Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 489: Using illusion to counter illusion

Does that mean that if you blindfold your eyes and imprison your spiritual consciousness, you can walk out?

The answer is obviously no!

Let's not talk about whether such aimless wandering is effective. Among the six consciousnesses, there are "ears, noses, tongues, bodies, and minds." As long as you are still breathing, you can still hear external sounds and even consciousness. You may be disturbed while thinking.

Unless you find a guide beyond the six consciousnesses, you can never get rid of it completely.

But having said that, the probability of such a thing appearing is probably even rarer than the Nine Sacred Trees!

He then took out Zhang Escape Talisman and disappeared in a moment.

But when he reappeared, he still didn't escape the damn illusion around him.

Unwilling to give up, he wasted several precious talismans one after another, but no matter how he changed his position, the effect was the same.

Then he took out the golden rainbow halberd and stabbed it hard at his feet. However, the dark ground was actually a bit harder than pig iron, which made his arms numb.

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath and asked rather irritably: "Do you have any good ideas?"

Gongyang pondered and said: "As for the methods, there are some. With your current ability, even if I tell you, you can't do it at all!"

"How do you know I can't do it if you don't tell me?"

There was already a hint of impatience in Mo Xun's tone, because he saw that the illusions around him seemed to be gradually fading and disappearing!

In the past, with Gongyang's temper, he wouldn't have been able to bear Mo Xun's rudeness, but now, perhaps due to the urgency of the situation, Gongyang just snorted and didn't care about him.

"First of all, if your spiritual consciousness is powerful enough to cover the entire space and look at the whole situation from a bird's eye view, not to mention a small sky-swallowing magic weapon, it is not impossible to peek into the world!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly had a dark look on his face.

What does it mean to be strong enough?

The devil knows how much space there is in this treasure. According to this, even the Yuanying monks may have no choice but to wait for death.

"anything else?"

"If you know the art of clones, you can also create thousands of clones, scatter them around, and explore in different directions. There will always be one clone who will be lucky enough to find the exit, but... ...I’ve known you for so long, but I don’t seem to realize that you have this ability!”

Mo Xun almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

"You know this, why are you talking about this?"

"Hehe... don't worry, aren't you thinking of a way? I will tell you everything I can think of. As for which one is suitable, it is up to you to choose."

Mo Xun snorted coldly and said nothing.

"As for the third type, you need to know the cause of this illusion. Just like treating a disease and healing a person, only when the disease is clear can you prescribe the right medicine!"

Mo Xun fell silent again, if only he knew the reason.

As for Bai Li, I'm afraid he won't be able to get anything out of him no matter how hard he tries.

"The fourth type!" Mo Xun's voice became more and more gloomy.

"This method is also very difficult. It uses the power of heaven to directly smash this space..."

Seeing Mo Xun's almost uncontrollable anger, Gongyang immediately changed his tone and said: "Of course, I think this method is not suitable for you either... In this case, it should only be There is only one way left!"


At this moment, Mo Xun was like a fallen person hanging on the edge of a cliff, trying his best to hold on to any grass or vine.

"Some treasures that restrain illusions, or spells that break illusions, can also be tried. After all, there are illusions, which naturally correspond to methods of breaking illusions. This is actually the same principle as the mutual development and restraint between heaven and earth!"

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, how could he not understand such a simple theory?

But now that things have happened, where can he find such a thing?

Seeing that Mo Xun was a little depressed, Gongyang offered some rare comfort.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's actually not a big deal. Even if danger does arise later, with your many methods, you may not be completely unable to resist it. As the saying goes, the ship will straighten out when it reaches the bridge, and all difficulties and dangers have been overcome. Can you still be frightened by this scene?”

From Gongyang's seemingly kind-hearted guidance, Mo Xun finally understood.

This old guy is definitely not afraid of this. Even if he dies, the other party probably has other means to save his life, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm now!

Looking at the phantom scenery around him that had dimmed by half, Mo Xun sighed again in his heart!

But he is a person who never accepts his fate easily.

Since there is nothing we can do, we can only prepare for a rainy day in advance.

I saw that on the basis of the protection of the exquisite ring, he added a few more talisman light masks, and at the same time, he had already taken out the wind and thunder rod in his hand.

Since Bai Li is a demon cultivator, there is a high probability that this sky-swallowing treasure is also a magic weapon. It is most suitable to defeat it with thunder and lightning!

It's a pity that Xuan Tianhuo is not around.

Whether it's Chili's own Zhiyang Divine Fire or the lightning arc on its surface after mutation, it must have another level of power when dealing with demonic cultivators.

In addition, there are many thunder and lightning fire talismans that were refined in the past. Although the quality of these things has long been unable to keep up with the crisis he is facing, as the saying goes, it is better than nothing. At critical moments, they may play a decisive role.

The last one is obviously the mysterious green gourd.

This thing has saved him from danger countless times since he began to practice. I hope it can perform miraculous feats again this time!

But this can only be a last resort. He really doesn't want to expose this secret to outsiders unless he has to.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of the ram again.

Before entering the gourd space, this old guy must be thrown back into the portrait.

But before he could speak, Gongyang suddenly said like a charlatan: "By the way, there is another way. With your current ability, maybe you can try it!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "What can I do?"

In fact, at this time, he probably had the idea of ​​giving up. It was because the suggestions made by Gongyang before were so unreliable that he couldn't arouse much interest for a while.

"I have heard of a method called illusion to create illusion in the early years, but I have never seen anyone practice it, so I don't take it to heart. As for whether it will succeed or not, I dare not guarantee it."

"Using illusion to create illusion?"

Mo Xun murmured to himself, with surprise written on his brows, obviously not understanding what he meant.

"It is said that certain illusions have a certain suppressive effect. Once a high-level illusion appears, the effect will be completely lost if the level is lower. This is a bit like..."

Gongyang pondered, as if trying to find a metaphor, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't think of a suitable one.

However, an idea flashed through Mo Xun's mind, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Bloodline Suppression!"

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