"Don't worry, today I'll show you what I can do!"

As soon as the words fell, a new round of betting began. Gu Qingqing threw a storage bag on the table, which landed at the twelve o'clock position.

In fact, the rules are very simple. There are three dice in the sieve cup. The sum of the points is how many points, and the bets are placed at the corresponding positions.

"Two thousand spirit stones!"

This domineering voice naturally attracted a lot of attention, and the storage bag on the table made many people's eyes light up.

Perhaps it was because there had been no new gamblers for a long time, and most people had lost almost everything. Each time, it seemed that at most two or three hundred spirit stones were lost. Suddenly, such a generous person came, naturally like a stone falling into the calm lake.

"What are you doing, place your bets!"

Gu Qingqing seemed to have changed at this moment. When she spoke, her voice was a little louder, and she was very compatible with the atmosphere of the casino.

She also deliberately opened the storage bag so that other people could check it with their spiritual sense.

The participants looked at each other. Guitou Qi was the first to react. His originally languid spirit suddenly became full of energy. He laughed and took out a storage bag. He shouted three hundred spirit stones and threw it on the eleven o'clock next to Gu Qingqing.

As for the other people, some bet on nine points, some bet on fifteen points, but no one was the same as Gu Qingqing.

After watching a few rounds, Mo Xun probably knew that the final result was nothing more than the winner takes all.

Of course, the amount of winning or losing in each game is also related to the amount of bet.

In short, the more you bet, the more you win!

But if you lose, it will be the other way around.

But what puzzled him was, what exactly did this woman want to do?

The dice cup was opened, and three, four, and five were indeed twelve points!

Gu Qingqing proudly flicked her long sleeves and put away the spoils on the table. Like a victorious rooster, she did not forget to raise her head towards Mo Xun.

This round can win more than a thousand spirit stones.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun's brows had already wrinkled unconsciously.

As the dice cup stopped shaking, another round of betting began. Gu Qingqing threw all the spirit stones in her hand at the eight o'clock position.

Others also chose their own points, which was similar to the previous round. No one on the whole table chose the same as Gu Qingqing.

"One, three, four, eight o'clock!"

Hit the mark again!

Mo Xun held his chin with one hand, his eyes fell on the pitch-black dice cup in front of him, and peeked again with his spiritual sense, but still couldn't penetrate it.

If the first time was a coincidence, then the second time was obviously worth pondering.

He didn't believe in luck. This woman seemed to have some tricks.

The third time, the dice cup was opened, fifteen o'clock, Gu Qingqing guessed it again!

In just a short while, at least three thousand spirit stones were earned.

Mo Xun couldn't help but ask in a voice transmission: "Can you see the points inside?"

"If I say yes, do you believe it?"

Mo Xun remained silent. The situation in front of him was beyond his knowledge, so he naturally couldn't answer.

"Don't guess, there's nothing mysterious about it. Just listen!"

Mo Xun was speechless. He was used to the divine sense, and he forgot this simplest method.

But despite this, this is also a very difficult skill to practice!

Although this woman's magic power is ordinary, she is proficient in many unorthodox ways.

"At your speed, why bother to lie? As long as you sit here for half a year, even the fortune of a Yuanying cultivator may not be won back by you."

Gu Qingqing said speechlessly: "What do you know? As the saying goes, there are mountains outside the mountains. How can you be sure that others don't know this method?"

Mo Xun understood in his heart that the other party had suffered a lot in this before.

After winning two more games in a row, Gu Qingqing looked more and more proud.

But at this time, Gui Tou Qi finally spoke.

"This fairy has good luck, do you dare to play alone with me?"

Gu Qingqing raised the corner of her mouth: "I'll accompany you to the end!"

Mo Xun saw the expressions of the two people, and couldn't help but secretly improve his perception of Gu Qingqing.

This woman is not completely brainless, at least she knows how to fish!

But then again, it seems a little too early to say who is the fish and who is the bait.

Gui Tou Qi laughed and waved his hands to both sides, with a bit of the boss's style in the crowd.

It's just that this ugly face is really hard to compliment!

Then, the others stepped back a little wisely. In front of the whole table, except for the dealer shaking the dice cup, there were only the two of them, standing on both sides.

Mo Xun stood behind Gu Qingqing, folded his arms, and watched coldly!

If this momentum continues, maybe he can really win back the expert jade card, he thought so.

Gui Tou Qi glanced at the dealer and said with a smile: "Let's start!"

The dice cup stopped, and Gu Qingqing bet on eleven points without hesitation, while Gui Tou Qi chose ten points.

However, this time the two of them were competing, and Gui Tou Qi was not stingy and directly threw out a thousand spirit stones.

The dice cup was opened, and Gu Qingqing still bet on eleven points.

Watching Gu Qingqing put away the spirit stones neatly, Gui Tou Qi first stopped the dealer from shaking the cup, and then said: "It seems that the fairy is a master here. This time, why don't we bet a little bigger, and each person bets ten thousand spirit stones, how about it?"

At this moment, Gu Qingqing was like a goshawk spreading its wings against the wind, so how could she not agree?


Guitou Qi gently stroked his palm.

"Since the bet is high, we should add a few more dice to the number of dice." After saying that, he glanced to the side.

The dealer understood and took out three more dice on the original basis. Under the dice cup, the number increased to six.

The moment he took out these dice, Mo Xun deliberately scanned them with his spiritual consciousness. With his knowledge, he didn't see any problems.

But Gu Qingqing's eyebrows frowned slightly for an instant.

Guitou Qiyi waved his hand, indicating that the banker could start.

Then a more messy crashing sound than before was heard, resounding in the dice cup.

Gu Qingqing also closed her eyes tightly and tilted her ears slightly, as if listening carefully.

With a "bang" sound, the dice cup fell;

"You two can place your bets!"

This time, contrary to usual, Guitou Qi was the first to throw out a storage bag, and it accurately landed on the twenty-seventh point.

However, Gu Qingqing hesitated, and her brows became more serious.

Mo Xun realized that something was wrong and quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

After three full breaths, I heard Gu Qingqing's message and replied: "I can only hear five at most, and I'm not sure about the last one."

Mo Xun was about to say something, but Guitou Qi spoke again: "Have you made up your mind, Fairy?"

Gu Qingqing took a deep breath and threw the storage bag on the twenty-eight point.

In fact, he can be at the same point as Guitou Qixuan, but that would be meaningless. In the case of a tie, the dealer will charge a certain amount of bets.

Before opening the cup, Guitou Qi said again: "Since this game is so big, we might as well add a little more. What do you think, Fairy?"

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