Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 484: Different Thoughts

Bai Li's cultivation was higher than the two of them, so his appearance caused the situation on the field to reverse again.

"Brother Wu, it's up to you. Bai is on the side and will personally hold the battle for you!"

Bai Li glanced at Hua Qingyan playfully, then flew away to a distance. Sure enough, he folded his arms and watched from the sidelines.

At this moment, Hua Qingyan's heart really sank to the bottom of her heart.

In fact, the difference between him and Wu Zhong was only half the match before he could win. Most of the reason was because of the "empty-breaking net" that had not been used before!

She put a lot of effort into collecting this thing some time ago. She planned to turn defeat into victory at the critical moment.

Of course, the miraculous effect of this thing did catch the opponent off guard.

But who could have expected that such a side issue would suddenly arise.

And judging from the opponent's true energy just now, this person is still an extremely difficult demon cultivator.

Thinking of this, Hua Qingyan actually had some intention of retreating. She glanced out of the corner of her eyes and looked in the direction of Anu without leaving any trace.

She was very lucky now that her previous caution had prevented her niece from exposing her target. Otherwise, no matter how powerful she was, she might not have been able to escape!

Now I can only hope that Anu will be smarter and be able to escape unscathed after she leaves.

But after finally finding Wu Zhong's whereabouts, she was really unwilling to give up!

After this incident, the two brothers will definitely hide themselves again. I don't know how long it will take to have such a good opportunity again.

However, the current situation did not allow her to have a second option.

Just when Hua Qingyan was about to retreat, Wu Zhong suddenly spoke.

"I wonder what Brother Bai thinks of this fairy's beauty?"

Wu Zhong's words made the two people present stunned at the same time, obviously not understanding his intention.

Bai Li looked at Wu Zhong with some confusion, then glanced at Hua Qingyan and nodded lightly.

"Alluring posture!"

Hua Qingyan's movement to retreat was slightly delayed, but instead of being satisfied after being praised, Hua Qingyan's expression showed a bit of sullenness.

You know, it is not polite to comment on other people's appearance in person.

Even in Hua Qingyan's eyes, it was full of deep humiliation.

This is like treating her as a commodity, just putting it in front of customers, allowing people to judge it at will.

If it had been in the past, she would have torn the other person's mouth into pieces!

"In that case, why don't you and I join forces to capture this person together, and then give it to Brother Bai as a bed warmer and a pillow? What do you think?"

Hearing this, Hua Qingyan's blood suddenly surged, her fair face flushed red, and even her eyes were filled with bright red blood.

There are so many teeth in his mouth that he almost bites his lips!

As the famous master of the Yaoxian Pavilion in Xuanyuan City, had she ever been insulted like this?

Bai Li also frowned, not knowing how to respond to the other party's words for a while, but he was certain that the black guy in front of him would never be so kind.

Everyone present, except Anu, who has never experienced anything in the world, is not an old guy who has lived for hundreds of years. Wu Zhong, despite his rough appearance, is also ordinary in fighting with others, but he can practice to How could someone of this level not have a little bit of scheming?

In his opinion, Bai Li might have been following him from the very beginning of his entanglement with Hua Qingyan.

As for what kind of idea Bai Li has, you can probably guess it without even thinking about it.

In other words, no matter who wins in the end between him and this woman, the other party will take advantage of them.

Bai Li's action just now seemed to be to save him, but she was also worried that he would die too easily and thus take advantage of this woman.

The other party's intention is probably to let him and this woman fight to the point of losing both sides, and then end up all at once!

Obviously, no matter how stupid he is, he will not do such a thing.

While Wu Zhong was speaking, he also quietly took a few steps back and distanced himself from Bai Li and Hua Qingyan at the same time.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Li said calmly: "Brother Wu, you're welcome, I've never been very interested in women!"

In an instant, the originally tense situation, instead of intensifying after Bai Li appeared, showed signs of cooling down.

Mo Xun, who was in the distance, couldn't hear clearly what the few people were talking about, so when he saw this scene, he naturally became confused.

According to him, it would be best for the three of them to have a brawl to give him an opportunity.

At this moment, he had already grasped the Qiankun Bow in his hand, and he was ready to go.

"Since Brother Wu doesn't like beauty, doesn't he have any interest in the treasures on this woman? Let's not talk about other things, but the black mist poisonous jade bee alone is not something that ordinary people can handle."

While Wu Zhong was speaking, he secretly glanced into the distance. It was just that this move was secretive, but also seemed to be a little deliberate, as if he was doing it deliberately for others to see.

Bai Li did not answer directly, but followed his gaze and suddenly asked: "By the way, why don't you see Brother Ubo here?"

"Thank you for your concern, Brother Bai. My brother is temporarily busy and may be delayed!"

The three of them fell into a brief silence again. I am afraid that everyone was guessing at the same time.

Let’s talk about Hua Qingyan first. Bai Li’s sudden appearance naturally disrupted her plan.

What she is hesitating about now is what is the relationship between the two people and whether she will be attacked at the same time once she retreats.

Their tone seemed to indicate that the other Wu brother would be here soon!

She secretly pinched a few Dao formulas behind her back, and the poisonous bees not far away flew over and surrounded her.

As for Bai Li, he was really frightened by Wu Zhong, and felt a bit caught in a dilemma.

The Wu brothers were known as the two tigers of casual cultivators.

But if we really talk about it, they can only be called a cat and a tiger!

And this tiger is none other than Wu Bo, the eldest brother of Wu!

What Bai Li was worried about was that if he couldn't take down these two people in a short time, once Wu Bo arrived, the problem would be tricky.

Based on this point, if Hua Qingyan wanted to escape, it would not be easy to get past Bai Li.

The reason was simple. Since Bai Li wanted to take action against Wu Lao Er, he would naturally not allow anyone to leak this secret.

Of course, if Hua Qingyan escaped quickly and was unable to split himself, he would still give priority to taking down Wu Lao Er. After all, the purpose of his trip was to target this person.

As for Wu Laoer, if he is singled out, no matter which of the two people he faces, he will probably be in danger.

From his point of view, he is unwilling to fight with Hua Qingyan again, which will give Bai Li an advantage for nothing. Of course, he also doesn't want Hua Qingyan to leave and leave him and Bai Li alone here.

So what he can do now is to delay!

Delay until the reinforcements arrive. At that time, whether they advance or retreat, the two brothers will control the situation.

In other words, if Bai Li can deal with Hua Qingyan together with him, it is also a solution.

At that time, as long as he does not work hard, it is not a bad idea to take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the two!

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