Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 490 Red Spider Lily

"Although it's not very appropriate, it's probably what I mean!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. This was the first time he heard of such a thing.

"So you can try to set up an illusion array. Maybe a blind cat will encounter a dead mouse and suppress the illusion here."

In fact, when Gong Yang said this method, Mo Xun had roughly guessed his intention.

It's not difficult to set up an illusion array with his attainments in the art of array.

But then again, the illusion in front of him is so realistic that even if you want to suppress it, it's probably futile without a sixth-level array.

Another thing that puzzled him was what was the basis of this theory?

In theory, whether it's an illusion or an illusion array, they are dead things after all, and have nothing to do with blood suppression!

In other words, only when it happens to correspond to one of the six senses can it play a suppressing role.

For example, in terms of "ear consciousness", interference is achieved through some sound waves. If a stronger sound wave is generated, the original interference will be greatly weakened, or replaced!

Mo Xun nodded secretly. If this is the understanding, it can probably be explained.

"Whether it works or not, you have to try it. Although I am not very proficient in this, I can help you a little in setting up the formation!"

Mo Xun seemed not to hear it. A rosy glow flashed in his hand, and a small jade box appeared.

Then, a complex look suddenly appeared in his eyes, staring at the jade box in his hand, as if he had turned into a stone sculpture.

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent for a long time, Gong Yang said angrily: "Hey, kid! I'm talking to you!"

Mo Xun suddenly woke up from his trance. The short moment just now made him experience a very long recollection.

"This thing should be more powerful than the illusion array!"

While speaking, there was a "bang" sound, and the lid of the box in his hand opened, revealing a fingernail-sized thing inside.

Looking closely, it turned out to be a small "pea"!

Before Mo Xun spoke, Gong Yang exclaimed: "Higanbana fruit!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked hurriedly: "Do you know this thing?"

This thing is the seed of the strange white flower under the ancient tomb of Xunyang County!

You know, he almost committed suicide in the illusion because of this thing.

Over the years, perhaps affected by that incident, he has always sealed this seed in a corner, and he didn't even want to take it out for research.

It was because that scene left him with too deep a shadow.

But then again, if it weren't for this thing, how could he find the green gourd?

Without the help of the gourd, with his qualifications, let alone forming a pill, I'm afraid it's unknown whether he can practice to the perfection of Qi Refining!

After a long time, Gong Yang seemed to recover from the shock, but he changed his tone again.

"Boy, I rarely admit defeat. If I count on my fingers, you are definitely number one!"

Mo Xun was somewhat surprised. Although he had long guessed that this seed was unusual, now that he heard Gong Yang's loss of composure, it showed that he still underestimated the value of this thing.

"Anything to say?"

Gong Yang was really defeated by his ignorance, and he couldn't figure out what kind of opportunity the master he possessed had experienced to have so many heaven-defying treasures!

After the two met, let alone Xuantian True Fire, Lanxin Lotus, Yanghun Wood, and the thousand-year-old elixir that he took out at random, almost every time, he would subvert his cognition.

These things, no matter which one is thrown into the market, will cause a bloody storm.

He now really wants to know how many unknown secrets this kid has hidden.

If we put aside his talent, even the Cang Kuo Zhenren of the past would be slightly inferior to him!

"With a chance against the sky and a great mind, this person may really be able to embark on the road to ascension one day..."

This is the sentence that echoed in Gong Yang's mind at this moment, and he couldn't calm down for a long time!

What Mo Xun didn't know was that just a seed made the former overlord's mind shake like never before.

After Gong Yang calmed down, he slowly spoke, but his words became serious.

"You now know that this thing is called the fruit of the other shore flower, which is actually the fruit of the other shore flower. Of course, you are right to call it a seed. As for the other shore flower, it is also called the ghost flower, or the hell flower. It is said that it connects the three divisions of the underworld and can transform into a passage to the underworld. Once you are frightened by its flower nature, it is equivalent to one foot stepping into the gate of the underworld."

Speaking of this, I don't know if it was because of an illusion, but Mo Xun felt that the hand holding the jade box suddenly had a bit more coldness.

No wonder he was tempted to commit suicide, it turns out that this is the crux!

"According to what you said, this thing is not a good thing!"

Who knows that Gong Yang laughed and said: "This is wrong, the quality of things depends on who uses it!"

At this time, Mo Xun has already shown a learned look, and nodded thoughtfully.

This is true, he had a profound experience in the mortal world.

Take some highly toxic things for example, they seem to be harmful, but many prescriptions cannot do without them.

Just listen to Gong Yang and say: "Another effect of the red spider lily is the natural hallucination effect, so in the world of immortal cultivation, it is also called the flower without illusion!"

"No magic flowers?"

"Exactly! When you first heard this name, you must have had a lot of confusion, right?"

"Keep your story short. If we delay any longer, I'm afraid even if there is a divine object that defies heaven, you and I will be trapped and die here."

Mo Xun suddenly noticed that the illusion under his feet was getting weaker and weaker.

"This ´nothing´ is actually not the other ´nothing´! It is also interesting to say that the meaning of "no illusion" does not mean that this thing has no hallucinogenic ability. On the contrary, the word "no illusion" means that under the sky, there is no hallucination. There is no hallucinogenic thing that can compare with it!”

Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath. Perhaps at this moment, he truly realized the value of this thing!

Anyone who can be called number one in a certain aspect, no matter what it is, is by no means an ordinary person!

Gongyang seemed to realize that time was running out, so he stopped talking and continued: "Although what I just said sounds bluffing, it is not of much use to monks like us. What I want to say is This is another magical effect of this thing...refining Wuhuan Dan!"

"No Magic Pill?"

Although Mo Xun has gained quite a lot of knowledge over the years, almost everywhere he goes, the first thing he does is read through various local jade slips and ancient books, but hearing these unfamiliar names at this moment still makes him somewhat confused. Some feel ashamed of their lack of knowledge.


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