Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 468 Mysterious Dragon Armor

Two suspects suddenly appeared, which Mo Xun never expected.

In fact, there is another possibility, that is, the two of them are in a group. Bai Li may be too cautious to take action directly, so he entrusted his companions to bid.

And this possibility may not be small!

Thinking of this, he secretly turned his head and glanced at Gu Qingqing.

Maybe at a critical moment, you really need this woman's help.

I don’t know how heavy the Lihuo Ginseng in my hand is, and whether it can make the other person’s heart flutter.

The auction is still going on, and in the blink of an eye, it's three days later.

During this period, Mo Xun finally got what he wanted. After bartering failed, he finally bought two rare elixirs at a high price.

At the same time, he exchanged the thousand-year-old elixir for several kinds of spiritual herbs and spirits.

Regardless of whether Bai Li can be found or not, these few gains alone are already worthwhile for him.

Moreover, there is still a lot of time before the end of the auction, maybe he can really get the two-flavored elixir recipe together.

Of course, by taking out so many thousand-year-old spiritual herbs in such a high-profile manner, his appearance and figure have naturally been on many people's lists. Even the Nascent Soul cultivators above their heads had several people casting curious glances. gaze.

Being targeted by so many people, Mo Xun felt somewhat uneasy.

But being low-key when you should be low-key is to be smart, being low-key when you are high-key is courting death, and remaining low-key when you should be high-key is just not knowing what to do.

As for Gu Qingqing, it's a bit hard to describe.

Although she also achieved something, it obviously did not meet her expectations.

What's even more ridiculous is that during the auction of his own things, Tuomo Xun raised the price, but because no one accepted the bid, he bought it back.

It’s really ridiculous!

The few Nascent Soul cultivators above the head rarely take action. After all, at this level, there are not many people who can enter their Dharma eyes. Whenever there are Nascent Souls involved, most of them are extremely rare and at the same time very out-of-the-way things. .

Fortunately, these old monsters no longer suppress people with their power, and most people naturally relax.

Bidding with high-level monks, no matter whether they have malicious intentions or not, will always make people feel stressed!

When the host took out a piece of Xuanming Dragon Armor, the whole audience became excited again.

Xuanming Dragon, although it is called a dragon, is just a kind of dragon!

However, this piece of scaled armor of an eighth-level dragon is already very attractive to those sitting here.

This object is completely dark green. After shrinking, it is no more than the size of a palm. From its surface, you can still feel a faint pressure, which seems to tell its viewers of its past glory.

It is not known whether the scales fell off naturally or were cut off by someone.

The dragon sheds its scales and advances. If it fell naturally, this dragon would probably have reached level nine at this moment.

If it was forcibly peeled off, then this senior's cultivation level would be at least in the middle Nascent Soul stage or above.

While Mo Xun was thinking secretly, he never noticed that Gu Qingqing's eyes were staring at the scales in the host's hands without even flickering.

That posture is like a hungry jackal seeing its prey!

The current host on the stage has long been replaced by someone named Feng Dezhong.

"This object is the natal scale on the neck of Xuanming Dragon. It can not only be used as a weapon refining material to make various kinds of treasure armor and defensive treasures, but it can also be used as medicine. It not only has an extremely good medicinal effect on body refining monks, but also has some talents. Qidan, you can’t live without it either!”

Although Mo Xun didn't know much about this aspect, he had heard something about it.

In his opinion, the value of this thing is almost as much as that of the previous seventh-level monster inner elixir.

But this thing is of little use to him at present.

"This treasure is also sold as spiritual stones..."

Everyone was noisy again. After all, it was rare to encounter such a valuable treasure and there was no need to barter.


Hearing this turn of events, Gu Qingqing's heart sank and she immediately held her breath.

"But the seller said that it needs to be purchased with mid-level spiritual stones, and at least a hundred of them are required!"

As soon as these words came out, some people who were still determined to win immediately showed a hint of disappointment.

Even if they reach the realm of forming pills, for most monks, mid-level spiritual stones are still an extremely precious and rare resource.

Of course, it will definitely not be as difficult to access as low-level monks. Everyone will probably have a few of them in their possession, but it would be a bit embarrassing to take out a hundred of them at once.

Take Mo Xun as an example. After running around all these years, he only has three or five coins that he has accumulated. He practices during the day and is not willing to use them at all. Instead, he saves them at critical moments to save his life.

Among the middle and low-level spiritual stones, the exchange rate is one hundred on the surface, but in the black market, the price is ridiculously high. There is no market for it, and almost no one will trade it easily.

It is said that this asking price, if converted into low-level spiritual stones, is not expensive at all for a piece of natal scale armor of an eighth-level monster. It is even surprisingly cheap.

But the key is, how many people can collect so many intermediate spirit stones?

Maybe only those in the late stage of Dan Formation, or those old Yuanying monsters, have such a net worth!

But then again, those who can afford the price may not necessarily need it.

Although Feng Dezhong said it nicely, this thing can be used to refine protective treasures and can also be used as medicine to make elixirs, but for their kind of practice, it has almost no use.

And there are often very few Henglian monks!

As the saying goes, if you have low cultivation, you can't afford it, and if you have high cultivation, you can't use it. This is probably what they mean by this kind of treasure.

Many people's eyes have unconsciously gathered above their heads.

After just a few breaths, no one has made an offer.

There was a brief silence in the entire cave again.

When Mo Xun turned his head, he happened to catch a glimpse of Gu Qingqing's clenched fist. He couldn't help but touch his chin, thinking.

At this moment, a voice rang out.

"I can only take out fifty mid-level spirit stones. As for the other half, I will use other treasures to pay for it. I wonder if it can be sold?"

This voice came from a strange face in the back row.

As soon as this was said, other people seemed to become active and immediately spoke up. Some said they could take out sixty mid-level spirit stones, and some said they could take out forty.

Even Gu Qingqing, who was standing next to him, reported her wealth.

Mo Xun looked at her with interest. Unexpectedly, he had underestimated this woman before.

Such bargaining would not work in other places, but it was a different story for this special auction.

After a moment, Feng Dezhong slightly pressed his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said with a slightly apologetic tone: "I have just discussed your request with the seller, but unfortunately, this condition cannot be changed, and the seller has never bought anything before, which means that if the deal cannot be made, this item will be unsold!"

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