Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 506: Jade token obtained

In the casino, people are afraid of such mockery.

Even if they still have some rationality, they will be burned out by anger.

Guitou Qi raised his neck and snorted coldly.

"Who said I'm scared!" It was a bit of a sullen tone.

As soon as the voice fell, he threw out a storage bag. Everyone scanned it with their spiritual senses and found that it was full of spiritual stones like a small mountain.

"Open it, when I was hanging around the gambling table, you didn't even know where you were?"

However, Mo Xun shouted to stop again.

"Don't worry, this one is so big anyway, how about adding a little more?"

Guitou Qi showed a bit of cruelty on his face, grinning and said: "Okay, as long as you can take it out, I will accompany you to the end!"

Mo Xun winked at Gu Qingqing on the side, although he didn't say anything, but the meaning was obvious.

Gu Qingqing quickly covered her waist and asked in a low voice with great caution: "What?"

"Fairy Gu, I am short of spiritual stones, so I have to trouble you to help me. Don't worry, I won't take any of the spiritual stones I won this time, they are all yours!"

Gu Qingqing frowned and hesitated for a long time before she gritted her teeth and handed him a storage bag.

This is almost all her belongings.

Watching Mo Xun throw 150,000 spiritual stones on the gambling table, Gu Qingqing had already started praying in her heart. If he lost, all the efforts she had made to cheat and deceive over the years would be wasted.

Gui Touqi's face was not much better.

First, he borrowed from the people around him, but such a large amount could not be collected in a short time.

In the end, he barely managed to take out 20,000.

"I didn't bring enough spiritual stones today. I'll use something to pay for the rest. Is that okay?"

Mo Xun was waiting for this sentence.

"Okay, as long as the price is equal!"

After getting the consent, Guitou Qi pulled out another storage bag from his waist, and a porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

"This bottle of Wanxu Pills contains twelve pills, which should be worth at least two thousand spirit stones, right?"

Mo Xun nodded lightly. If it were put on the market, it would probably be worth this price.

But at the moment when he took out the pill, the corner of the mouth of a middle-aged man next to him twitched secretly.

"This high-level Silver Moon Bell is worth one thousand spirit stones, isn't it too much?"

"And this rare Tornado Poison Ice, one thousand spirit stones, is it reasonable?"


Seeing these unpresentable things being taken out one by one, Mo Xun's face gradually darkened.

"Are you going to use these junk to fool me? Or are you testing my patience?"

Guitou Qi's movements froze, and his face became a little ugly.

To be honest, he really had such an intention.

"Boy, you are the first person who has forced me to this point in the past two years!"

Mo Xun changed his previous indifference, and there was a bit more hostility between his eyebrows.

He found that the more pleasant he was in front of these people, the more he would be looked down upon by others.

"Well, let me show you what I have in my bottom box!"

A jade box appeared on the table. After opening it, even Mo Xun's face was moved.

"Thousand-year Danyang grass!"

It seems that the people present still know the goods!

This thing is also a rare spiritual grass, and it is one of the bottleneck pills in the refining of the Jindan period.

Mo Xun really didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise.

"The value of this thing, even if I don't need to tell you, I believe everyone has their own eyesight. It is reasonable to use it to exchange for 30,000 spiritual stones, right?"

Although Gui Tou Qi said this to everyone, his eyes were always fixed on Mo Xun.


"Okay, I like people like you who are straightforward!"

Then, the other party took out another martial arts book and used 25,000 spirit stones again, but Mo Xun was a little anxious.

"Fairy Gu, can you confirm that this person has the insider token?"

At this moment, Gu Qingqing seemed to regret that she had said it too firmly before, after all, her news was also heard from hearsay.

"......Is it possible!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gui Tou Qi took out a white jade token with three seal characters engraved on it.

Five Elements Token!

"This is the insider jade token specially distributed by the Five Elements Sect for some distinguished guests in the upcoming wedding of Zi Sheng Tianjun. With this token, you can walk freely between the inner gates and communicate and exchange ideas in various halls and palaces within three days of the wedding banquet."

While speaking, Gui Tou Qi also showed it to the people around him, which once again attracted a lot of noise from many people.

"Boy, you name the price for this thing!"

Looking at the jade token the other party took out, Mo Xun finally let out a sigh of relief.

If this thing doesn't appear again, he can only increase the price!

Although his heart was fluctuating, he still remained calm on the surface.

"Although I can't determine the specific value of this thing, but seeing that Brother Gui is so sincere, I can't force anything. These things on the table are worth 150,000 spirit stones!"

Gui Tou Qi laughed: "Little brother, no matter whether you win or lose, I will make you my friend!"

Mo Xun also smiled, but this time, it was truly from the heart.

Everyone's eyes fell on the dice cup at the same time.

In this round, the bet alone amounted to an astonishing 800,000 spiritual stones. Although it was nothing in the history of the casino, it still attracted the attention of many people.

You know, for an ordinary monk in the early stage of forming a pill, having a net worth of more than 100,000 spirit stones is considered pretty good.

Many people have even gone bankrupt in the process of forming elixirs.

If you want to accumulate more money, if you don't have certain opportunities, I don't know how long it will take.

Many people around him unconsciously held their breath, anticipating the final result.

Especially Guitou Qi, even though he has been hanging out in casinos all year round, he has long been accustomed to winning and losing, but at this moment, his heartbeat is still beating wildly.

The tense atmosphere made Gu Qingqing's palms sweat.

The only one who is relatively relaxed here is probably Mo Xun!

The moment the dice cup was opened, polarized expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

" is it possible!"

Guitou Qi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his eyes were filled with disbelief like copper bells, and his originally ugly face became even more distorted at this moment.

There was an instant uproar on the field!

Gu Qingqing even forgot where she was, she beamed with excitement, like a little girl, she took Mo Xun's arm and jumped up. .

Mo Xun slowly released his palms in his sleeves, then waved his sleeves and put away everything on the table.

" are cheating!"

Now that the things have been obtained, Mo Xun naturally doesn't have to pretend to be a grandson anymore.

"Your Excellency, can't you afford to lose?"


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