The moment he threw the flowers and fruits from the other side, Mo Xun felt a little regretful.

Doesn't this mean that it is impossible to refine Wuhuan Dan?

Looking at the seeds floating into the distance and the faint light at the end of the other side, he fell into a dilemma again.

"Boy, don't worry about one thing and lose the other. If you have another chance to find this thing in the future, it's better to seize the time and get out first."

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, it seemed that this was all he could do.

If the seeds are put away and the way to survive in the distance disappears again, there will really be no time.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately ran towards Shiguang without looking back.

Gradually, the light became brighter and brighter, and when he got closer, just as he expected, it was a dazzling light door.

Perhaps due to urgency, Mo Xun did not ask Gongyang's opinion this time and stepped out directly.

After a brief blur of vision, the scene in front of him suddenly changed and returned to the rainy night where he was initially trapped.

Mo Xun was immediately overjoyed, but in the blink of an eye, he hurriedly asked: "Gongyang, isn't this the hallucination of Bianhuahua?"

"Hehe, you are really a fool, don't worry, I'm watching you!"

Despite this, Mo Xun was still a little uneasy. He quickly looked around and saw two figures not far away, each casting spells in the heavy rain, fighting inextricably.

Of these two people, one is Bai Li and the other is Gu Qingqing!

Mo Xun was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Fairy Gu actually kept her promise. After he was trapped, instead of leaving, she came forward.

From this point on, it was inevitable that he would have a slightly different view of this person.

And judging from the competition between the two, it seems that Gu Qingqing's methods are not that unbearable, and she is vaguely on par with Bai Li.

Of course, this may be because Bai Li was injured.

Mo Xun hurriedly sensed the Xuantian Fire again, and only after detecting the existence of Chiwei did he truly believe that he had come out.

He turned his head and looked behind him again, but what was a bit confusing was that there was nothing behind him, and there were no traces of any treasures around his feet.

So the question is, what is he trapped by?

But at this moment, it is obviously not the time to think about this.

I saw him immediately taking out the Qiankun Bow, opening the bow and setting an arrow, and a series of movements that could be described as smooth and natural.

Although he was very sure that the two of them must have discovered his figure at the first time. This arrow may not have the effect of catching him off guard, but as long as it can help Gu Qingqing share some of the pressure, with this woman's cleverness, Not to mention killing Bai Li, it is still very possible to seriously injure him.

The fiery red arrows, carrying heart-stopping energy, cut through the rainy night, like blooming fireworks, gathering momentum.

In an instant, the sharp arrow came to Bai Li's side.

By the time he realized the danger, it was obviously too late. Coupled with Gu Qingqing's magical restraint, even if Bai Li wanted to react, he couldn't free his hands.

Then blood spattered and the arrow shot directly into his lower abdomen, piercing through.

A muffled groan came from Bai Li's eyes, which almost bulged out of his eyes, and his expression was full of unbelievable horror.

Gu Qingqing was obviously extremely experienced. Seizing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the long sword flew out from his hand, dragging a white trail in the air. Then he saw black and red blood splashing out of Bai Li's chest. Without the protection of the protective mask, in the blink of an eye, he was swallowed up by the rain.

Bai Li's whole body suddenly seemed like a rock that had lost its support and fell straight from the sky.

His life also began to pass quickly at the moment when his heart was pierced!

Is this...dead?

Mo Xun was stunned and froze on the spot, as if in his opinion, something that should have been obtained at an extremely high price appeared in front of him in such an understatement.

Or was it that he had overestimated this person's skills before? In fact, he was just a strong man on the outside and a strong man on the inside!

"Fellow Daoist Mo, is the deal between you and me completed?"

Mo Xun came back to his senses when he heard the calm but somewhat proud voice in his ears.

He frowned and said, "Wait a minute!"

Mo Xun then slowly fell from the sky and went straight to Bai Li's body in the mud.

In the forest of the mountain stream, looking at the two large bloody holes in the lower abdomen and heart wrapped in the black robe, Mo Xun was convinced that this person was indeed dead.

But why is he still a little unconvinced?

Damn it... isn't it a little too fast?

"Ram, what do you think?"

The ram chuckled.

"Is there anything surprising about this? Even the Danjie monks are not immortal. Thinking back then, there were not ten but seven or eight strong Danjie monks who died in my hands. Some people were indeed difficult to deal with, but some People, that's all, it's not bad, if you encounter a Nascent Soul cultivator, you can kill him with one palm!"

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. It seemed that in the past, he had thought of the pill-forming monks as too mysterious.

The battles between monks are indeed not that complicated sometimes.

Just when he was about to take off the other party's storage bag, he hesitated again, as if something was missing.

But when I think about it carefully, I can't remember it.

He couldn't help but smile, it was really predicted by the male sheep.

In fact, every danger I encountered before was on the verge of life and death. This time I encountered an easy one, which was a bit disappointing.

With one move with one hand, he grabbed the opponent's storage bag from the air.

What he was most curious about at the moment was the Heaven-Swallowing Treasure. Perhaps there was information in it that could help him solve his puzzles.

But just when he was about to open the storage bag, an unprecedented sense of danger suddenly came over him!

He instinctively jumped forward, but it was still a step too late. Just as he rolled to the ground, he felt a burning pain in his waist and back.

Then his body disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already more than ten feet away.

Mo Xun's face suddenly turned pale. After his spiritual sense probed, he already knew that there was a nearly foot-long cut from top to bottom on his back, and at least a dozen bones were torn and cut.

Blood soaked his back like rain.

Perhaps if it was half an inch higher, his internal organs and Dantian would be cut.

Looking at Gu Qingqing, who was smiling in the distance, Mo Xun glared at her, and his face became extremely hideous because of the severe pain.


Mo Xun tightly grasped the storage bag in his hand. Even though he had guessed the reason, he still found it hard to believe.

"I have avenged you. Shouldn't you be happy?"

Mo Xun took a deep breath. Since the other party was unkind, he could only stop blaming him for being disloyal.

He then moved his lips slightly, and an obscure spell came out of his mouth.

But then, his mood sank to the bottom again!

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