Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 469 Magical Treasure

In fact, it is not necessarily the case that the item failed to be sold.

Every host has to count in his mind. If the seller does not buy anything during the entire auction, then the item will really fail to be sold.

But if the seller buys something in the subsequent auction, the item will be put up for bidding again at the end.

The cave suddenly became quiet. These words were like the final word, which cut off the thoughts of these people.

After a few breaths, seeing that no one responded to the bid, Feng Dezhong was about to put away his scales when his loud voice was clearly heard by everyone again.

"Wait a minute! I have a high-level spirit stone that has lost a little spiritual energy. I wonder if it can be exchanged?"

Hearing this voice that was close at hand and quite familiar, Gu Qingqing quickly turned her head, and her face suddenly became a little more incredible. She even doubted whether she had heard it wrong.

Mo Xun's words were like a stone thrown into the water, stirring up a wave.

In the past few days, it was not the first time that he received such gazes from everyone.

I am afraid that only those people in the air can truly own high-level spiritual stones!

As for the Jindan cultivators below, perhaps some of them have only heard of them after practicing for more than a hundred years!

After all, this kind of thing is not a rigid demand in cultivation. Generally speaking, no one will look for it on purpose. Only by chance can one get one or two pieces.

Even in large sects, this kind of spiritual stone is also regarded as a strategic resource reserve, and is often only used for large-scale formations or some special treasures.

Mo Xun's piece was the reward after the battle with the stone man in the Cangkuo Dojo.

He originally planned to use it to save his life in case of insufficient spiritual power when he was in Jindan, but he never used it and kept it.

If it were not for the special request of the seller, he would have almost forgotten it.

After a short discussion, Feng Dezhong was also stunned for a moment, his lips moved slightly, and he was obviously communicating with the seller.

"Do you really have a high-level spiritual stone?"

Mo Xun ignored Gu Qingqing's surprised eyes, his face remained calm.

To be honest, he was very reluctant to take out this thing.

As for the so-called Xuanming Dragon Armor, he was not very interested.

After a while, Feng Dezhong said: "Daoyou just said that the spiritual energy is lost. Why not take it out first and let the seller decide!"

Mo Xun naturally understood this truth. He saw a flash of light in his hand, and then a jade box appeared. After the ban was lifted, the box lid opened with a "bang", and then a pure golden spiritual power overflowed from it.

Many people whispered inwardly when they felt this spiritual power.

"It is indeed a high-level spiritual stone!"

Because he didn't know the identity of the seller, Mo Xun could only hold the jade box, show it around, and then close it, re-seal it, and then quietly look at the stage.

Feng Dezhong was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "The seller said it can be exchanged!"

A moment later, a golden light flew over, and Mo Xun quickly reached out to catch it, and then threw the jade box out.

Under the gaze of everyone, this remarkable transaction was completed.

After Mo Xun got the scale armor, he almost didn't check it, and put it into a new jade box, put a ban on it, and put it into the storage bag.

"Friend Mo, this thing..."

Before he sat down, Gu Qingqing's anxious voice really sounded in his ears.

"Fairy Gu, how about we make a deal?"

This time, Mo Xun didn't intend to leave her alone, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he directly pointed out his original intention.

Gu Qingqing's face immediately showed a strange look.

At this time, even a fool could see some tricks.

"What deal?"

"Help me kill someone, and this piece of armor will be yours!"

Gu Qingqing was delighted when she heard this, and asked quickly: "Are you serious?"

This reaction surprised Mo Xun for a moment.

"Shouldn't the fairy ask who to kill first?"

Gu Qingqing's expression showed a bit of indifference, and she said with a smile: "With our abilities, we can't ambush cultivators above the late Jindan stage, right?"

"What if it's the middle Jindan stage?"

"As long as you are not afraid, why should I not accompany you?"

Mo Xun shook his head speechlessly, but he could understand that this woman had offended a middle-stage cultivator herself, so it was reasonable for her to have such courage.

"Since you and I are already in a cooperative relationship, can you give me the Lihuo Ginseng?"

Mo Xun smiled coldly.

"Do you think it's possible, fairy?"

Gu Qingqing continued without blushing or beating her heart: "How about selling it to me?"

Mo Xun suddenly stared at her and smiled playfully: "What do you want to buy with?"

"Spirit stones, spiritual herbs, treasures, even if you want me to serve you, it's not impossible!"

The smile on Mo Xun's mouth became even stronger.

"What do you think I lack?"

This question really stumped Gu Qingqing. Since he could sell magic weapons, he naturally had no shortage of these things. Moreover, he sold a golden rainbow halberd for 160,000 spirit stones, which was obviously rich. In addition, the thousand-year-old spiritual herbs that he casually took out surprised her again and again. As for offering himself as a bedmate... If there hadn't been several previous attempts, she might have had some confidence.

When she thought of this, Gu Qingqing actually felt powerless!

It was the first time she met such a man who was difficult to deal with.

The other party's indifference made her feel deeply frustrated about the beauty that she was once proud of!

"So what do you want?"

Mo Xun looked around her and said with a smile: "It's not too late to talk about it after this matter is over!"


The following auction continued smoothly.

"This auction item is called 'Bone Devouring Demonic Qi'. It is of great help to Taoist friends who practice magic skills or have mastered some magic skills."

Feng Dezhong suddenly took out a black porcelain bottle and shook it left and right.

At this moment, the expressions of the people in the audience were different.

Most people looked confused, obviously they had never heard of this kind of thing. Only about ten people were as if they saw a rare treasure and immediately stared at it.

Such a contrast naturally attracted a low murmur, and many people began to ask what this thing was.

And Mo Xun, who was originally thinking about something, also stared at it.

However, his eyes were not looking at the stage, but at the black-robed and gray-robed men who he regarded as suspects.

He almost forgot that Bai Li was born in the magic world!

Xihezhou is different from Nanjiang. Although there are also people who practice magic skills, they have never formed water or fire with these famous and righteous sects.

Some large magic sects even openly open their doors to recruit disciples.

This magic world is completely different from the demon race.

Although the magic cultivators mainly practice magic energy, they are still human cultivators.

Moreover, after millions of years of evolution, this kind of practice is even more varied.

If you want to subdivide it, there are roughly several categories.

One is to breathe in and out the magic energy to activate the dantian. Whether it is to send out energy or cast a spell, it is all guided by the magic energy.

The second type is like the righteous way, breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but through the magic power in the body, it is forcibly converted into a special kind of magic energy, so as to cast a spell.

As for the third type, whether it is breathing or casting spells, they are no different from ordinary people. They use spiritual energy, which is just the way of circulation in the body, which is improved from magic skills.

So why don't these people practice spiritual energy directly?

The reason is very simple, it is because of the domineering magic skills!

Between the same level, the magical powers displayed by the magic cultivators are often more powerful.

In addition, some cultivators, although they are born in the right way, do not prevent them from practicing certain magic secrets. In this way, they can also simulate some magic power.

If we talk about why the righteous and the evil are at peace here, I am afraid that a large part of the reason is that the magic is weak and there is no big conflict of interest between them and the righteous cultivators.

If the strength of the two sides is similar like in Nanjiang, I am afraid that because of the cultivation resources, I don't know how many times they have fought.

Mo Xun looked at the two people in the distance quietly and fell into a brief contemplation.

Although he didn't know what this bone-eating demonic energy was, judging from the reactions of some people at the scene, this thing must have a decisive weight in the magic.

The question now is, is this thing related to Bai Li?

"This bottle of bone-eating magic energy, the seller wants to exchange it for a magic treasure. As for the level, you need to see it with your own eyes before you can decide."

As soon as Feng Dezhong finished speaking, someone stood up impatiently.

"I have a sky soul banner, I wonder if it can meet the requirements."

As the man spoke, he took out a long black banner and showed it to everyone.

As soon as the banner was taken out, the area where the man was was shrouded in a strong magic energy.

Gu Qingqing was curiously watching from a distance, and suddenly felt a breeze passing by her. She turned her head quickly, only to see that Mo Xun, who was sitting next to her, had disappeared.

Just as she was surprised, the second person stood up.

This person took out the square magic tower, which was also pitch black and exuded a strong magic energy.

Then, two more people spoke.

One held a thick white bone, which seemed to be the ribs of some monster, and the other took out a stone tablet engraved with strange runes.

After a short while, the cave, which was originally filled with spiritual energy, was filled with mixed demonic energy, making some people who practiced the righteous way feel very uncomfortable.

Even so, some people stood up one after another and kept taking out their treasures.

Others then realized that the seemingly small bottle of demonic energy must have an extraordinary origin, otherwise, it would not have alarmed so many people at once.

However, most people still had the mentality of watching the fun.

After all, no matter how powerful this thing is, it has little to do with them, the righteous cultivators.

It's nothing more than increasing curiosity!

Just when Gu Qingqing was wondering about Mo Xun's whereabouts, a familiar voice suddenly came to her ears.

"I will also participate in the auction with the demon seal in my hand!"


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