Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 487: Wind and Thunder Show Their Power

After a while, seeing that the other party still refused to show up, Mo Xun snorted coldly and shouted in a low voice: "Go!"

A black iron block like a weight flew out of his hand!

A "boom" sound that was three times louder than thunder, the rocks of several feet in size exploded.

But strangely, the situation that Mo Xun expected did not happen. Only a few pieces of black cloth floated out from the broken stones.

Mo Xun secretly said that it was not good, he was fooled!

But before he could react, lightning and thunder in the sky started again, and the whole sky was bright again. Following closely, a strong black wind blade came with a power that almost tore the space apart.

The wind blade hit his body shield, causing his whole body to fall down, and then fell straight from the sky.

A mouthful of blood spurted out. If it were not for the defense of the exquisite ring, he would probably have been broken in half now.

Mo Xun fell into the bushes after falling from a height of several dozen feet.

Bai Li succeeded in his attack and wanted to kill him, but an arrow suddenly shot from the lush vegetation below.

This time, Mo Xun did not hesitate and directly used the fiery arrow he was best at.

The flaming arrow pierced through the rain curtain. Not only did it not show any signs of extinguishing, but it was full of the momentum of burning everything. In an instant, it cut through the night sky and came in front of Bai Li.

Bai Li's figure turned into a black shadow again.

The sharp arrow shuttled through the black shadow, leaving a trail of red flames in the air in the dimness.

After this arrow, countless arcs suddenly fell from the sky.

These arcs intertwined into a sky-covering electric net, making bursts of hissing sounds in the ears, almost covering half of the mountain in a movie of lightning.

Those black shadows seemed to burn the moment they touched the electric net, and they kept dissipating and annihilating. At the same time, a shrill scream came from the ears.

Before choosing to kill Bai Li, Mo Xun had thought of a countermeasure.

Although the magic power is domineering and cruel, it also has many nemesis. This lightning arc is the most yang thing in the world, and it is the most effective against monsters.

The wind and rain are strong, and another lightning flashes.

Mo Xun seized this opportunity and threw the wind and thunder stick in his hand directly.

This thing was suspended in the air, as if it was a supreme divine thing that attracted the sky thunder. The lightning as thick as a millstone suddenly turned in a direction after being carried by the wind and thunder stick, and all bombarded the black shadow.

Even Mo Xun, who cast the spell with this, was a little stunned.

Although this thing could not exert its full power in his hands, it was like destroying the world because of the blessing of lightning!

He couldn't help but curse his stupidity. If he knew that this thing was so powerful, he would not have ended up so embarrassed in the sea of ​​thunder.

No wonder so many people envy the mutant spiritual roots. This kind of power alone is enough to scare people away.

Of course, a large part of this was due to the natural power at this time.

As the lightning struck down, the black shadow that was still twisting and shaking suddenly disappeared into thin air and disappeared completely!

However, Mo Xun frowned.

He didn't believe that a Jindan cultivator would fall so easily.

Sure enough, as the sky in front of him turned black again, a sudden gust of wind blew. Although the rain did not decrease, something unusual suddenly appeared around him.

But before Mo Xun could figure out what was going on, an invisible force gradually enveloped him. Even if he couldn't see it with his eyes and his consciousness was not easy to capture, the smell of danger in the air became stronger and stronger.

It was like a cage, silently encircling him.

Could it be a formation?

Mo Xun shook his head lightly, it didn't seem like it!

But no matter what it was, it was definitely not a good thing. On the one hand, he quickly retreated behind him, and on the other hand, he communicated with the Xuantian True Fire not far away with his consciousness.

If nothing unexpected happened, Gu Qingqing should have been nearby by now.

Thinking of the tricks he had left behind, his originally uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

He retreated hundreds of feet in this way.

When he stabilized his body again and turned his head, he was suddenly shocked. He clearly remembered that there was a small mountain not far behind him, but why was it gone now?

And the sound of rain and wind!

It seems to be a little unchanged!

In theory, because of the steepness of the mountain, even if the rain is equally dense, the sound of falling should be slightly different, but what he heard during the retreat was the same.

As if...

As if this sound was deliberately simulated by someone.

He quickly dispersed the rain shelter tactics, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley under this feeling.

Although there was a rustling sound of rain around him, and even in the dimness, he could still see the heavy rain pouring down, but it felt like not a drop of rain fell on him.

He immediately thought of a possibility.

Illusion array!

But why didn't he feel any fluctuations in the array when he always thought he had a deep understanding of the array?

He took out a talisman, pinched his fingers and threw it out. The talisman turned into countless light spots in the air and flew around.

After a while, his face finally darkened.

Although he had not been exposed to magic arrays, this sensing talisman should be able to sense any array.

Could it be that this was another strange treasure?

Since he witnessed the power of the Jade Dragon last time, he has been troubled by the endless strange treasures in the hands of these high-level monks.

If it is a formation, it is fine. After all, he has studied it for decades. No matter how troublesome it is, there are traces to follow. But if it is some unknown or unknown treasure, it will be difficult to find a clue to deal with it for a while.

He then flew to the nearest hilltop. When his feet landed, his heart trembled again.

Although the ground under his feet was rugged and extremely uneven, it was flat when he stepped on it.

In other words, what he saw and what his body felt were completely different.

Those things that were very real in his eyes were all illusions!

In order to verify what he thought, he kicked out and hit a big tree in front of him.

As he expected, the big tree was just a phantom. There was nothing at all when he kicked it!

"Gong Yang, don't sleep, come out and see what's going on!"

"Hehe, what's so hard about this? You either fell into an illusion array, or you were sucked in by some treasure that swallowed the world. But in my opinion, the latter is more likely."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. In fact, he also had this feeling in his heart.

"Is there any way to get out?"

Gong Yang said impatiently: "You think I am omnipotent...but..."

"But what?"

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