Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 502 Ghost Head Seven

"Don't resist!"

Hearing this reminder, Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, and the magic power he had just activated was also lost.

As he gave up resistance, the power completely controlled his meridians and Dantian.

Except for his spiritual consciousness, his realm was directly suppressed to the Qi Refining Stage.

Gu Qingqing continued: "Don't worry, this is to prevent conflicts. It is a confinement restriction specially set up. No matter who comes in, they must abide by this rule."

Mo Xun hurriedly used his spiritual consciousness to look around her, and then he found that the other party's cultivation was also suppressed.

Despite this, the gloom on his face did not ease at all.

For a cultivator, this is tantamount to handing his life directly into the hands of others.

How could he not panic?

Mo Xun stared into her eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Such an important thing, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Gu Qingqing smiled charmingly: "I forgot!"

After that, she walked forward like a willow swaying in the wind, leaving Mo Xun with a still ugly face.

Looking at the graceful figure from behind, Mo Xun knew that this woman must have deliberately wanted to see him make a fool of himself!

He hurriedly caught up with her and asked with a cold snort: "You said that everyone must abide by this rule, but what about the Nascent Soul cultivators?"

Gu Qingqing rolled her eyes.

"Do you think a Nascent Soul cultivator would come to such a place?"

Mo Xun took a deep breath and did not continue this meaningless bickering. He tried to calm himself down and began to look around carefully.

This place really lived up to the saying of "smoky and foul!"

Noda's casino was unusually noisy. Dozens of gambling tables were surrounded by people. At a glance, the cultivation of these people was roughly the same, about the third level of Qi training.

It seems that no matter what the original cultivation was, as long as you enter here, you will be suppressed to the same level.

As for this, Mo Xun quickly figured out the reason.

On the one hand, those who can come to such a place are not law-abiding people. If they meet a high-level cultivator with a bad temper and the gambling goes wrong, they can tear this place down in a few moves in anger.

In order to deal with this situation, the most direct way is to restrict the cultivation of all people.

Even if they are angry, they can't vent!

Another reason is probably for fairness.

At the same gambling table, in order to prevent high-level cultivators from bullying, everyone is put on the same cultivation.

As for the last one, it is to prevent cheating.

In the Qi Refining Stage, spiritual power cannot leave the body, even if they want to cheat, they can't do it.

Mo Xun admired silently in his heart. These people racked their brains for the word "gambling".

With such thoughts, why don't they use them properly and concentrate on cultivation?

As for the way of gambling, it is not much different from the secular world.

Pai Gow, dice, chess, Chupu, etc.!

In addition to these, there are several caged rings in the corners, where two shirtless men are fighting to the death.

Naturally, there are many people watching around, all betting on winning or losing.

Shouts, scolding, and laughter are heard one after another. The two men are like trapped beasts in a cage, and the fight is extremely tragic!

From time to time, there are female cultivators in revealing clothes, shuttling between gambling games.

Most of these female cultivators make a living by doing this, and they are played and entertained by gamblers. In the messy environment, Mo Xun also saw someone publicly promiscuous.

What a decadent scene of wine and meat!

The air is filled with a kind of sandalwood, which is used to stimulate nerve excitement. Being in it will make people more crazy.

Mo Xun looked at everything in front of him indifferently. He was not surprised, but he frowned a little.

As for Gu Qingqing, she was much more familiar with the situation. This woman was born a liar and was very good at dealing with all kinds of people.

Mo Xun even suspected that he was a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth by following her rashly.

With this thought, he hurriedly sensed the restrictions in Gu Qingqing's body. Fortunately, although the magic power was imprisoned here, the spiritual consciousness was not completely restricted.

If there was any danger, he would force her to be buried with him!

At the same time, he was also impressed that this girl's way was really wild!

The entire casino was divided into different areas by the barrier. Gu Qingqing took Mo Xun and walked around for most of the circle before quietly pointing to a gambling table in the distance and said, "That's Gui Tou Qi!"

Mo Xun followed her gaze and saw a hunchbacked and bald man standing in the crowd. His head was full of bumps, like scars left after abscesses. He looked extremely ugly and made people feel uncomfortable if they looked at him for a second!

If this kind of person were placed in the mortal world, he would have no other choice but to marry a wife unless he was extremely wealthy!

"What is the true cultivation level of this person?"

Gu Qingqing shook her head.

"I don't know, but it should be high!"

Seven or eight people were playing dice at the gambling table. Mo Xun didn't understand the rules, and he just listened to a group of people shouting at the top of their lungs.

He also paid special attention to the black dice cup on the table. After covering it, it completely blocked the spiritual consciousness.

Mana cannot leave the body, and spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate, which almost cuts off all means of cheating.

As for the gambling money, it can be spirit stones or other cultivation resources.

How these things are priced will naturally not be as formal as at an auction. There are many people who sell them at a low price at will when they are blinded by gambling.

So the casino also supports such a group of people, who wander around the gambling tables and take advantage of loopholes to collect various low-priced treasures.

In addition, there are moneylenders, but those who can do this business are often not simple, no matter their means or background.

The two looked at each other and walked over in tacit understanding.

There was a series of points marked on the gambling table, probably used for betting. There was only one dice cup, which was shaken by the man in the main seat, and should belong to the dealer.

Although there were a circle of people, there were only three or four people who really bet!

The other few, perhaps because they lost everything, became spectators who could only cheer and wave flags.

Mo Xun watched two rounds quietly, and was secretly curious in his heart. This hunchbacked man named Gui Tou Qi had really good luck. Although he had some losses and some wins, he could always win a big one every once in a while. The table in front of him was piled with various treasures that he had not yet collected.

Mo Xun was bored, so he urged her by voice transmission: "Fairy Gu, I have limited time, I hope you can hurry up!"

The gambler in front of him was the one who had the jade token of the expert that Gu Qingqing had mentioned before.

But talking about this, he was upset again.

Mo Xun thought that she knew this Gui Tou Qi, and even if she couldn't ask for it, she could exchange it in some way, but who knew that the method given by the other party was to win it at the gambling table.

Mo Xun sneered, let's see what she can do to win it!

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