Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 481 Heavy Rainy Night

Mo Xun rubbed his chin and pondered for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Let's go and see!"

Although they lost the mark of the magic seal, the faint fluctuation of mana in the air can still determine the general direction.

But whether they can find it accurately depends on luck.

Mo Xun took off first, and Gu Qingqing followed after hesitating for a while.

The rainy night was heavy, with thunder and lightning, which increased the difficulty of tracking on the one hand, but from another perspective, it also provided them with a good cover.

Not long after, the two of them stopped again suddenly, just because in the distant valley, they could see the light flowing and the spiritual power fluctuated strongly, which obviously meant that someone was fighting.

The two looked at each other, and then slowly fell down with understanding.

In mid-air, they began to restrain their breath, and at the same time, each took out their own treasures.

Mo Xun, of course, held the Qiankun Bow in his hand, and covered his head with the exquisite ring.

Hiding in secret, Qiankun Bow is definitely the best choice!

Gu Qingqing, at this moment, has returned to her female clothes, holding a delicate long sword in her hand. From the appearance, it looks a bit like the Qingyun Sword he gave to Wen Yue before.

As for the body, there is also green light flowing around it, obviously using some kind of treasure to protect it.

In the jungle, two figures, one in front and one behind, quickly shuttled in the rain.

Soon, they came to a halfway point of the mountain.

At this position, even without using spiritual sense, looking down, you can roughly see what's going on.

The lightning movie around, every time it flashes, it will illuminate half of the sky.

In the depths of the valley, there is indeed a man and a woman, who are fighting each other at this time.

And the faces of the two are not unfamiliar!

These two people all appeared at the Jiuxuan Auction a few days ago, but Mo Xun didn't pay too much attention to it.

Both of them are in the early stage of Jindan cultivation!

Surrounding the man, there were densely packed insects flying around, intertwining with the raindrops on a rainy night.

Above the man's head, there was a copper bell, and the green light emitted from it tightly wrapped his body in it.

Mo Xun recognized the origin of this thing at the first sight of those insects.

"Black Mist Poison Jade Bee!"

Ranked fourth in the middle of the spiritual insect rankings!

As the name suggests, once the poisonous jade bees attack in groups, they are like black fog covering the sky and the sun, mighty and mighty!

Although the scene in front of him was not as terrifying as the legend, the number of tens of thousands of them was enough to make people's scalps numb.

If you think that this thing wins by numbers, you are wrong!

The word "poison" is not in vain!

It is said that once the poison enters the heart meridian, even a Yuanying cultivator will probably have to abandon his physical body and leave his Yuanying body.

From a distance, although the poisonous bees are not weak in attack, they seem to be just larvae that have not advanced.

The cultivation of spirit insects is similar to that of monks. There are certain levels of division, and some categories are even more complicated.

While struggling, the man occasionally threw out one or two talismans, igniting a blue flame in the air, instantly burning a large area of ​​poisonous bees around him.

In addition to these, the man occasionally used a fiery red flame hammer in his hand to knock down the poisonous bees close to his body.

Not far away, the other woman was obviously not much better.

At this moment, the woman was trapped by a circle of knife formations composed of thirty or forty flying knives. She kept waving a golden ring and jumping to resist the silver light flying from all directions.

For a while, the two seemed to be in a brief stalemate.

"Which one is your enemy?" Gu Qingqing's voice transmission suddenly sounded in his ears.

Mo Xun shook his head in confusion. Obviously, the two people didn't match.

Could it be that he really made a wrong judgment this time, and the person who exchanged for the magic seal was not the black-robed man that day, and had nothing to do with Bai Li?

Or maybe the two people in front of him have nothing to do with the ruins left by the previous fight in the canyon!

Are they just two groups of people?

But in a second, he denied this idea.

According to Gu Qingqing's speculation, the ruins of the canyon were made by a man and a woman, and the two people in the distance were also a man and a woman. How could there be such a coincidence in this world?

There is another question!

The magical powers displayed by these two people are not magic skills, so why does the magic seal appear here?

Just as he frowned and was puzzled, Gu Qingqing on the side suddenly said: "Look there, it seems that there is another person!"

Mo Xun hurriedly looked in the direction of her finger. Because it was too far away, his spiritual sense could not reach it. However, in the dark night, under a tall bush, there was a dark shadow hidden vaguely.

This dark shadow was in a large group of weeds, motionless!

In fact, the existence of the dark shadow was discovered mainly because they were standing at a high place. If it was located at the bottom of the valley in the center of the fight, it would be blocked by dense mountains and forests, and it would not be easy to see.

But from this angle, it is not wrong to say that the black shadow is a person, and it seems that it is also possible to say that it is a stone or a broken wood.

However, in a flash of lightning, a bright light reflected from its body immediately made Mo Xun agree with Gu Qingqing's judgment.

Could it be that this person is the one who exchanged for the magic seal?

With this thought, Mo Xun's heart was almost 70% certain!

"Let's go and take a look!"

Mo Xun made up his mind immediately. Now he could only confirm it at a close distance to find out what was going on.

The two of them avoided each other's spiritual sense from a distance in the forest, and carefully circled around before slowly approaching the black shadow.

During this period, the men and women on the battlefield were still fighting hard.

Occasionally, you can see their lips moving slightly, as if they were communicating something. As for whether they discovered Mo Xun's existence, it is unknown.

Perhaps they had already noticed it, but because they could not split themselves, they could not take care of it for the time being!

About an incense stick later, the two finally came near the black shadow, but after sensing it with spiritual sense, Mo Xun's face suddenly showed a bit of strange surprise, this expression was really a bit indescribable.

At this time, not to mention Mo Xun, even Gu Qingqing had a bit of strangeness between her eyebrows.

First of all, this black shadow is indeed a person.

But this person is actually a woman, and most importantly, her cultivation is only at the initial stage of foundation building.

Gu Qingqing looked at Mo Xun suspiciously, obviously asking what was going on.

Mo Xun couldn't help but pursed his lips. He seemed to have thought of something. Then he looked at the black shadow first, and then his eyes fell on the man and woman with swords in the distance.

What was a little unexpected was that he not only recognized the figure in the bush, but also knew her name.

This person was the girl named Anu who he had followed late at night not long ago.

This is really a coincidence!

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