Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 500: Extinction of Spiritual Grass

Mo Xun knew that talking about promises with such a person was like talking to a bull!

Exchange of interests is the most practical!


After half a day, in the quiet cave, Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Hua Qingyan inside.

Gu Qingqing naturally noticed something and was about to speak, but was stopped by Mo Xun.

"Wait here first!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked over in Gu Qingqing's curious eyes.

"Flower Fairy, what's going on?"

Gu Qingqing at the entrance of the cave looked at the mysterious appearance of the two people, her eyes turned, and she didn't know what she thought of.

"It's okay, I haven't thanked you yet!"

Mo Xun nodded, then glanced at Anu beside him, and said softly: "In this case, can you talk to me for a moment?"

Hua Qingyan immediately understood what he meant, and on her weak face, she forced a smile and said to Anu: "Go outside and wait for me first!"

In fact, the moment Mo Xun approached, Anu's heart was lifted.

No matter how stupid she was, she knew that the person in front of her was the guy who had controlled her before.

Hurting someone from behind, just based on this point, Anu had already classified Mo Xun as a bad guy!

Now that Sister Hua was injured, how could she leave without worry and let Sister Hua be alone with this evil person with ulterior motives?

"I won't leave, if you have anything to say, just say it here!"

Seeing the little girl's timid and somewhat worried look, Hua Qingyan touched her head lovingly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, you go first!"


"Be obedient, I'll just say a few words to this Taoist friend!"

Seeing that Anu wanted to say more, Hua Qingyan whispered a few times in her ear, and the little girl stood up very reluctantly. Before leaving, she mustered up the courage and glared at Mo Xun as if warning.

Such disrespect only happened to Mo Xun. If it happened to other Jindan cultivators, they would definitely not have such a good temper.

During the whole process, Mo Xun had been watching coldly.

After Anu walked away, he immediately set up a circle of isolation restrictions around him.

"I guess you are the master who followed Anu last time and later pretended to be my concubine, right?"

Looking at Hua Qingyan's half-smile, Mo Xun nodded calmly.

There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

What he is most concerned about now is the batch of spiritual medicine on Wu Laoer.

Mo Xun said directly: "Fairy Hua, you and I have limited time, so there is no need to test anything. I just need to get the things I deserve and turn around and leave immediately."

To be honest, Mo Xun really doesn't have much time.

This trip has been almost two months without knowing it.

Hua Qingyan smiled slightly. Although she didn't have the calmness and grandeur of the past, she was a little more pitiful because of her injury.

"Daoyou is still impatient. Don't worry, I am not an ungrateful person. But before that, can you answer a question for me first?"

Mo Xun slowly sat opposite her and said lightly: "Yes!"

Hua Qingyan first looked at his face for a while before speaking: "If I am not mistaken, Daoyou should be the cultivator who took out the soul-nourishing wood at the auction, right?"

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the other party. The two of them met each other's eyes, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into silence for a while.

After a long time, Mo Xun nodded gently and said: "Yes!"

Hearing this answer, Hua Qingyan showed a touch of joy without concealing it.

"Daoyou, do you still have this thing?"

"This matter will be discussed later. Fairy, you should take out the spiritual grass and fulfill the promise between you and me first."

Mo Xun naturally understood what she meant in his heart, but he didn't want to take it up.

After all, none of the nine sacred trees is an ordinary product. It is already very impressive to be able to take out a piece of wood. If people know that he still has it, it may cause some trouble.

"Daoyou are too cautious. Why not listen to my conditions first!"

Mo Xun did not speak, but her eyes signaled her to continue.

"Daoyou, if you can still take out this thing, I am willing to give up some of the spiritual medicine distribution."

Mo Xun fell silent again. This condition obviously touched his heart.

He has almost everything now, but the only thing he lacks is the various spiritual medicines and soul essences for refining the pills of the Jindan period.

If it is other things, no matter how precious they are, if they are useless, they will probably not move him.

After bowing his head and pondering for a while, Mo Xun did not agree immediately, but said: "Let me see the spiritual medicine first!"

Seeing him like this, Hua Qingyan knew the reason, so she took out a storage bag and exerted her spiritual power. Dozens of jade boxes flew out of it, all floating in front of the two.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look at the storage bag in the other party's hand. This storage bag must belong to Wu Laoer.

He didn't know whether Hua Qingyan took out all the spiritual medicines, but it was certain that there must be a lot of treasures in this bag.

After all, Wu Laoer went there specifically to trade.

Let alone the treasures obtained through barter, the spiritual stones inside alone would probably make people's blood boil.

However, these thoughts only flashed through Mo Xun's mind. After all, the original agreement between the two was to divide the spiritual medicine equally, and did not involve other things.

If he really coveted it, he would not have rescued the other party when he was unconscious!

To be honest, his luck is already amazing enough. If he still robs others of their opportunities, he would be a bit greedy!

Of course, Hua Qingyan is not an ungrateful person. From this incident alone, we can see Mo Xun's character.

The jade box opened with a "bang", revealing various spiritual herbs that are almost extinct in this world.

Mo Xun's eyes suddenly showed a different look.

Purple mist leaves!

Hunyuan vine!

Soul-inducing Buddha Zhi...

Some of them have appeared at the auction, while some have never appeared. Two of them cost him a lot of money to get them at the auction.

In Mo Xun's opinion, each of them can be called a rare treasure!

While he was trembling in his heart, he was also muttering secretly, how many spiritual herbs did the two brothers rob?

Unconsciously, Mo Xun felt that his breathing became rapid.

The changes in his facial expressions naturally fell into Hua Qingyan's eyes without any error.

If he gets all these things, plus the various spirit essences he has collected recently, he can at least get three or four kinds of cultivation pills, and even the bottleneck pills he just got can be refined!

In other words, with these spiritual herbs, he doesn't have to worry about pills at least until the middle stage of Danjie.

But how can he get all these things?

After a while, Mo Xun was about to speak, but Hua Qingyan was the first to speak: "Before distributing these things, I have a small request, I hope you can agree!"


500 chapters!

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