"This kind of elixir will make even Yuanying monks salivate when they see it!"

Mo Xun's still urgent thoughts were immediately attracted.

Could it be said that this is an advanced magic medicine that can break through a certain realm?

However, Gongyang did not explain as directly as he expected. Instead, he said with some emotion: "It is a pity that this pill can only be taken once in a lifetime. Otherwise, in this world, It’s time for a hundred-year-old Nascent Soul to appear!”

Mo Xun opened his mouth in surprise.

A hundred-year-old Nascent Soul... Could it be that after practicing for a hundred years, one can condense the Nascent Soul?

If this is the case, it would be incredible!

Presumably even a top-notch genius would not dare to boast like this, because it is completely beyond the scope of talent.

"The most wonderful effect of this elixir is to make people fall into a deep illusion. The most incredible thing is that the passage of time in the illusion will be dozens or even hundreds of times different from the reality! Hehe... ...Do you know what this means?"

Speaking of the second half, the ram's voice seemed to become trembling.

At this moment, Mo Xun was stunned!

He asked in disbelief: "You mean, in the illusion, monks can still continue to practice, even if they spend dozens of years, it will only be equivalent to one year when they return to the real world?"

"Yes, for a Foundation-Building monk, one pill can equal twenty years of illusion. For a Pill-forming monk, it will increase to fifty years. As for the Nascent Soul monk, it will be a full hundred years!"

Hearing this incredible miraculous effect, Mo Xun felt that the blood in his chest was almost boiling.

Even the hand holding the jade box unconsciously clenched a little tighter.

It's as if I'm afraid that this thing will fly away if I'm not careful!

"Of course, fantasy and reality are ultimately different. The cultivation level improved in it will naturally not be brought to reality. However, the cultivation experience gained is real. By then, as long as it is given time in reality, it will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Perhaps The realm that originally took hundreds of years to reach can be achieved in just ten or twenty years!"

Mo Xun nodded dullly. This kind of thing really overturned his understanding.

Even if it is true as Gongyang said, the cultivation in the illusion cannot be brought to the real world, but it is equivalent to having a hundred years of experience. If other resources are sufficient, it is really possible to save seventy or eighty yuan for the Nascent Soul monk. year time.

Don't underestimate how many Nascent Soul Ancestors have fallen at the end of their longevity in the past few decades, just a hair away from breakthrough.

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath, he was a little hesitant now.

On the one hand, it was the only way to leave this place, and on the other hand, it was decades of hard work. If he had known that this thing was so unnatural, he would have taken the risk and cultivated dozens more plants in the gourd.

If he uses it to create illusions later and wastes it, then his heart will really bleed!

The ram seemed to read his thoughts and smiled.

"Don't worry, you are just using its hallucinogenic power. It will not cause any harm to the flowers and fruits on the other side. It is nothing more than consuming some internal essence. After you get out, you will cultivate it for another hundred or two hundred years. , and it will recover when it blooms again.”

After hearing this, Mo Xun's originally troubled heart calmed down a little.

For him, let alone cultivating it for a hundred or two hundred years, as long as the thing is not completely dead, it can last for thousands or ten thousand years, so what's the problem?

So the only worry now is whether he can resist the illusion created by this thing.

If something goes wrong and the original illusion is not eliminated but a new one is added, wouldn't it be like shooting oneself in the foot?

Maybe he didn't die from this sky-swallowing treasure in the end, but was harmed by the other side flower. That would make people laugh and cry!

When Mo Xun expressed his concerns, Gong Yang immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will remind you if anything goes wrong!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown and asked, "What if you also fall into the illusion?"

"Hehe, don't forget, I am just a memory. As long as it is not consciously entered into the body, there is nothing you can do about me!"

Mo Xun wanted to say, how do you explain what you see in front of you?

But he didn't speak after all. After all, the only one he could rely on now was this old man.

If something unexpected happens, it must be fate!

When he thought of this, he immediately made up his mind to take a gamble.

Of course, the main reason is that the current time does not allow him to look forward or backward any longer. It will not be long before the sky-swallowing treasure will be completely sealed.

Mo Xun immediately put away the various magical weapons on his body, and at the same time took out several Qingxin talismans and stuck them on himself.

Even though he had the intention to regard death as home, he still had to make corresponding preparations.

Because of his previous experience of being induced to commit suicide, he did not dare to leave any sharp weapons on his body.

But this is obviously just a kind of psychological comfort. If he really wants to die when he loses his mind, there are at least dozens of ways to force him to commit suicide.

Then he needed to close his nose tightly. If he remembered correctly, after entering the ancient tomb, he smelled some weird smells that caused him to have hallucinations later.

After these preparations were completed, Mo Xun and Gong Yang exchanged a few brief words before slowly taking out the seed from the jade box.

After a moment's hesitation, he clenched his palms and poured spiritual power into it.

Suddenly, several faint fluorescent lights emerged from the gaps between his fingers.

Mo Xun's heart tightened, knowing that this was working, and then he quickly gathered his mind and looked into the distance, expecting the illusion around him to change a little.

Just a few breaths of waiting made him feel extremely long.

Until the faint light in his hand became stronger and stronger, the voice of the ram suddenly came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Throw it out, don't let the essence flow into your body!"

Mo Xun reacted quickly and threw it forward casually. He also took several steps back.

Looking at the palm that was already stained with some fluorescence, he secretly complained in his heart, why didn't this old man say it earlier, and he didn't know if these light powders would have any effect on him?

But before he had time to complain, the illusions of the rocks around him that were about to become translucent suddenly disappeared, replaced by darkness without a trace of light.

As for the sound of rain in his ears, it also disappeared instantly!

He seemed to be in a bottomless abyss without sunlight, without wind or sound!

This is... He turned his head and looked around, and couldn't help but mutter, could it be that the original illusion was suppressed?

Then, a faint light suddenly appeared in the distance...

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