Mo Xun frowned, thinking that this cunning woman ran faster than a rabbit when she needed help. Now that she was done, she came back to ask for money.

But in a flash, he found something wrong.

He saw that there was a black shadow following behind the escaping light, and it was faster.

Did he encounter any trouble?

Eh? It's not Gu Qingqing!

When Mo Xun saw the appearance of the person coming, the other party's voice also came!

"Fellow Taoist, please help me!"

Mo Xun was too familiar with this voice. It was Hua Qingyan who had left with Wu Laoer before.

At this moment, Hua Qingyan's eyebrows were completely without the heroic spirit of the past. Instead, she looked panicked. The hairpins on her head were a little messy, and it seemed that she had suffered a little injury.

When the escaping light fell, Hua Qingyan's feet were not stable, and she staggered two steps, looking a little embarrassed.

"Daoyou, please save me!"

Mo Xun was a little slow to react to this sudden change. In the blink of an eye, another black figure also appeared in front of the two of them.

When this person appeared, Mo Xun's heart suddenly jumped.

Middle stage of Jindan!

Hua Qingyan quickly stepped back several steps and hid behind Mo Xun. Obviously, she was very afraid of this man in black.

This person first looked around. The traces of the battle just now still did not dissipate. Although it was raining heavily, the air was still filled with strong mana fluctuations.

After a while, the sharp eyes full of rage glanced at Gu Qingqing and finally fell on Mo Xun.

"Please make way!"

Although the words were said politely, the tone was not kind at all, and even carried a bit of an overbearing commanding tone.

In fact, Mo Xun should feel lucky at this moment. Perhaps it was because of the smoke that had not yet dissipated that the other party did not know his details for a while. Otherwise, with the other party's realm, he might not even say hello and would directly attack.

As for Mo Xun, although the cause and effect were still unclear, the general situation was still clear.

He first turned to the side, glanced at Hua Qingyan, and asked in a voice transmission: "Where is Wu Zhong?"

"Dead! The man in front of him is Wu Bo, the boss of the Wu family!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun did not show much surprise. Such an answer seemed to have been expected by him.

However, this made him hesitate.

Now there are only two ways in front of him.

Either leave wisely, or help, and together with Hua Qingyan, keep the boss Wu.

It is said that he just escaped from death and avenged his great hatred, so he should avoid getting involved in such a meaningless conflict again, but to be honest, since he met the Wu brothers, he has become interested in the rare spiritual medicines on the two brothers.

He had brought Anu with him before because of this consideration.

He knew that Wu Laoer was no match for Hua Qingyan, and was afraid that Hua Qingyan would leave with the spoils while he was fighting with Bai Li, so he kept a watchful eye. However, he did not expect that man's plans were not as good as God's plans. Before he found Gu Qingqing, Wu Laoda was attracted.

Middle stage of Jindan...

Mo Xun pondered inwardly. After fighting with Bai Li, he was not too afraid of this realm. Moreover, judging from the spiritual power exuded by the other party, it seemed that the realm was not stable, as if he had just broken through not long ago.

No wonder the two brothers separated temporarily, it turned out that they were advancing!

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent for a long time, and was still looking at him from time to time, Wu Bo's face suddenly became cold.

"Are you trying to meddle in other people's business?"

As he spoke, Wu Bo's aura was suddenly released, and the strong wind swept, causing Mo Xun and Hua Qingyan to take two steps back at the same time.

The faces of both of them changed!

Especially Mo Xun, who originally thought that this person's strength, even if it was much stronger than Bai Li, should be limited. Who knew that this simple show of power would make him feel palpitations again.

This person's strength is unfathomable!

This is the first feeling in his heart at the moment!

It seems that the gap between the small realms after the Dan formation is much greater than the foundation building.

For a moment, Mo Xun, who was in the middle, became a little bit difficult to get off.

The heart that was originally occupied by greed was gradually replaced by rationality.

He had to re-weigh the gains and losses.

Taking a risk may get amazing gains, but if it fails, it is not as simple as making an enemy, it is very likely that even life will be explained here.

Spiritual herbs are precious, but there is only one life!

Thinking of this, he has slowly stepped aside, even if he is a little unwilling, but he can't do anything!

Before he had taken a few steps, Hua Qingyan said anxiously: "If Daoyou Mo is willing to help, I am willing to give you six dragon nourishing pills!"

Mo Xun stopped and looked at Hua Qingyan fiercely.

It turned out that the bottle of high-priced nourishing pills was bought by this woman!

But what surprised him was not the so-called pills, but the name from the other party.

Mo Xun asked with his lips slightly moving: "Do you know who I am?"

Hua Qingyan was about to answer with a smile, but immediately realized the current situation, and her tone became solemn again.

"Daoyou, all these hidden treasures are sold by me. If you still can't see it, then you have lived in vain for hundreds of years!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized and his face gradually calmed down. He had forgotten about this.

However, from this point of view, it was a reminder to him that his concealment methods were not effective for everyone.

Wu Bo snorted coldly. The two of them were whispering so blatantly, obviously not taking him seriously.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude!"

After the voice fell, Wu Bo suddenly stepped back several steps, distanced himself from the two, and quickly pinched a few Taoist formulas. The momentum on his body surged several times in an instant.

Then he saw hundreds of silver-shining flying knives gathered around Mo Xun and Hua Qingyan, densely packed, and spinning fast like a tornado.

These flying knives, touching those hard rocks, were simply cutting iron like mud.

Accompanied by the raging wind, a strong sense of restraint enveloped the two.

Under the raging wind, the sky, which was already somewhat bright, became dim again.

The hems of the two people's clothes were blown and rustled!

The knife formation in front of him seemed to be exactly the same as the one Wu Laoer had used before, but the number of flying knives and the oppressive aura were far more terrifying.

At this moment, Mo Xun's heart trembled, but he felt a little bitter.

In fact, if the other party had been half a minute later, he would have been ready to leave. To be honest, even if he was given the whole bottle of nourishing pills, he didn't want to get involved.


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