Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 486 Reminiscing about the past

When Bai Li dodged, Mo Xun's face showed no expression, but he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Such a result was not unexpected.

When building the foundation, this bow might still be able to perform miracles, but after crossing a great realm, the power of the magic weapon remained the same, and even improved significantly compared to the past, but the enemy he faced was also many times stronger.

Fortunately, this arrow was not completely wasted.

The opponent lost an arm, and his strength must have been greatly frustrated.

Hundreds of feet away, his figure gradually blurred, and when he appeared again, he was like a gust of wind, rushing towards the injured Bai Li.

Then, there was a deafening "bang" sound, and the two arms collided violently, like an explosion, within a radius of two or three feet, a circle of ripples composed of rain and fog was swayed, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

Their figures also retreated more than ten steps after this attack.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he was obviously inferior in this contest.

I didn't expect that I would take the lead, and it was under the opponent's broken arm. If we only compete in magic power, I am still slightly inferior!

When the rain and fog dissipated, three pairs of eyes suddenly looked over.

In these eyes, there were suspicion, vigilance, and anger, which were really complicated!

Obviously, the impact of Mo Xun's sudden appearance on several people was no less than that of Bai Li just now.

The situation that seemed delicate at first seemed to be re-evaluated.

"Who are you, and why do you want to hurt someone?"

Mo Xun stopped in mid-air, and after the solemnity on his face faded, he looked at Bai Li with interest.

Thinking back then, because he had just built his foundation not long ago, he didn't even have the courage to resist when facing this person, and even dared not stop for a moment during the months of being hunted.

If it weren't for the Swift Wind Boat and a few puppets, I'm afraid he would have been buried in the hands of this person long ago.

Things are unpredictable. Who could have thought that a hundred years later, he could not only look him in the eye, but also had the strength to save his life.

Bai Li's face was gloomy and scary at the moment.

After being shot by an arrow, he used his magic power to temporarily stop the blood gushing out of his left arm. However, Mo Xun's second attack caused the wound, which had not yet solidified, to break open again. In just a moment, half of his body was stained with blood.

His face became paler!

Mo Xun's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a playful smile.

When the former mouse becomes a cat, the taste is probably only understood by the two of them.

It's time to end the century-old grudge!

Mo Xun did not choose to transmit his voice, but directly said to Bai Li: "Baiye City, Wuyinhai!"

After hearing these six words, the other two were fine, just a little confused, but even if they were still confused, they could roughly see that the strange cultivator in front of them was obviously coming for Bai Li.

After leaving the auction, Mo Xun changed his appearance several times, so it was understandable that several people could not see it.

And when Mo Xun's voice fell, Bai Li's whole body suddenly stood still as if struck by lightning, as if at this moment, he had forgotten that his left arm was still oozing blood.

A pair of eyes, even more round!

The expression was full of deep surprise!

"It's you!"

Mo Xun smiled faintly. Although he seemed to be slightly inferior in the previous competition, after this second verification, he had a better understanding of his current strength.

Perhaps before, he was a little intimidated by the other party's peak Jindan cultivation, but now it seems that even if he is alone, he is not without the ability to fight.

Of course, the premise is that this person does not have any unexpected means!

He was even more fortunate that the other party's two helpers that day were not around today.

"Why, shouldn't you feel happy to meet old friends from the southern border?"

While Mo Xun was speaking, he glanced at Hua Qingyan inconspicuously.

In fact, the moment he appeared from a distance, Hua Qingyan's brows were furrowed.

You know, the direction where Mo Xun came from was exactly where Anu was hiding.

She wanted to send a sound transmission note immediately to ask Anu about her current situation, but she didn't dare to do it easily, for fear that her unnecessary actions would expose Anu's existence.

At this moment, even if she had doubts about Mo Xun, she didn't dare to ask rashly.

Bai Li suddenly laughed.

"I have been looking for you for hundreds of years, but I didn't expect you to come to me on your own!"

Although he said this in a tough tone, I am afraid that only Bai Li himself knows how shocked he is at this moment.

He really can't understand why the boy from that year is not only still alive, but also has formed a golden elixir like him!

You know, when he was stranded in Xihezhou, he was already in the late stage of foundation building.

Over the years, he has never slacked off in cultivation, and has taken risks several times, going deep into various secret realms, and wandering on the edge of life and death for many times before he has achieved today's achievements.

Who would have thought that this person would reach the same height as him in just a hundred years.

"To be honest, Brother Bai, I have also been looking for you for a long time!"

"If that's the case, then what are you waiting for? Even in my dreams, I want to use your head to sacrifice to my poor brother!"

After the voice fell, Bai Li suddenly raised his right hand, and a ball of black air was released from his robe sleeves, instantly covering the area where the two were in a sky full of black fog.

Mo Xun's reaction was naturally not slow.

At the same time Bai Li made his move, he left the spot in a flash.

Then, several black steel needles as thick as fingers broke through the air, piercing through the afterimage left by Mo Xun, and hit the rocks under their feet, splashing a piece of stone chips and sand.

As for Wu Laoer and Hua Qingyan, they also retreated at the first time.

This sudden change was like a blessing from heaven for Wu Zhong!

He immediately turned into a rainbow light and soared into the sky!

Although the excitement was beautiful, you have to be alive to appreciate it.

However, Hua Qingyan's reaction was not slow. Although Mo Xun had diverted most of her attention, she never relaxed her attention on Wu Laoer.

After Wu Zhong left, Hua Qingyan retracted the white net in the air, and chased after him while the green light was flowing.

Mo Xun didn't care about the two of them at this moment, because not long after the black fog spread, he was surprised to find that Bai Li, the old guy, had actually run away!

It seems that he really overestimated his opponent!

After sending a sound transmission note to Gu Qingqing, Mo Xun flew in another direction and disappeared in the rain in the blink of an eye.

At the top of the nameless peak, Mo Xun circled and suddenly stopped.

Looking at the mountains covered with shrubs and weeds not far away, he sneered faintly: "Bai Li, you were once glorious, but now, what's the difference between you and a dog who has lost his home?"

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