Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 480 Jiuqing Mountains (two in one) (12)

Chapter 480 Jiuqing Mountains (two in one)

Just as Mo Xun turned around, he caught a glimpse of silver light, which was the silver scimitar that almost killed him before.

Just the moment this thing was released, he was disappointed.

This thing is shaped like a crescent moon, has no handle, and has sharp edges on both sides. Except that the material looks a bit special, I didn't expect it to be just a magic weapon.

In just a moment of delay, the black viscous venom was almost flowing to his feet.

Mo Xun jumped up and flew outside. The moment he passed the entrance of the cave, he paid special attention to his steps.

The steel ruler that the man in gray used before must be a magic weapon, but where can I find anything else under the filth on the ground?

I'm afraid that this person's upper body would have been swallowed by the poisonous lin beast!

But when he saw a pair of legs and feet that were almost submerged in the blood and venom, he suddenly felt happy.

Just because the storage bag on the waist is still exposed!

Perhaps due to the person's short legs and long body, the Poison Lin Beast took one bite and just avoided the location of the storage bag.

Mo Xun immediately put it away with one move.

He suddenly remembered the strange barrier from before, and quickly looked to the side, only to see where the original entrance of the cave was. Because it had not been affected by the venom, a piece of dragon-shaped white jade the size of a palm fell on the ground.

This white jade faintly exudes a faint spiritual light, and there seems to be a few words faintly engraved on the surface.

This thing must be that weird treasure!

When he thought of this, he turned around in the air, passed by the ground, and picked it up easily.

When it landed on the treetops in the distance again, Mo Xun carefully looked at the white jade in his hand.


These are three small characters carved on the dragon's body.

I saw that the scales on it were jagged and lifelike, and the jade texture was also warm, smooth, and full of aura.

But what is a little strange is that there is only one eye and one tentacle on the dragon's head.

The back side is as smooth and smooth as a mirror.

From this point of view, it seems that this object was originally mounted on the wall and used for decoration, so it was only carved with patterns on the front.

However, this thing gives people a simple feeling, as if it has been around for thousands of years.

Furthermore, this object does not look like a legal weapon, nor does it look like a magic weapon. If you want to define it simply, it can only be called a rare treasure!

In fact, whenever Mo Xun spent more than a hundred years reading some books, he would not have such low-level doubts at this moment.

As the saying goes, two jade merge into one "jue"!

In other words, there were originally two pieces of this thing, and they were combined into one to create a complete white dragon!

Of course, Gongyang in the Consciousness Sea knows this. After all, Master Cang Kuo back then was known as one of the four masters of music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But Mo Xun didn't ask, Gongyang thought he knew!

Putting away the white jade, Mo Xun glanced at the dark poisonous mist in the distance. The strange runes floating on it had long since disappeared. I am afraid that the beast has now turned into a puddle of sewage.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the storage bag just now.

With his spiritual consciousness sweeping over, he checked everything inside.

Then with a flash of light, a red mask appeared in his hand.

It is the red-faced Rakshasa of Impermanence Tower!

It seems so!

But it is a pity that the other party is now dead. As for whether the red-faced man was an enemy or a friend, it is destined to be impossible to know!

Mo Xun first put the mask into the storage bag, then thought about it and thought it was not safe, so he threw it into the green gourd.

Although he has dealt with Wuchang Tower several times, his knowledge of this mysterious underground organization is really limited. If there are any strange marks or auras inside, it can be detected even through the storage bag. That is causing trouble for yourself.

As for the others, most of them were elixirs, spiritual herbs, and the like. There were two kinds of them. Mo Xun had seen them in the auction house, which was a surprise.

But what Mo Xun valued most was the jade slips and classics.

But at this juncture, I didn't have time to check carefully, so I just put them all into my storage bag.

Then he stayed where he was, meditating and recovering.

Although those impact injuries did not affect the foundation of cultivation, almost half of his life was lost after such a torment.

Half an hour later, when the fog had almost dissipated, Mo Xun returned to the entrance of the cave.

I saw that within a radius of more than ten feet, including the cave in the rock wall, everything was scorched black, like a fire that had just been extinguished.

Moreover, the scorched earth is filled with a choking stench!

When he found the steel ruler again, the expression on his face suddenly changed from joy to disappointment.

Just as he guessed before, this object is indeed a magic weapon!

But under the corrosion of the venom, his spirituality has been completely lost. Even if it can be repaired, the original power must have been lost!

As for the inner elixir inside the poisonous lin beast, there is no way to find it.

He couldn't help but speculate about the mysterious curse.

In his opinion, this thing is a bit like a weird restriction, or balance, established through blood. If one party dies, this balance will be broken, thus activating the restriction, and the other will naturally not survive.

However, we will have to study it in detail when we have the opportunity in the future.

Before Mo Xun left, he set another fire and burned the entire cave to the ground.

When he saw Gu Qingqing again, he had already changed his clothes.

However, how can a weak breath be concealed so easily?

"What's going on, Daoist friend?"

Mo Xun said calmly: "Nothing, I just encountered a little accident!"

Gu Qingqing frowned immediately.

"Have you dealt with your enemy?"

Gu Qingqing's most concern at the moment is naturally this matter, after all, it is related to the transaction between the two of them. If Mo Xun takes revenge himself, won't the two treasures she is about to get be lost?

While talking, this woman's pair of relatively shrewd eyes kept looking at Mo Xun, as for what she was thinking, it is unknown.

Mo Xun glanced at her coldly and said: "I haven't met that person yet, I have to wait a little longer!"

As for what Gu Qingqing was planning, Mo Xun's heart was as clear as a mirror.

But then again, even without the restrictions he had set before, he was confident that he could fight this woman with his injured body.

He might not have dared to say so before, but since fighting with the gray-clothed man, he has a clear understanding of his current strength.

It seems that delaying the formation of the elixir for several decades is not completely without benefits.

"Where are we going next?"

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Mo Xun shook his head slowly: "I don't know, but I think it won't take long to know where he is!"

This misjudgment made him feel a little uncertain. Maybe the person who exchanged the magic seal was not Bai Li either.

But no matter what, he still had to find out.

If this is the case, the matter can only be put on hold for the time being. After all, for him now, there are too many things to do, and there is not much energy to waste.

The biggest gain of this auction is naturally many rare spiritual herbs and soul essence.

Once back to Xuanyuan City, he can start to refine the elixir of the elixir stage.

There is also the upcoming wedding ceremony. In addition to the expert jade token, some other preparations may be needed.

Ten days later, the two finally left the Red Flame Sea, but then they went deep into the Jiuqing Mountains.

The Five Elements Spiritual Sect is located in these mountains.

But the direction they went was obviously contrary to the sect.

"Will it be another wasted trip this time?"

Since Mo Xun first sensed the direction of the mark a few days ago, the two have experienced three rounds of empty-handedness.

Because the mark in the magic seal always appears and disappears from time to time, every time they arrive in Dafang, it disappears again.

Such a repetition, not only Gu Qingqing, but also Mo Xun, is a little annoyed.

As for the reason, it must be that the other party took out the magic seal repeatedly in different places and studied it separately after obtaining it.

As for why this happened, it is unknown.

Mo Xun had thought of several reasons before, but because they were illogical, he ruled them out one by one.

However, from the current point of view, the other party has not discovered the existence of the mark at least until now.

"Let's search for another ten days. After ten days, no matter if there is any result or not, you and I will go back to Xuanyuan City together!"

At this moment, both of them had some frost on their faces. In addition, they couldn't find the target, so they were naturally in a bad mood.

Mo Xun secretly calculated the days. It has been long enough since he came out last time.

After returning to the city, he still had to find a way to get the expert jade card first. I don't know what twists and turns he will have to go through!

Jiuqing Mountain stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, almost all of which are under the control of the Five Elements Sect, so it is also called the back mountain of the sect.

However, this name is somewhat different from the "back mountain" in the conventional sense.

Although this place is under the jurisdiction of the sect, there is no restriction on power. Whether it is a casual cultivator or a small sect, they can find a place far away from the sect to use as a cave.

In other words, outside the mountain protection formation, it is actually a barren mountain.

The spiritual energy in it is naturally thinner the farther away from the sect.

It's easy to guess that the main spiritual vein in the entire mountain range must have been taken in by others long ago. What good place can be abandoned?

The two flew all the way, and this time they were lucky. Mo Xun's perception of the mark was never interrupted.

Until the evening, the haze fell and it suddenly rained.

Just one stick of incense later, the wind whistled and the rain became fierce. At the end of the field of vision, a lightning connecting the sky and the earth suddenly appeared, and the rumbling thunder came into the ears.

Mo Xun's brows also slowly wrinkled in the thunder.

Ordinarily, this storm, even lightning and thunder, is nothing to a cultivator.

And think about it, Mo Xun stayed in the sea of ​​thunder for several years, didn't he get out?

But now, it's a bit troublesome.

Because of the lightning, he can clearly feel that his perception of the mark seems to be much weaker all of a sudden.

In this kind of weather, not to mention the obstruction of vision, even the consciousness will be affected.

After going around several hills, Mo Xun suddenly raised his left hand, signaling Gu Qingqing to stop for the time being.

"Have you found it?" Gu Qingqing asked hurriedly with a tense expression.

Both of them cast a rain shelter spell on themselves, and the raindrops around them were scattered and heavy. When the rain fell on them, it was blocked by a layer of weak fluorescence and completely blocked outside the body.

Mo Xun did not answer her directly, but said: "Go down and take a look first!"

In fact, he didn't want to tell Gu Qingqing that he had lost track of his target again, and the last time he sensed the mark was in the canyon at his feet.

"be careful!"

After leaving these words, Mo Xun fell down first, and while in mid-air, he began to gather his breath.

If nothing else happens, the person holding the demon seal is likely to be below.

But when the two landed, they were stunned again.

Within a few hundred feet, it looked like ruins, with flying earth and charred wood everywhere. It was obvious that a huge battle had just occurred.

The falling rain had already extinguished the flames, but there were still large traces of the fighting.

Gu Qingqing glanced at the surrounding scene and said with some uncertainty: "It seems to be a man and a woman!"

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "How can you see it?"

Gu Qingqing smiled charmingly. She had rarely shown such a look in these days.

"What's so difficult to guess? Because women and men have different physiques, the exercises they practice are yin and yang different. The power and effects they exert seem to be similar, but if you pay careful attention, you can still find some clues."

Speaking of this, Gu Qingqing pointed to a large tree that was cut in half.

"Look here, when a man casts a spell normally, the spiritual energy transformed into Gang Qi is fast and powerful, and will produce extremely powerful power in a shorter period of time, so the stubble is smoother."

Gu Qingqing pointed to another broken tree in the distance.

"Women are naturally feminine, and the exercises they practice are naturally more gentle, focusing on explosions from the inside out, so the stubble will be messy..."

This was the first time Mo Xun heard this theory, and he couldn't help but be a little skeptical.

Gu Qingqing did not intend to sell it off, and then continued: "Of course, there are some exceptions, but if you look at the broken trees and roots around you, most of them are like this, so it is no accident. "

After hearing this, Mo Xun really looked at it carefully.

The other party is right. The broken wood around can be basically divided into two categories. If you are not careful, it is not easy to find.

Mo Xun touched his chin in deep thought, he was really learning all the time!

Not to mention whether this theory is true, if it is true as Gu Qingqing said, then who is this woman who appears suddenly?

Another point is, since the two are fighting here, why did the person holding the seal take out the magic seal in this situation?

His brows suddenly moved, but they soon tightened again.

Could it be that during the battle, this person wanted to use the magic seal against the enemy?

But if that's the case, why didn't he sense any residual demonic energy?

Judging from the current situation, this fight should take no more than an hour. He did not believe that the demonic energy could be completely dissipated in such a short time.

What could be the reason?

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