Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 501: A good person

"Since fellow Taoist friends have been to the place where Anu lives, you should know that she also has a grandmother who is seriously ill. This person's name is Fang Chanyi. If you want to talk about it, he can be regarded as my savior. Because of It turned out to be what it is now for some reasons. Over the years, I have been looking for a way to heal his injuries. It was only recently that I found out that the Wushi brothers had a magical elixir that could help Junior Sister Fang recover, so I was distributing it. Before that, I hope fellow Taoist can give that medicinal material to me first!”

Mo Xun didn't know whether the other party's words were deliberate or if they were truly sincere.

Logically speaking, this person could have intercepted what he needed before taking out these things, and Mo Xun didn't know the amount anyway.

In this way, it not only blocked Mo Xun's mouth invisibly, but also reflected the other party's openness and honesty.

What a powerful method!

Mo Xun's eyes fell on the other party's sincere face.

This woman either has a very deep palace, or she is so magnanimous!

After a moment, he nodded slowly.


Hua Qingyan smiled, stretched out her hand, and took one of the jade boxes into her hand.

But just when the other party was about to put away the jade box, Mo Xun spoke.


Hua Qingyan's movements froze in mid-air, with a bit of surprise on her face and a faint frown at the same time.

"Didn't the fairy want the soul-nurturing tree just now?"

Hua Qingyan asked in surprise: "Fellow Taoist, are you willing to exchange your body with me?"

Mo Xun smiled slightly and looked around at the jade boxes in the air.

"You and I still have half of these elixirs, but for each one in the fairy's hands, I will ask for an extra rhizome. If you agree, the soul-nourishing tree will naturally be given to you!"

This time, Hua Qingyan was a little surprised.

"You want to grow spiritual herbs from rhizomes?"

Don’t laugh without saying a word!

"Please don't blame me for being talkative. Regardless of whether my fellow Taoist has such an ability, every flavor in this has a medicinal age of thousands of years. Because of this, it can be used as medicine. If you want to re-cultivate it, there is no way." A hundred years are of no use at all, it’s just a futile effort!”

Hua Qingyan spoke with some seriousness.

"As for this, fairy, there is no need to ask, I have another purpose!"

Seeing Mo Xun's firm tone, Hua Qingyan didn't know what to say.

In fact, for her, this is a completely worthless business. Perhaps as the other party said, these roots have unknown uses, but what does that have to do with her?

After cultivating to such a level, everyone has more or less secrets hidden in them. Learning to pretend to be deaf and dumb is sometimes a required course for survival.

The next step is much simpler. From Mo Xun's perspective, no matter which elixir he chooses, he is equivalent to owning them all.


Outside the cave, four people lined up on both sides.

"Flower Fairy, see you later!"

Mo Xun bowed his hand to Hua Qingyan. He had gained a lot from this trip. His mood at the moment was naturally quite smooth. Even the hostility in Anu's eyes turned a blind eye.

"I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with fellow Taoists again!"

Mo Xun smiled heartily. Compared to Gu Qingqing, this flower fairy was indeed more honest.

Watching the two rays of light disappear at the end of the sky, Anu said angrily: "Sister Hua, what did you say to that evil man?"

Hua Qingyan gently took Anu's slender palm and said softly: "Anu, you have grown up now, and sooner or later you have to be on your own. In the future, in front of people who are more powerful than you, even if you are not angry, you must not Show it, your mother and I can only protect you for a while, but we can't protect you for the rest of your life, do you understand?"

"But she threatened me before..."

Hua Qingyan interrupted her and said, "What does this mean? When you experience more things in the future, you will find that this fellow Taoist Mo is actually a good person!"

Anu opened his mouth in surprise, confused in his heart, and really couldn't agree with Sister Hua's words.

In her opinion, if even a guy like this who stabs others in the back can be considered a good person, then there may not be any good people in this world!

High in the sky, Mo Xun looked at the road ahead indifferently, saying nothing.

Gu Qingqing on the side would wander around him from time to time, becoming more and more curious about the mysterious man in front of her.

She even murmured secretly in her heart, what on earth was this couple plotting behind her back in the cave?


A few days later, in Xuanyuan City.

The two of them hurried back after a long journey, almost without stopping, and arrived at an underground dark market with a mixture of fish and dragons.

This is also the city's largest black market, with everything from sect secrets to human trafficking, three religions and nine streams!

Of course, as for whether the transaction can be successful, it all depends on fate or ability!

After all, the business here is based on many rules. Even if you encounter the situation of gangsters and gangsters, you can only admit that you are unlucky!

Mo Xun had been here a few times to inquire about information before, so he was no stranger to it.

In addition to black market transactions, there are also many businesses that are not on the table.

Such as assassination, revenge, matchmaking, etc. One of them is a gambler named "Tianyuan Gambling House".

This is also the purpose of these two people coming here!

Walking through a dark alley full of people, Mo Xun looked at the numb-faced female cultivators who were clearly marked with prices and imprisoned in iron cages, without any ripples in his heart.

This situation is common no matter where you are!

Sometimes, being sold like goods is the only way for them to survive.

At the corner, in front of a flat stone wall, stood two burly men, both of whom were in the middle stage of foundation building.

"Two seniors, do you have..."

Before one of them finished asking, Gu Qingqing threw out a black jade token.

"Excuse me, please come in, two seniors!"

As they spoke, the two of them bowed very respectfully, returned the jade token, and made a gesture of invitation at the same time.

Then, a circle of light suddenly flashed on the wall between them, and a silver light gate appeared in the blink of an eye.

Gu Qingqing nodded to Mo Xun and took the lead to step in.

Mo Xun looked at her familiar appearance, and he was afraid that he had been to this place countless times.

And before coming here, Gu Qingqing had specifically told him to change his appearance.

Presumably, this place is not simple!

After Gu Qingqing disappeared, Mo Xun hurriedly followed.

As soon as he stepped inside, he felt a slight dizziness. Without thinking, he knew that he had entered a short teleportation array!

After a few breaths, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Mo Xun regained the feeling of being on the ground again.

But before he could react, his face sank, because he felt that the magic power in his body seemed to be suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force.

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