Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 471 Ancient Evil Weapon

If this thing was put tens of thousands of years ago, it would not be a big deal. The main reason why the other party dared to ask for a two thousand year old spiritual herb is that it is extremely rare now.

The so-called spirit-replenishing medicine is probably because of serious injuries that affect the essence, blood, and qi, so there is something to ask for!

In this case, it is not necessary to treat.

If the essence and blood are lost, meditation can be used to recover for a period of time to slowly recuperate.

This time can be long or short. If the loss of essence and blood is serious, it may take several years or even decades to recuperate.

The other party wants a good medicine to replenish essence, mostly just to save time!

While he was thinking, the voice of the ram suddenly came from his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Take it!"

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved slightly, and he asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Take it if I ask you to, it's good for you!"


After being fooled by this old man several times, whenever he heard such an unclear request, he would hesitate in his heart.

"But I don't have this kind of spiritual medicine!"

Mo Xun's words were true. Although he could still take out a lot of spiritual herbs over two thousand years old, most of them were related to cultivation advancement. As for healing and replenishing essence, he didn't cultivate them carefully because they were not often used.

Even if he occasionally planted some in the gourd, it would be enough for a few hundred years of medicinal age. After all, the area of ​​the medicine garden was limited, and he couldn't spend his energy on such a thing with little return.

"Tsk tsk... Alas! You exposed your ignorance again. Isn't the Lanxin lotus root on you the best medicine for replenishing essence?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he asked in a deep voice: "How do you know I still have Lanxin lotus?"

Since the last time he refined the incarnation, he told Gong Yang that he had used up all the materials, so that he could only form three of the four incarnations he originally planned.

"Hehe, with my understanding of you, can I not leave a back-up plan for myself?"

After the two of them were silent for a while, Gong Yang said again: "You'd better make a decision quickly, don't regret it after missing the treasure!"

While the two of them were chatting for a few words, there was already a person in the field, holding a spiritual medicine and waiting for the seller to confirm.

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, a ray of light flashed in his hand, and then he stood up.


After a moment, he picked up the crystal amber with two fingers, and looked around in the faint light.

Gu Qingqing, who was standing aside, was obviously a little numb. She bit her lips lightly with her pearly teeth, and couldn't help wondering in her heart, how many treasures did this guy who didn't like women have hidden on him?

Although she was not familiar with spiritual herbs, she could see at a glance that the Lanxin Lotus just now was at least more than 3,000 years old.

What is this concept?

Generally speaking, the minimum requirement for the age of the elixir taken by the cultivator is almost the same as the maximum lifespan in this realm.

For example, the life span of a Jindan cultivator is about 500 to 600 years old, which means that if you want to refine advanced elixirs, the minimum age of the spiritual medicine required must be at least 500 years.

If it is too young, it cannot be used as medicine!

Of course, the older the medicine, the better the quality of the elixir!

In other words, even for a Yuanying cultivator, the minimum age of the spiritual medicine required is only more than a thousand years.

So this Lanxin Lotus is undoubtedly full of extremely attractive attraction to the people above.

But there is no way around it. This is already the youngest medicine in Mo Xun's storage bag. Since he cultivated the second batch of Lanxin Lotus, he has not planted it again.

In short, he also wants to be low-key, but his strength does not allow it!

"You should tell me what this thing is for, right?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang smiled and said, "They are just a bunch of idiots, guarding a treasure mountain without knowing it!"

"What do you mean?"

"What is sealed inside is not a Broken Yuan Bug at all, but an ancient evil weapon... Qianyuan Devouring Bug!"

When Mo Xun heard this name, his hand trembled slightly, and he almost lost it.

It's really that the name of this thing is a bit scary.

When he was studying the spiritual insect rankings before, he had read various insect books.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago, there was no such thing as a ranking list. Now, even if the various spiritual insects on the list are hard to find, they may not be impossible to see.

But ancient insects are completely different.

Especially the name of this ancient evil weapon is not an exaggeration at all.

It is said that an adult Qianyuan Devouring Bug will make even a Yuanying cultivator retreat!

"Are you sure?"

After being surprised, Mo Xun seemed a little unconvinced.

After all, Gong Yang was only at the peak of Jindan back then. Could he be more knowledgeable than these Yuanying cultivators sitting here?

"Of course. You should know that when I was in power, the Broken Yuan Bug was not as rare as it is now. How could I make a mistake?"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. This explanation made sense.

Gong Yang continued, "Don't doubt it. I almost suffered a loss from this little thing back then. If someone took it as a Broken Yuan Bug, it would not be healing, but killing!"

"What do you mean?"

"Because the Broken Yuan Bug contains the healing semen, the amber it turns into will have a little turbidity, while this crystal is obviously transparent and clear, and the color is more reddish. From the outside, it is like a piece of crystal without any impurities. This is the difference."

Mo Xun looked around and it seemed to be true.

"Even so, no one would mistake the Qianyuan Devouring Worm for the Duanyuan Worm, right?"

"What's so strange about this? The two spiritual insects are very similar. In addition, this ancient fierce weapon has undergone a little mutation for some reason, so it is reasonable for people to mistake it. If you don't believe it, take a look at the tentacles of this thing. Is there a sudden change in color in the third section?"

Mo Xun hurriedly checked carefully. The tentacles of this insect are divided into seven sections. Indeed, the color of the third section has changed slightly. If you are not careful, it is really undetectable.

After a while, Mo Xun took a deep breath and asked, "What is the use of this thing?"

In fact, he already believed what Gong Yang said in his heart.

But then again, believing is believing, what he wants to find out most is the purpose of this thing.

Even if this thing had a great reputation in ancient times, it has been sealed until now. Can it come back to life?

And even if it comes back to life, with his current cultivation, can he control such a brother soldier?

Gong Yang smiled and said slowly: "I promised you to hatch the Purple Domain Green Lotus. Do you still remember it now?"

"You mean... this thing can help hatch?"

Since Mo Xun got the useless egg, he calculated that it has been about a hundred years.

Although it cost a lot of money and prepared a lot of spiritual liquid, he has almost no expectations over the years because he has not been able to wake it up.

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