"It's time to start!" Mo Xunchong made a gesture of invitation to the banker.

Immediately afterwards, the three dice began to shake slightly in the dice cup. Mo Xun quietly opened the jade box in his sleeves, revealing the flowers and fruits of the other side inside. A faint fragrance suddenly filled the air.

After hearing Mo Xun's reminder, although Gu Qingqing was puzzled, she immediately sealed her three senses tightly and closed her eyes at the same time.

The dice cup fell, and Mo Xun used his magic power to build a dense "coat" of spiritual power directly around his body. He closed his eyes slightly and did not watch the changes in other people's expressions. Even his spiritual consciousness was absorbed into his body. , not daring to leak anything.

After seven or eight breaths, he put away the jade box again and sealed it again.

"Xianzi Gu, how much time?"

Hearing this sudden sound was like thunder in the plains to Gu Qingqing, who was waiting anxiously in silence.

She was still curious about what kind of medicine was sold in Mo Xun's gourd, and why was there no movement around her for so long?

"Ah? What time? Can you open your eyes?"

Mo Xun put away the jade box and said, "That's enough. What's the point in the dice cup now?"

Gu Qingqing slowly opened her eyes and was dumbfounded when she saw the scene in front of her.

Except for Mo Xun, seven or eight people standing around the gambling table were all staring at the dice cup, their faces full of crazy anticipation.

Extremely naked, showing the appearance of greedy gamblers!

The main reason is that the expressions of these people are too unified, so unified that it feels a bit weird.

Gu Qingqing opened her mouth in surprise, but didn't react for a while.

Mo Xunpo asked again impatiently: "How much did you hear? Please tell me!"

"Ah? Three-four-six, thirteen o'clock..."

Mo Xun felt enlightened, and then he looked towards the opposite side, then coughed lightly and said, "Have you decided to place your bet?"

Guitou Qi suddenly laughed and threw out a storage bag, which happened to land at three six and eighteen o'clock positions!

"Hahaha...these are all in!"

Mo Xun knew that, including what Gu Qingqing had just lost, there were about fifty thousand spirit stones in it.

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately separated out the same spirit stone and threw it at the thirteen o'clock position.

According to his original plan, the outcome would be decided in one round, but when he thought about it, he was afraid that if his method was not safe, he could only make a fool of himself first!

Fortunately, the other party seemed very confident this time, and was eager to witness the result. He didn't even ask for an increase, but couldn't wait to urge the dealer to open the cup.

The moment the dice cup was opened, the expressions on everyone's faces were wonderful.


Guitou Qi almost jumped up from where he was as if he had seen a ghost.

"Absolutely impossible...how could it be three, four, six? I clearly heard it was three six!"

His pupils were full of disbelief!

As for the others, most of them had similar expressions, as if they had really seen a ghost.

As for Gu Qingqing, as early as the moment Guitou Qi placed his bet, he frowned slightly, and even once wondered if he had heard wrongly?

After losing two games in a row, she no longer had the same confidence in her own skills that she had at the beginning.

But the moment she saw the result, instead of feeling any joy after guessing correctly, she became even more confused.

After a brief thought, a crazy idea flashed in her mind.

Mo Xun can control other people's thoughts!

Obviously, only this reason can explain the current weirdness.

When she thought about this, she felt that her heartbeat seemed to speed up a bit. She simply didn't dare to think about what it meant for a monk who could easily control other people's thoughts without knowing it.

Although she has practiced the art of charm, to put it bluntly, this kind of magic only confuses the mind and arouses the desire in the man's heart, so that he can relax his guard and give her an opportunity to take advantage of him!

And in this situation, her cultivation was greatly suppressed, and she couldn't use it at all!

Furthermore, even if she could use it, she would not be able to achieve the immediate effect at all.

At this moment, Gu Qingqing looked at Mo Xun with extremely complicated eyes.

As for Mo Xun, although his face was still calm, he let out a long sigh of relief in his heart.

This method has some effect after all!

Mo Xun stretched out his hand and put away all the storage bags amid the astonished looks of Guitou Qi and others.

"It seems that your studies are not perfect! Or... I am just lucky. Do you want to continue?"

Mo Xun's face showed a deliberately disdainful provocation. The purpose of his trip was not just this little spiritual stone.

Guitou Qi glared at him fiercely, gritted his teeth unwillingly and said: "Continue!"

The dice cup sounded again, Mo Xun said "Gu Qingqing", and the same scene happened again.

After getting the points informed by Gu Qingqing, Mo Xun still didn't rush to place a bet.

It wasn't until Guitou Qi took out 50,000 spirit stones with certainty and threw them at the fifteen o'clock position that he moved forward.

This is naturally done to prevent the other party from deliberately making peace with him.

But just when he was about to open the cup, Mo Xun said: "Don't worry, I'm going to bet a little bigger this time!"

While talking, he had already taken out the storage bag and threw it to the nine o'clock position.

Together with the ones won in the previous round, there are a total of 250,000 spirit stones!

Hearing this number, not only the enthusiasm of the people around him was aroused, but also many spectators at other tables gathered around.

Although the surroundings were separated by the barrier, they were not completely closed.

Fortunately, he was quite good at controlling the hallucinogenic range of the red spider lily fruit, otherwise such a method might be exposed!

Gu Qingqing wanted to persuade him to be more cautious, but it was too late after all.

Mo Xun just looked at Gui Tou Qi quietly without urging him!

Whether he can get what he wants depends on this time.

In other words, if he hadn't lost just now, let alone 250,000, even if it was one million, I'm afraid Gui Tou Qi would follow without hesitation.

But now, it's a bit difficult to get off the tiger!

In fact, he was very sure that what he heard was fifteen points, and after secretly communicating with several people on the side, he got the same answer.

But the evil game before made him suddenly feel a little unconfident about this one, and even in his heart, he felt a little afraid of the young man in front of him.

While he was silent, someone next to him started to make noise.

"Ghost Head Seven, you don't even dare to follow the bet?"

"Hahaha... You are scared by a young boy!"

"Where is the courage that won me that bottle of Wanxu Pill a few days ago?"

Mo Xun was happy in his heart. He really didn't expect that there would be a few assists suddenly!

He was really afraid that Ghost Head Seven would back down at the last minute. If he didn't follow, it would be difficult to lure him out next time.

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