At some point, this woman actually lifted the restriction in his body that he had placed before!

"What's wrong, fellow Taoist? You don't seem to be looking well!"

There was an unprecedented chill in Mo Xun's eyes. Although he had long been accustomed to the intrigues in the world of immortality, this feeling of being betrayed in person still made him quite depressed.

He quickly took two pills and made a secret secret in his hand.

"Xianzi Gu, although you and I are a little unhappy, I will definitely not break my promise to you. Do you think that if you fail, you may even lose your life here?"

In the rain and fog, Gu Qingqing smiled brightly.

"But what if we succeed? I am very curious about the thousand-year-old elixirs on my Taoist friends. I guess there must be many good things that will open my eyes, right?"

While Mo Xun was running his spiritual power and using medicine to nourish the wound, he was trying to buy himself as much time as possible.

Judging from the strength that this woman has just shown, she probably had some reservations when she fought with him before.

After a brief shock, Mo Xun finally calmed down.

This woman has been a ruthless character from the beginning, and it is reasonable for her to do such a thing.

Just as he thought, if the other party comes to rob it blatantly, it actually doesn't matter. He just hates this kind of betrayal!

Since the words are not speculative, there is no need to continue talking!

He waved his robe sleeves, and in his palm there were strands of lightning, and then a large thunder and lightning net was woven in front of him, like a fishing net cast into the river, and rushed towards Gu Qingqing's face.

The moment the power grid was formed, Mo Xun's figure also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a golden spear, shining with dazzling golden light, struck quickly from behind Gu Qingqing.

After doing this, Mo Xun was on the other two sides, throwing out hundreds of talismans, which was equivalent to surrounding her in all directions.

In a flash of lightning, flames fell from the sky above Gu Qingqing's head.

These flames were like hot magma pouring down. Even in the rain, there was no sign of extinguishing at all. It was poured down like that.

Mo Xun felt fierce in his heart. From the very beginning, he had no intention of dragging his feet.

Putting all your strength into defeating the enemy with one move is obviously the most effective method!

He wished he could burn this woman directly into a pile of ashes!

In an instant, the entire valley within tens of feet was enveloped in a sea of ​​thunder, lightning and fire. The downpour of rain formed a circle of silver shimmer visible to the naked eye at the edge, as if it was a layer of flames all over the sky. bondage.

As the fire light danced, it was like a fiery silver beast crawling out of the ground, with countless light and electricity traveling across its body.

Thick black smoke came out of the huge tree canopy!

Mo Xun stood far away in the air, his brows furrowed.

He didn't feel Gu Qingqing's aura in it. Could it be that this powerful blow also killed him?

He suddenly remembered what he thought he had missed just now!

After Bai Li's death, the soul was not seen!

Just like Gu Qingqing's soul was missing in the firelight in front of her!

There are roughly three explanations for this situation. Either the soul sneaked away without him noticing, or the soul was annihilated and disappeared together with the physical body.

And the last one is for the other party to fake death!

He quickly glanced at Bai Li in the grass again, but this glance almost made his eyes bulge.

I saw a person lying on the ground in the distance, but this person was not Bai Li, but Gu Qingqing!

And at this moment, the other party's body was naked, and his two long legs as white as jade were exposed in front of him without any cover.

What a perfect jade body!

The next scene made Mo Xun dumbfounded again.

Gu Qingqing suddenly opened her eyes, smiled coquettishly at him with a face full of charm, then stretched out her slender fingers and hooked at him.

The entire scene reflected the whiteness of Mo Xun's pupils.

His lower abdomen suddenly became hot without even realizing it.

If he remembered correctly, this was the third time in the past hundred years that he had seen such beauty with his own eyes.

Mo Xun's whole body was briefly lost for a moment, and a pair of feet that he couldn't control, just stepped through the air and headed towards Bi Ren.

Soon, the fiery ketone body wrapped around his body.

Mo Xun was lying on the ground, his body so stiff that he was a little numb. His mind was blank, but he enjoyed the process extremely.

One of his hands had also inadvertently wrapped around the other person's slender and tender waist.

This feeling is like sitting astride an out-of-control wild horse, which is exciting and somewhat expected to be conquered.

But soon, he felt the urge to urinate.

But how can we pee during this bumpy ride?

When he couldn't bear it anymore, he finally peed. With this release, he discovered that peeing could also give him an unprecedented pleasure.

It's just that this kind of pleasure is short-lived!

It’s as if it’s over before you even taste it!

For the first time in his life, he felt that he had drank a little less water before, otherwise, this pleasant pleasure would have lasted longer.

He let out a soft breath, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he was unwilling to move at all. His whole body was completely wet with sweat.

But what happened next once again caught him by surprise.

Gu Qingqing suddenly raised her palm, and her fingers, which were originally as white as jade, suddenly grew sharp nails of about an inch long, stabbing at his naked chest.

Mo Xun was shocked and quickly reached out to grab her slender wrist.

But because the other party took the initiative, by the time he reacted to stop her, five sharp nails had already been embedded in his skin for nearly half an inch.

Blood immediately seeped out from the wound, and Mo Xun groaned in pain.

The two people's hot skin, who were originally tightly pressed together, were wrestling unbelievably at this time.

"You still want to kill me?"

Gu Qingqing smiled charmingly: "Before you die, let you be a playboy, isn't it good?"

Mo Xun snorted in his heart. He really couldn't understand why the two people who were already in harmony would suddenly become like this?

Could it be that cultivation resources are really that important?

For the sake of cultivation, husband and wife can turn against each other, father and son can become enemies, and the two people who were sincere to each other just now, in the blink of an eye, are fighting to the death!

Mo Xun looked into Gu Qingqing's eyes and suddenly smiled!

But there was something miserable in that smile. Then he slowly closed his eyes, tightly clasped the other's hand, and slowly loosened it.

When he loosened his hand, the other's five fingers penetrated into his skin completely.

He could almost feel that his heart was suddenly squeezed hard by someone.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I will make good use of your gourd. Once I ascend to heaven in the future, I will definitely pay tribute to you in front of your tomb, so that we will not live in vain... By the way, as for Chi Li, I will treat him well!"

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