Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 488 Heaven-Swallowing Treasure

Before Gong Yang could explain, Bai Li's voice came to his ears.

"Hahaha... I feel a little bit sorry to kill you like this. After all, there is no one else on this continent who can talk to me!"

The voice was ethereal, as if it came from all directions, and there was no trace of it.

Mo Xun turned his head again and looked around. The strange mountains and rocks, bushes and jungles were vivid in front of him. The pouring rain was also heard, but when he touched it carefully, he couldn't feel it, as if his vision and touch had two completely different faults.

If the illusion in front of him was not created by the formation, it would be an extremely clever spell.

"I guess the ash furnace a few days ago was also deliberately released by you to lure Bai to show up?"

Mo Xun frowned and replied, "So what?"

While Mo Xun was pretending to be nice to him, he was thinking quickly about the current situation in his mind.

Since even Gong Yang said that he was trapped in some kind of heaven-swallowing treasure, there should be no need to question it.

But the key is, how to get out?

Is this treasure just used to trap people?

Or is there something dangerous waiting for him, and he should be on guard early.

Since entering here, he has communicated with Xuantian True Fire with his spiritual consciousness, but he did not get any response, which means that Chi Li was blocked outside.

He raised his robe sleeves again and threw out a sound transmission talisman.

The previous one, because there was no response, there can only be two results.

Either it was not sent out at all, or Gu Qingqing's reply was also blocked outside.

"How did you find Bai's trail and follow him?"

Mo Xun pretended to be calm and said, "It's not difficult. But after I tell you, can you let me go?"

"Hahaha... What a joke. This answer is of little value to me. But... If you really want to live, you can show some sincerity."

"Oh? What sincerity?"

"When you fought with Ji Chong, the beast that could devour ghosts should be Bai Ze, right?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. If this person hadn't mentioned this, he would have almost forgotten that among the means used by Ji Chong that day, there was indeed a ghost flag that could control souls.

And at least half of the reason why he was able to win in the end was due to Bai Ze's innate ability to devour souls and exorcise ghosts.

"You mean, as long as you hand over Bai Ze, you can let me go?"


Mo Xun suddenly laughed, and asked in surprise: "What about your brother's great revenge?"

"Compared with the Great Dao, this little hatred is nothing?"

Mo Xun didn't find it strange to hear the other party's words.

In the world of immortal cultivation, some people give up their hatred for the sake of the Great Dao, and even repay kindness with enmity, betray their teachers and ancestors.

"How can I believe you?"

"In your current situation, do you have any other choice?"

While Bai Li was talking, he laughed unscrupulously again, as if in his eyes, Mo Xun was already a prisoner in a cage, at his mercy.

"Can you let me think for a moment!

"Yes, but it's better to be quick. Bai is impatient and can't wait long! "

After the words fell, only the sound of swishing rain remained in his ears.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked around, and suddenly slapped out with his palm, and the strong wind transformed by spiritual power hit a phantom tree not far away.

The strong wind passed through the shadow of the tree directly without any change.

Then he waited quietly, and after a moment, there was still no reaction.

There were two main reasons for his palm.

On the one hand, he wanted to see if these phantoms could be overcome by external forces, and on the other hand, he wanted to test Bai Li's reaction.

From the results, Bai Li seemed to only feel his presence at this moment, but could not see what he was doing.

No wonder the other party did not seem to notice after he sent out the sound transmission talisman just now.

Perhaps the only thing to be thankful for now is that he was not being monitored.

"Gong Yang, what did you want to say just now?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang had been waiting for a long time before he spoke: "Didn't you find that these phantoms appeared a little strange?"

"Strange? How do you say? "

"According to common sense, since you have been included in the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure, why did this person go to the trouble of doing all these things?"

When asked by Gong Yang, Mo Xun was stunned.

Yes, since this treasure is used to trap people, and now that the person is trapped, shouldn't the next step be some kind of attack, or refining or other means to torture him?

Why should we keep these illusions in front of us?

Or, these things don't need to appear at all!

After Mo Xun pondered for a while, he said uncertainly: "You mean... the main function of these illusions is to confuse!"

"Almost! "

Mo Xun fell into deep thought again. If he was confused, what was he trying to confuse?

Obviously, it could only be one thing!

That was to make him mistakenly believe that this place was still the outside world, so as to relax his vigilance!

When he thought of this, Mo Xun suddenly had an epiphany.

In a panic, he was really a little confused!

"That is to say...even if I am now in a certain heaven-swallowing treasure, this treasure may not be completely sealed. These illusions are to paralyze me, making me mistakenly believe that I am still in the outside world, so that I will not escape!"

"It should be like this. When the illusion disappears, it will probably be the time when you are in great trouble."

Mo Xun nodded suddenly. This probably made sense.

He looked around again, then jumped up and flew away.

If we follow this inference, there must be a way out somewhere.

But when he flew a full circle, his expression was filled with haze again.

It is a waste of time to search like a headless fly!

Gong Yang said again: "Since this place can create such a realistic illusion, it must have the effect of interfering with vision and hearing. Unless you find a way to get rid of this illusion, no matter how you go, it will mostly be in vain."

Mo Xun took a few heavy breaths. How could he not know this truth?

It is obviously not the first time for him to be trapped in an illusion.

When studying the five elements formation before, he had dabbled in many ways.

As the saying goes, people have six senses, and all illusions and interferences come from these six channels.

For example, eye consciousness is the most commonly used means to set up illusions.

The array setter uses extremely clever means to set up many similar scenes, and then uses the illusion of human eyes to make the trapped person always circle in a small area.

Even for cultivators with divine consciousness, it may not be easy to crack it. After all, using divine consciousness to explore the way, in the final analysis, it still depends on "seeing" and "touching".

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