Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 472: Pavilion in the Lake

The entire auction was held for sixteen days. Not to mention the host who changed several times on the stage, even the Danjie monks who had been sitting below had more or less expressions on their faces. Feeling a little tired.

What can occasionally arouse their enthusiasm are probably those rare treasures in daily life.

Some of these treasures are auction items, and some are items offered in exchange by the bidders.

Sometimes, the latter is even more valuable.

Other monks may not know it, but Mo Xun has broadened his horizons during this time.

What about the "Hetu Luoshu", "Bai Ri Pure Land", or the Taoist "Bagua Lingxu Formation", the Buddhist "Xumi Relic Pagoda", even the monster "Plum Blossom Red" with the title of the most beautiful in the snow mountain "Thunder Phoenix" are all among them!

Despite this, there may be thousands of treasures in the world, but what appears here is just a drop in the ocean!

When the auction was about to end, a strange yet somewhat familiar voice reached Mo Xun's ears, causing him to tremble all over for the first time, and at the same time, his whole body froze briefly. .

"Fellow Taoist, please follow this road and come here to talk about it!"

Then, a simple map suddenly appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Xun's suddenly ugly expression also startled Gu Qingqing.

At this moment, Mo Xun's usually calm and steady eyes suddenly became a little bit at a loss, a bit like a lifeless humanoid puppet, just staring straight ahead.

After a while, he slowly came back to his senses, but his eyebrows were already knitted into a ball, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead in a very short period of time.

His previous high profile really brought him trouble.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Is there any choice now?

"Xianzi Gu, I may have encountered some trouble and need to go out!"

Gu Qingqing immediately frowned and asked doubtfully: "What's the trouble?"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. It was as if his energy had been suddenly sucked out by something, and he suddenly became a lot weaker. Even his speech became weak.

"I don't know. If I can't come back next time, the fairy can just leave on her own!"

Seeing Mo Xun like this, Gu Qingqing seemed to have guessed something, and asked with concern: "Do you need help?"

Mo Xun slowly raised his head and looked into the other person's eyes.

For a moment, the two people's eyes met, and the air seemed to freeze, but they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Gu Qingqing was probably thinking about the Lihuo Ginseng and the Xuanming Dragon Armor, but in Mo Xun's mind, he was thinking about whether to unlock the mana seal on the other party and become a great leader. Help.

But after a brief thought, he rejected the idea.

At this time, not to mention the two of them together, I am afraid that ten more of them would be nothing more than panting ants in front of that person.

Why drag people to their death?


While speaking, Mo Xun had already stood up and walked out of the cave without looking back.

"Ram, what should I do?"

Although Mo Xun seemed to be back to normal on the surface, inside, he was terrified like never before!

"As the saying goes, it's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that you can't avoid. Just take it calmly!"

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath, but his feet felt extremely heavy. For the first time in his life, he hoped that this road would never end.

Take it in stride…

He couldn't help but sigh bitterly, how many people could reach such a state?

Immortal cultivators seem to have no fear of heaven and earth, and talk about changing their lives against heaven all day long, but in the final analysis, they are still people who are afraid of death!

If you are not afraid of death, why seek immortality?

The male sheep chuckled and his tone suddenly changed.

"The person you are going to meet this time is an unusual person. In order to prevent him from discovering my existence, why don't you put me in the portrait first, and then bury me somewhere casually? After you return, bury me Just take it back..."

Mo Xun almost said "Pfft", being amused by this old bachelor. Most of his originally gloomy mood disappeared in an instant.

Sure enough, even a flicker of consciousness knows how to be afraid of death!

"Rongyang, what's our relationship between you and me?"

Gongyang thought for a while and replied seriously: "Absolutely!"

Mo Xun was choked again, the world is so cold!

"I don't think so. You have saved me from danger several times. No matter how miserable Mo is, I will not be ungrateful and put you in the dark and moist soil, just in case you are eaten by snakes, insects, rats and ants." , How can one’s conscience survive?”

"Hehe... You don't have to worry about this. This portrait is an authentic handiwork by Master Cang Kuo. How can ordinary rats and ants come close to it?"

The two of them were chatting nonsense like this before they came to a quiet lake.

It was dusk at this time, the sun was setting in the west, and the end of the sky in the distance was a fiery red, which made people think of the name of this sea area.

The breeze blew, and a few fallen leaves drifted in the lake, flowing slowly.

In the lake, along the wooden bridge over the water, is a small pavilion in the middle of the lake.

In the pavilion, under the tilt of the setting sun, a somewhat ethereal white back was pulled out into a long shadow, making it look increasingly unfathomable.

The moment Mo Xun heard the message, he already knew the identity of the other party.

This person is none other than Master Jiuxuan who is hosting this auction!

Facing a man who is almost at the top of this world, Mo Xun's mood at the moment, I really don't know whether to feel lucky or worried!

To be honest, although he had met many Yuanying cultivators, the only one he had a direct conversation with was the half-dead Yuehua Fairy under the Soul-Calming Tower.

He took a deep breath and quickened his pace.

"Junior Mo Xun, hello, senior!"

In front of such a master, he didn't even have the courage to change his name. Perhaps only if he was sincere, the other party would not bother with him because of his identity.

"Haha... young friend, don't be so nervous. Please take a seat first!"

Jiuxuan Zhenren smiled and stroked his long beard. Although he looked old, his whole body revealed an irresistible submission. His sharp eyes seemed to be seen through by just one glance.

Mo Xun quickly gathered his mind and bowed carefully again.

Although he pretended to be calm on the surface, his heartbeat had already accelerated many times compared to the past when he stepped onto the waterside pavilion.

Jiuxuan Zhenren smiled and flicked his long sleeves, then poured a cup of tea between the two of them.

"Are you satisfied with this auction?"

Mo Xun said "no" repeatedly, forcing a smile.

"I have gained a lot from it!"

In fact, he had already guessed the other party's intention, but the other party was not in a hurry to speak, so he couldn't show too much courtesy.

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