Hearing this, Mo Xun, who was already a little confused, suddenly felt as if he was struck by lightning.

How does the other party know that he has a green gourd?

And red beetle!

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly focused and he looked at Gu Qingqing who was very close at hand.

All this... is fake!

As his thoughts gradually became clearer, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Green water, green mountains, beautiful women, rainy nights!

Everything felt like the curtain had been pulled down and turned into chaotic darkness again.

The anxious call of the ram also came to my ears.

"Wake up! Wake up..."

Above his head, a shimmering seed slowly became clear in Mo Xun's eyes.

He couldn't help but groan, and then he noticed that he was lying on his back on the ground at the moment, and one hand was tightly clasped on his left chest in a very strange way. Half of the five fingers were Embedded in the flesh, blood flowed out slowly along the fingers.

Seeing such a thrilling scene, Mo Xun's face suddenly turned pale.

"I am..."

Hearing this weak voice, I am afraid the person who was most surprised was the ram.

"You finally woke up. Do you know that your kid seemed to be hysterical just now? He was playing with guns, throwing talismans, and finally he looked like a bull in love!"

At this point, the male sheep suddenly laughed, with a bit of ridicule in his tone.

"As the saying goes, when the truth is false, the truth is also false, and when the false is true, the false is also true. Most illusions are born from the heart. I am really curious, what did you see in the illusion to have such a reaction?"

Mo Xun jerked his arm, and a few streaks of blood spurted out of his chest. He quickly used his spiritual power to seal the wound.

He was even more secretly frightened. He was so close to becoming the first unlucky guy in the world of immortality to have his heart cut out and die.

It seemed like a long experience just now, but in reality, it was no more than a cup of tea.

But in just a few short moments, his whole body felt as if he had been in a lake, and everything was wet from head to toe.

Mo Xun took a few deep breaths and then noticed the meaning of Gongyang's words.

Is it true, as Gongyang said, that those illusions are all projections of the world in his mind in reality?

It is not surprising at all to say that due to his natural suspiciousness, Gu Qingqing's betrayal was imagined, but why did he do such a ridiculous thing in the end?

And...does this count as losing one's virginity?

It seems that I have been single for a long time, and the restlessness comes from deep in my heart!

"Thank you very much!"

He didn't know how much his sobriety had to do with the ram, but it confirmed from the side that the flowers and fruits of the other side really couldn't affect the ram.

Mo Xun jumped up, and all the illusions around him had disappeared.

Not far away, a faint light came, much like the light door in the illusion that lured him in.

This time, there should be no problem, right?

I saw him brushing the sleeves of his robe, putting away several magic weapons around him, and at the same time, he put the seed back into the jade box, and sealed it several times before feeling relieved.

After seeing the power of this thing for the second time, Mo Xun was really afraid of it!

However, he did not expect that this method was indeed feasible, and it also gave him a better understanding of the hallucinogenic power of flowers and fruits on the other side.

Maybe the Wuhuan Dan mentioned by Gongyang really works!

"So much nonsense, let's leave first!"

In fact, Mo Xun knew that it was too late without Gongyang's reminder.

But at this time, Bai Li's voice came to my ears again.

"How are fellow Taoists thinking about it?"

Mo Xun's first steps hesitated slightly, and then he frowned and said, "Can you guarantee that you will let me go after I hand over Bai Ze?"

As Mo Xun spoke, he walked towards the dim light ahead. At the same time, he took out the medicine bottle and sprinkled some medicine powder on the wound.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. I believe you have also seen that Bai's treasure can only trap people and cannot cause any harm to you for the time being. If you don't believe it, I can swear to my inner demon that I can definitely guarantee the life of fellow Taoist."

Mo Xun sneered, it would not cause any harm, so why bother with those illusions before?

As for talking about life, it’s just a word game!

What he wants is not safety, but getting out of here!

"If that's the case, then please make an oath first!"

While delaying, Mo Xun came to the glimmer of light. What he saw in front of him was not like the light door in the illusion, but a long gap, a bit like a slit leading to the outside world in a dark cave. .

Listening to the sincere vows in his ears, a green light suddenly flashed in front of Mo Xun, and an incarnation exactly like him appeared.

It's just that at this moment, this incarnation's eyes are dull and lifeless.

Mo Xun stretched out two fingers and lightly touched his forehead. The incarnation suddenly seemed to come to life, and his eyes immediately became more lively.

Mo Xun immediately sent a message: "You are here, let's be honest with you first!"

The incarnation mechanically nodded, and then really spoke, discussing the terms with Bai Li. As for Mo Xun, he turned into a stream of light and submerged into the gap emitting white light.

After a brief period of dizziness, Mo Xun finally saw the rainy night in the mountain stream. Without using the rain shelter technique, he immediately felt the rain pouring down on his head.

This time it's for real!

At the same time as he was delighted, he saw an extremely spectacular and shocking scene.

He saw a gray giant floating in the air about ten feet above the ground on the side of his body, almost filling the entire valley.

Because he was too close, he couldn't see the whole picture of this thing.

While he was surprised, his body tilted slightly, but he was almost blown down by the gust of wind, and he was scared and stepped back several steps.

He was really surprised when he looked carefully!

It turned out that there was a very strong wind blowing under his feet, but this wind was really strange, like the suction generated by something, sucking everything covered by the wind.

Suddenly, a bold idea flashed in Mo Xun's mind!

He flew quietly for a while close to the giant in front of him, and then retreated dozens of feet and looked far away.

When he roughly saw the outline of this thing, he swallowed his saliva secretly.

This thing turned out to be an extremely large pocket, covering the sky and the sun, stretching down, and covering the area of ​​nearly a thousand feet.

After calming down, Mo Xun was sure that he was not mistaken. This was a super large pocket with the mouth facing down, like a gold-eating beast, constantly sucking up everything!

And he was right outside this pocket at the moment!

"This thing... is it a Qiankun bag?"

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