody fog.

Since Bai Li and Ji Chong are familiar with each other, then this "ash-burning furnace" will naturally be familiar to the other party.

Sure enough, at the moment the ash-burning furnace appeared, a figure in the crowd suddenly shook violently, and the restrained breath in the body suddenly leaked, and a trace of murderous aura came out.

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved, and he found it!


Thanks to "youshu" and "43360627" for their certification!

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