This thing is probably a flying sword, but it is more powerful!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun kept changing his position again, attracting the poisonous scale beast to crash around, and the shaking ground seemed to be about to collapse.

However, if you pay attention, you will find that his tracks are often traceable.

But when the gray-clothed man realized this, it was too late!

The whole cave was already in a mess, with fallen rocks and debris everywhere under his feet, and the air was filled with thick and choking poisonous smoke.

Suddenly, there was a "boom", and the tail of the poisonous scale beast directly knocked out a hole near the cave entrance, connecting it to the outside world.

Mo Xun's mind was actually very simple, that is, he wanted to use the indestructible and powerful body of the poisonous scale beast to break a new way out.

According to his speculation, the barrier set up by the gray-clothed man using the treasure must be effective only in a small range, as long as it avoids the cave entrance.

Therefore, for such a long time, he seemed to be hiding without any rules, but in fact, he was luring the beast to hit the same position repeatedly.

He then turned into a stream of light and was about to file out from the newly opened cave!

However, the gray-clothed man was not a pushover. When he realized that the situation was not good, he moved over and spit out a silver steel ruler in his hand, pointing it inside, clearly trying to force Mo Xun back into the cave.

But since Mo Xun had calculated so much at the risk of getting hurt, he must have other tricks.

He suddenly waved the wind and thunder stick in the air, and immediately condensed a beam of light in front of him, which collided violently with the bright silver light released by the gray-clothed man.

Mo Xun knew that he might only have this one chance!

With such a desperate gamble and all his strength, he almost exposed his back without reservation.

If the two of them were to delay for a moment during the confrontation, not to mention the scimitar, the poisonous beast's bloody mouth alone would be able to swallow him.

If we were to talk about it, Mo Xun would suffer a little disadvantage in terms of realm.

After all, he had just formed the golden elixir not long ago, and even his cultivation had not been completely stable.

And most importantly, he had been injured so many times in the cave just now, and he had consumed a lot of mana and body.

Now he was confronting the opponent head-on, and even if he thought about it with his heels, he could guess the result.

However, what was a little surprising was that the two of them actually tied in an instant and stalemated in place.

In this situation, not only the gray-clothed man, but even Mo Xun himself was briefly surprised.

Such a result was naturally due to Mo Xun's way of forming the golden elixir.

He used the fifth turn of the mixed origin, and when he condensed the golden elixir, it was equivalent to fusing four times the mana.

Now his mana is so condensed that I dare not say that it is four times that of the cultivators of the same level, but it is much stronger than ordinary people!

But Mo Xun's back-up plan was not this.

He was secretly surprised, and suddenly smiled strangely.

Then, the gray-clothed man, who was originally competing with him in magic power and was evenly matched, suddenly had his pupils dilated, accompanied by a miserable wail, and the steel ruler in his hand slipped at the same time.

Such a change caused the gray-clothed man's attack to disperse!

The lightning beam released by the wind and thunder stick, after no obstacles, directly hit the gray-clothed man's chest and pierced through!

Blood gushed out from the heart like a fountain.

This series of processes seemed long, but it was only in an instant.

At this moment, Mo Xun had no time to appreciate his masterpiece, because he could already feel that the bloody mouth full of stench had almost bitten off his back.

He was seen moving with the wind under his feet, operating his magic power to the extreme, and then he dodged and bypassed the gray-clothed man in front of him and rushed out of the cave.

The gray-clothed man, who was seriously injured and almost dying, was in a miserable state.

The body that was about to fall down was bitten by the poisonous scale beast that rushed over before it could land.

The sharp teeth of the beast, at the moment of biting, a fiery red glow flew out of its mouth like lightning, and then circled around Mo Xun, turning into a fire phoenix in the fiery red, flashing with lightning.

It was Chi Li!

Xuantian True Fire was Mo Xun's back-up move that he always had confidence in.

Before entering the cave, he arranged Chi Li nearby, just in case.

When the two were in a stalemate just now, it was because of Chi Li's sneak attack that the gray-clothed man's attention was briefly distracted, allowing him to succeed in one strike!

To be honest, he was really patient. Even though he was almost swallowed by the poisonous scale beast in the cave, he didn't think of using Chi Li.

For this last fatal blow!

Mo Xun covered his chest with one hand, took out a few pills from his waist with the other hand, and swallowed them whole.

As for the poisonous scale beast in the distance, with its amazing bite force, it bit the gray-clothed man in half with just one bite, leaving only a pair of lower body limbs, dripping with blood, falling to the ground.

Just as Mo Xun was hesitating whether to fight with this beast again, the poisonous scale beast suddenly wailed and fell to the ground with a bang, causing the surrounding ground to tremble again.

After falling, thick black smoke began to emerge from the beast's body.

Mo Xun's heart moved, it seemed that he had really guessed it right before.

Because of the life and death contract between this beast and the gray-clothed man, if one of them died, the other could not survive alone.

As the black smoke became more and more, a series of strange black runes appeared around the poisonous scale beast.

Those runes seemed to come out of its body and then slowly rotated in the air.

Then, Mo Xun saw a scene that shocked him.

The extremely hard scales on the surface of the poisonous scale beast actually began to melt!

Yes, Mo Xun was sure that he was not mistaken. The whole huge body was like an ice cube under the scorching sun, gradually deforming and slowly turning into a pool of extremely disgusting black liquid, flowing all over the ground.

After a short moment of stunned, he secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

Most of these black waters were corrosive and poisonous, but the golden rainbow halberd was still in the cave!

With this thought in mind, he quickly injected magic power into the exquisite ring above his head, and thickened the protective light shield around him a little bit.

Then he jumped without any hesitation and flew over the corpse that was about to turn into sewage.

The air was already covered with thick black smoke. Not to mention breathing, even smelling it would hurt your lungs.

After re-entering the cave, the ground was full of broken stones because of the previous tossing and turning!

Fortunately, the golden rainbow halberd was emitting a faint golden light. He found it in a pile of rocks without much effort!

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