Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 478: Strange Scimitar

Generally speaking, the barrier constructed by the formation cannot have a one-way barrier like it is now.

This "barrier" trapped Mo Xun in the cave. Logically, the attack of the gray-clothed man should not be able to penetrate it!

But the current situation completely violates the common sense of the formation.

No wonder he had never sensed any fluctuations in the formation before. It turned out that the barrier was not a barrier at all.

Then there is only one answer, the other party probably used some kind of treasure!

Based on this judgment, the problem is much simpler.

If the formation is encircled, the entire cave, including the top and bottom of the head, must be placed in the barrier.

But if it is a treasure, it is a bit like a wall, just covering up a small area of ​​the cave entrance...

As soon as he thought of this, Mo Xun instantly had an idea.

He took out the wind and thunder stick again, changed his passive approach just now, and jumped directly in front of the poisonous scale beast, confronted it head-on, and even tilted his head, sneered and hooked his finger.

Although the sixth-level demon beast cannot speak, since it can sign a blood supply contract with the gray-clothed man, it means that it has some intelligence and can naturally understand the meaning of such a provocation.

After a crazy roar, the poisonous scale beast dragged its huge body and rushed towards Mo Xun.

With this size, even if it does not open its mouth to bite, the rough collision alone is already too much for the magic cultivator.

Although the cave is narrow and not conducive to the use of his Qiankun bow, on the other hand, it is also a great restriction for such a behemoth.

With a loud "bang", the earth began to shake and tremble, and a large piece of rubble flew out of the rock wall, splashing a piece of stone dust.

However, Mo Xun's figure has already appeared in other places at the first time.

But before he had time to be happy, another gust of wind came.

Instinctively, Mo Xun quickly raised his arm to block, and then his body flew backwards again and hit the stone wall behind him.

Thanks to the protective light shield of the exquisite ring, he just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and climbed up.

This situation is inevitable. Under siege, even if he can avoid the attack of the poisonous scale beast, he will occasionally be attacked by the gray-clothed man.

In fact, as long as it is not fatal, it is not a big trouble.

The terrible thing is that the opponent suddenly uses some unexpected tricks.

Mo Xun jumped in front of the poisonous scale beast again, waved the wind and thunder stick in his hand, released a ball of spherical lightning, hit the eyes of this beast squarely, and then exploded.

After a roar that resounded through the world, the originally blood-red eyes became even more red.

The poisonous scale beast seemed to be crazy and began to rush around recklessly.

Its head, claws, and tail as thick as a century-old tree kept hitting the surrounding rock walls.

The whole cave suddenly seemed to experience an earthquake and was in chaos.

Pieces of gravel fell on his head like raindrops.

And as the beast got angry, a large amount of black poisonous smoke emanated from its mouth and the poison sacs on its body.

In just a few breaths, it was several times thicker than before.

The spiritual light shield around Mo Xun made a hissing sound under the corrosion of the poisonous smoke, just like pouring a basin of cold water into a burning fire.

At this moment, under the aimless attack of the poisonous beast, Mo Xun could only use his escape technique to the extreme, running around in a small space to avoid the attacks that kept hitting him.

But even if his speed was fast enough, he could only shuttle through some gaps repeatedly due to the limited space.

In this way, he was still knocked out by the beast several times.

If it was like this, it would be fine, but the gray-clothed man at the entrance of the cave obviously didn't want him to have a moment to breathe.

From time to time, the other party would slap him with a palm, hitting him hard.

Mo Xun could only breathe heavily while injecting magic power into the exquisite ring to resist the corrosion of poisonous smoke and beware of the cold arrows in the dark.

Although he was protected by the light shield, after several violent collisions, he felt that his internal organs seemed to be dislocated.

Although his meridians were temporarily intact, his body was seriously damaged.

Just after he dodged the whip of the beast, his heart suddenly jumped for no reason.

A sense of danger that was several times stronger than before instantly filled every inch of his skin.

Then, the urgent voice of the ram also sounded.

"Be careful!"

Mo Xun didn't think about it, and quickly leaned back, as if he had lost his balance and fell down.

At the same time, a rapidly rotating silver scimitar, just like that, stuck to the ends of his hair, directly tore through the protective light shield, and whizzed past!

The green scarf tied on his head was cut off and fell off, and his black hair fell down in a mess.

A strand of hair slowly fell on his shoulder.

In an instant, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Mo Xun's neck.

If it had been a little higher, his head would have fallen to the ground!

While secretly frightened, he couldn't help but wonder, what on earth was that scimitar just now? It could penetrate his magic weapon defense so easily, just like cutting leeks, so easily cutting through everything.

But before he could react, the scimitar was in front of him, and it suddenly turned a corner in an incredible way and attacked him again.

At this moment, seeing this thing again, he felt a little numb on his scalp.

Mo Xun quickly raised the Wind and Thunder Stick, which turned into a lightning blade in his hand and chopped it out with force.

The scimitar and the Wind and Thunder Stick collided directly in the air, making a sound like metal collision, and then a dazzling glow shone.

In the glow, Mo Xun obviously had the upper hand, and with a little force, he chopped the scimitar away.

The gray-clothed man was only controlling it remotely after all. Even if this scimitar was a bit weird, it was naturally not as handy as Mo Xun in a simple competition of strength.

But before he could recover, the poisonous scale beast behind him rushed again.

The huge and fat body hit Mo Xun hard, smashing his whole body into the rock wall like a nail embedded in the wall, creating a deep pit.

In an instant, Mo Xun felt as if his head was about to be crushed.

After a dizzy spell, he bit his tongue and maintained a clear mind, then endured the pain and used the escape technique again to escape.

For the next period of time, Mo Xun swallowed the pill while dodging left and right in a panic.

Fortunately, with his previous experience, most of his attention was focused on the strange scimitar.

This thing is like his Qiankun bow. Although it is powerful, once you dodge the first surprise attack, it will not be so easy to use the same trick again!

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