Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 485 Black Wood Green Sand Arrow

As soon as Bai Li appeared, Mo Xun's mind was almost cleared of all the previous doubts.

You know, he followed the mark of the magic seal all the way here. Since Bai Li can appear here, it proves that this person must be the same as Hua Qingyan, and has been following him all the way since the auction!

As for why the other party has not taken action during this period, it is unknown!

Another thing is why the mark on the magic seal appears and disappears from time to time, and in the previous battle ruins, he only felt that the magic seal appeared there, but never found any trace of demonic energy.

Presumably, the other party took out the magic seal briefly and was ready to use it, but failed!

As for the sudden attack just now, his judgment is roughly the same as Wu Laoer's.

After sorting out these, Mo Xun immediately asked in a voice transmission: "Miss Anu, do you know why the other one of the Wu brothers did not appear?"

Anu still said with a bit of tears: "I don't know... Huh? How do you know my name?"

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the three people in the distance again.

He frowned and remained silent for a while, then suddenly raised the Qiankun bow without any warning, and then drew the bow and put an arrow on it. A green arrow quickly condensed in his hand, gathering an extremely frightening energy.

As the saying goes, delay leads to changes. Since the few people have no intention of taking action, he will not mind helping.

The arrow was directed at Bai Li!

Now that he has formed a pill with four attributes of spiritual roots, when he uses magic power, he no longer has to control only fire spiritual power or use fire treasures as before. In addition, this longbow is a magic weapon without attributes, so the condensed arrow is no longer just a Fiery Cloud Piercing Arrow.

This green arrow is made of wood attribute spiritual power, so he specially named it, called the Black Wood Green Sand Arrow!

The reason why he did not choose the Fiery Fire Arrow this time was to better conceal it.

The green mountains and the heavy rain on the night obviously provided the best cover for his sneak attack.

Since he formed the elixir, he had hesitated whether to practice the four attributes at the same time in the next practice.

But in this way, the difficulties he faced would be several times more than before.

After all, his aptitude was already poor, and if he was still greedy, he would simply destroy his future.

And there were many problems here.

Let alone the cultivation resources, at least he had never heard of anyone choosing to practice in this way after forming the elixir.

In other words, even if he had such an idea, he had no experience to learn from.

When he formed the elixir, several kinds of spiritual power gathered into one, and he almost exploded and died, let alone practicing four kinds of exercises at the same time?

I am afraid that once the operation of several kinds of mana cannot be balanced, there is a risk of going astray at any time.

But then again, if this method is feasible, and he has done this, it must be of great benefit to the future formation of the infant.

Just like condensing the golden elixir, condensing the infant with four times the mana!

Just thinking about it makes people feel longing!

But after calming down, he couldn't help but feel that it was not realistic, because none of the exercises he had come into contact with mentioned such a crazy idea.

He had also thought of repeating the old trick, that is, cultivating incarnations, all of them practiced to the late stage of Dan, and then combined with the formation, with four peak mana, to jointly impact the bottleneck of Yuanying.

But the Five Turns of Hunyuan Jue only recorded how to form Dan.

The two realms seem to be weak and strong, but if you really talk about it, there is a world of difference.

Even if he is bold, he dare not do it rashly based on a little imagination.

As the Qingsha Arrow in his hand gradually took shape, Mo Xun said in a cold tone: "Fairy Gu, take this girl to another position first, don't rush to show up, if there is a good opportunity, wait for the opportunity to act!"

Gu Qingqing was more or less experienced in this situation, and in an instant, she understood Mo Xun's intention.

This is because he is afraid that once this arrow is shot, it is equivalent to exposing their position and can no longer play a surprise effect.

In fact, Mo Xun had another plan in mind.

He didn't believe Hua Qingyan, and didn't know that Anu was watching from a distance outside. In fact, Hua Qingyan knew Anu's hiding place very well.

Once he appeared from here, it would be a clear message to the other party that Anu was in his hands.

Even if Hua Qingyan had other thoughts at that time, she would probably have to cooperate with him.

After all, when he made a move, although he pointed his sword at Bai Li, he helped Hua Qingyan invisibly. If the other party didn't buy it and took the opportunity to slip away, wouldn't he be in a passive position?

As for Gu Qingqing, it's still the same thing. He always likes to ambush soldiers. No matter what the situation is, he will not show all his cards.

At the same time, Chi Li had quietly approached along the ground.

Just after Gu Qingqing left, taking advantage of the lightning that broke through the night, the blue arrow broke through the air.

The sharp arrow passed by, carrying the power to tear the sky apart, and emitted a sharp whistle, but this sound came with the rumble of thunder.

Or, this thunder of the vast sky was the most hidden cover for the feather arrow.

And since he was ready to show up, Mo Xun naturally did not leave any spare strength in this arrow.

At this moment, Mo Xun could only simulate the "whoosh" sound in his mind, and then stare at the direction where the sharp arrow went.

However, Bai Li was obviously not a pushover. At the moment when the arrow was about to pierce his protective light shield, his body twisted like a ghost, like a very soft clay figure. In an incredible way, his head did not move, but his body moved half a body to the side.

The green arrow that was originally aimed at the heart, but under the opponent's dodge, went to his arm.

Then with a "bang", the arrow suddenly exploded when it was about to penetrate, and blood and flesh splashed.

But in a flash, it was submerged by the rain!

Bai Li was also frightened by the residual power of the explosion, and he screamed and flew away.

It was not until he was in mid-air that his frightened and somewhat ferocious expression gradually appeared on his face.

Poor guy, such a heavy rain did not wet his clothes, and even the ends of his hair did not fall a single drop of rain.

But at this moment, his face was splashed with his own blood.

When Bai Li recovered and regained his balance, he almost stumbled and fell into the mud pit under his feet.

Such a sudden change naturally immediately attracted the attention of the other two. When they saw that Bai Li was injured, they retreated more than ten steps in panic, and each of them took out a magic weapon in their hands to protect themselves.

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