Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 483 Black Robe Appears

Just as Mo Xun guessed, this person is the second of the Wu brothers... Wu Zhong!

Hua Qingyan slapped her waist, grabbed a white net bag, and threw it into the air like a fishing net.

The white net suddenly leaked a silver light, and then it quickly expanded, covering the area of ​​several feet in an instant.

Those flying knives covered by the white net suddenly fell into the net as if out of control.

The sudden change made Wu Zhong anxious, and he hurriedly tried to control the knife formation and get rid of the white net.

But in just a moment, there were already twenty or thirty flying blades firmly attached to the white net. The originally powerful knife formation collapsed instantly, and those flying knives lost more than half at once.

As for the rest, although they escaped by luck, it was equivalent to Hua Qingyan completely freeing up her hands.

After the white net collected the flying knives, it quickly shrank until it returned to its original size. However, in the net bag, silver light flickered, accompanied by bursts of buzzing sounds, and it kept shaking. The flying knives inside, whether due to their own spirituality or Wu Zhong's spiritual call, kept rushing left and right, like trapped mosquitoes trying to escape from the net.

The flower fairy had a lot of experience in fighting, and after controlling the opponent's magic weapon, she jumped and pounced on Wu Zhong.

In mid-air, Hua Qingyan shouted in a low voice: "Go!"

The ring in his hand flew out, wrapped in a golden light, cutting through the darkness of the rainy night, as if in the darkness, a golden hole was torn open, and it passed through the swarm of bees like a broken bamboo, and smashed down on the opponent's head.

Wu Zhong instinctively raised his hands, and the huge red flame hammer blocked in front of him.

At this time, a lightning flashed, illuminating the panic on the man's face clearly!

Amid the deafening thunder, the golden ring and the red flame hammer collided violently, emitting a burst of fire. Wu Zhong was caught off guard and was blown away. He staggered a few steps and almost fell.

It can be seen from this that although the two are in similar realms, there is a big gap in strength.

Of course, at least half of the reason for this gap comes from the treasures in their hands.

But then again, even if it is an external object, it cannot be denied that it is part of one's own strength.

If the strength is simply divided by the thickness of magic power during the fight, what is the difference between it and the monsters that can only bite and fight fiercely?

The strength in the world of immortal cultivation is no different from the battlefield in the mortal world.

Regardless of realm, regardless of magic power, it is only determined by victory or defeat!

No matter how high a person's realm is or how strong his magic power is, once he is defeated, he can only be called a weakling.

And this kind of victory or defeat is different from the arena, because it represents life and death!

Hua Qingyan took advantage of the victory and pursued, and suddenly appeared behind the Wu brothers in a flash.

At this moment, the face of Qianqian, who had always been smiling in Mo Xun's memory, now looked like a demon from hell, with a cruel and bloody look in her hideous face.

A silver light flashed in Hua Qingyan's hand.

If you look carefully, you can recognize that it is a sharp knife with barbs, which is heading straight for the opponent's heart.

The three onlookers at this time thought that this knife would most likely succeed, but suddenly a stone flew from nowhere and hit the arm holding the sharp knife.

Hua Qingyan groaned in her mouth, and in shock, the blade tilted and stabbed into nothing.

As for Wu Zhong, before he could react from the disaster, or even figure out what happened, Hua Qingyan behind him had already fallen to the side.

However, this fall was not caused by external force, but a subconscious avoidance by herself.

Sure enough, at the moment when her body tilted, a jet of black sword energy directly penetrated the position where she was originally standing, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and then hit the rock under her feet.

The stone, which was about ten feet in size, broke and broke with a "bang".

Hua Qingyan was shocked and angry, and her body moved along with the ground. When she stood firm, she was already several feet away.

Wu Zhong reacted at this moment, and then flew into the air, his face was even paler.

Perhaps at this moment, he knew what kind of escape he had just experienced!

"Which villain is hiding his head and showing his tail? Come out!"

Hua Qingyan's sharp eyes, full of anger, focused on the direction of the hazy rain and fog, and then the sleeves of her robe were raised, and several green rays flew out. There was a loud bang in the distance, and a piece of mud and gravel exploded, but in the blink of an eye, it was submerged in the rainy night.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and there was another rumble.

Wu Zhong also looked over in surprise.

Anu, who was hiding far away in the weeds and unable to move, had forgotten her own situation. When Hua Qingyan was attacked, her fragile heart was lifted up.

Even her breathing seemed to have stopped.

Although there were still tears in her lively eyes, her trembling crying suddenly solidified.

A moment later, a black figure slowly flew out of the dense forest, followed by a loud laugh that shook everyone's heart.

"Brother Wu, how are you!"

The moment this person appeared, Mo Xun's eyes fixed, and his hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

It seems that what he expected before was not wrong at all.

Now, the man is no longer hiding like he did at the auction, but showing his true face directly.

Facing his old enemy, how could Mo Xun admit his mistake?

Gu Qingqing on the side, seeing Mo Xun like this, how could she not guess this person's identity?

Wu Zhong was stunned for a moment. After seeing the appearance of the visitor, he couldn't help blurting out: "Are you...Bai Li?"

"Hahaha...Brother Wu has a good memory. It must have been ten years since you and I last said goodbye, right?"

Wu Zhong really didn't expect that Bai Li would appear in such a place, and just now, he took action to save his life.

However, this Wu Laoer was not a stupid person, and he quickly figured out the joints.

Wu Zhong's eyes, which were not big at all, narrowed slightly. It seemed that this dear man, even if he was not the same as this woman, had the same idea.

To say that the friendship between the two is not much, in fact, it is even a bit festive!

But at this juncture, Wu Zhong would not be stupid enough to mention this. He suddenly smiled openly and raised his hands in the air.

"I don't say thank you for your kindness. Wu Mou has taken note of Brother Bai's friendship. After he takes care of this little bitch, he can have a drink with his brother again!"

After saying this, Wu Zhong's face suddenly changed into a fierce look, and he spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva and looked at Hua Qingyan with great annoyance.

Unexpectedly, he, who was always scheming people, almost died at the hands of a woman!


Two more chapters to come...

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