Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 497 Sword Formation

Standing in the center of the whirlpool, Mo Xun quickly summoned the exquisite ring to protect it above his head.

At the same time, he had already taken out the wind and thunder stick in his hand. Facing this sudden sword formation, he could only rush to meet the enemy.

As for Hua Qingyan, she also immediately covered herself with several layers of protection and stood back-to-back with Mo Xun.

This woman already owns a shop and has a lot of all kinds of treasures on her.

"Brother Mo, if we want to win, you and I can only join forces."

Mo Xun cursed secretly in his heart, but still said solemnly: "Okay, but you must give me half of the spiritual herbs you get!"

"make a deal!"

This straightforward answer made Mo Xun slightly stunned, and he doubted whether the price was a bit low.

While the two were talking, several flying knives struck.

Ruoyinhu's light blade went straight to their vital points.

Mo Xun threw out dozens of talismans in a row. While resisting, the thunder light in his hand turned into a heavy punch and suddenly exploded. The traces of electric arcs flashed in the light of the swords. Mo Xun's figure also hurriedly moved toward Breaking out in one direction.

But the next scene was a bit unexpected for him.

On the one hand, those silver knives are not made of ordinary materials and can easily tear apart their protective masks.

On the other hand, it is also the most deadly.

The direction Mo Xun chose was a position that he thought was relatively weak. However, when he flew closer, he was surprised to find that the sword formation seemed to coincide with the Eight Trigrams of Heaven and Earth. The hundreds of flying knives were like hundreds of flying knives that echoed each other from a distance. The formation flag is not only extremely sharp, but under Umber's auspices, it can instantly switch between superior and inferior, and has the dual effects of attack and siege.

Although one person casts the spell, it is equivalent to facing a powerful sword cultivator and an accomplished formation master at the same time!

For a moment, all kinds of fire, thunder and lightning flashed in the sword array.

A small half of the valley was suddenly submerged in a sea of ​​swords and fire.

At this moment, Mo Xun could be said to have come up with all kinds of means. He used the various transformational powers of the wind and thunder rod to the extreme, but no matter what kind of thunder and lightning attack, he could not break through the shackles of the flying knives in front of him.

The exquisite ring on the top of the head continuously releases silver light needles, but they are like mud entering the sea and hitting the balls of cotton, which are cleverly resolved by the knife array.

Even in a hurry, he fired two arrows in succession, but still could not break through.

What was hateful was that whenever he found a weak point and was about to break out, the world would immediately change and sharp flying knives would fly towards him.

While Mo Xun was tired of coping, he secretly thought that even if Umber's formation ability was not as good as his, it might not be far behind him.

He was actually pretty good here. After all, he had been immersed in the array for decades and could often move in time according to the Eight Diagrams and avoid some key attacks. But even so, he still had several cuts on his body.

As for Hua Qingyan, it's a bit miserable.

At best, this woman can only be regarded as a "boy with many treasures." In just this short time, she had no fewer than seven or eight treasures in her hands.

For example, the Flying Star Shield, Soul Seizing Ribbon, Suzaku Yuyi, etc. are mostly defensive.

Despite this, her clothes were still stained red with blood, her hair was messy, and her face was pale, looking much more embarrassed than Mo Xun.

Due to the lack of access to the formation, the Flower Fairy bore almost 70% to 80% of the attack of the entire sword formation, and a small part of the treasures were damaged. At this time, let alone breaking the formation, even struggling to hold on seemed a bit reluctant.

This kind of sword formation is far more powerful than ordinary formations of the same level.

Each sharp knife is not only sharp, but also extremely hard. It is more difficult to destroy than ordinary formation flags. The most important thing is that these flying knives are not dead objects. They can move around at will, cleverly resolve various attacks, and make up for the exposure in time. loopholes.

In this case, if it weren't for the heaven-defying treasure, it wouldn't be of much use at all.

It can also be seen from this that the power of different people using the same sword array is really different.

Hua Qingyan didn't feel any pressure when dealing with Wu Laoer's sword array, and besides fighting, she could also concentrate on directing the spirit insects to fight.

Compared with what he saw before him, Wu Laoer's methods were simply childish.

Mo Xun's heart sank. If he allowed it to continue, the flower fairy might not be able to sustain it for long.

Once Hua Qingyan falls, all the attacks from the entire sword formation will inevitably fall on him.

But thinking about it from another perspective, presiding over such a large-scale formation must be an extremely heavy burden on both spiritual consciousness and mana.

If this drags on, it's just to see who can't hold on first!

As the sword light flashed, Mo Xun took eight steps at his feet, moving quickly through them with a flexible body.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, please help me. When I get out, I will be richly rewarded!"

Mo Xun frowned and said: "The six Jiazi above the Nine Heavens, the six Guiyou below the Nine Earths, the six Dingmao of the three strange spirits, and the six Jisi among the Liuhe, move according to this position!"

At this time, he couldn't even protect himself, so that was all he could do to help.

"What's the meaning?"

Mo Xun asked speechlessly: "Don't you understand Sanqi and Liuhe?"

"I don't understand the way of formation!"

All right......

This is a formation idiot!

"Follow me, don't make a mistake!"

For a moment, two figures, one gray and one white, seemed to overlap.

But this way, Mo Xun's pressure was obviously a little too great. He was in front and blocked many flying knife attacks for Hua Qingyan.

"Rongyang, do you have any ideas?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gong Yang pondered and replied: "The sword array is often the most difficult. If you can't break it from the inside, you can only think of some ways from the outside."

Mo Xun felt bitter. If he could come up with a way, why would he be so miserable?

As soon as he was trapped in the sword array, he tried to let Chi Li sneak out, but he failed.

There seemed to be a barrier around the entire sword array.

In the previous fight, he was able to turn defeat into victory, a large part of the reason was due to the backhand he left in advance.

But this conflict came too suddenly, and he didn't have any reaction time at all.

When he was exhausted, another layer of thought came to his mind.

I never thought that this kind of sword array would be so powerful. If the array method was also integrated into the Wulu Nebula Disk, there would definitely be unexpected results.

But obviously, the premise of everything must be that this time the danger can be overcome!

Just as he was thinking about it, a voice from the outside world fell into his ears.

"So fellow Taoist is not dead, is there anything I can do for you?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Mo Xun was delighted. The person who spoke was the unreliable Gu Qingqing!


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