Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 513: Divine Sky Crimson Palace

"Hehe... Daoist friend, if you can come, why can't I come?"

It turned out that this person was Gu Qingqing who changed her hairpin into a hat!

And this gentleman in gorgeous clothes was naturally Mo Xun.

"What are you doing here?"

Gu Qingqing smiled coquettishly, with a bit of peach blossoms on her face, but in a flash, she realized her current identity and quickly restored her manly demeanor.

"What are you doing, brother Mo, how did the Wenyuan Qian family offend you and be treated so badly by you?"

In order to prevent Gu Qingqing from interfering in this matter, Mo Xun had specially found some formation books for her to study, but she still followed secretly.

Looking at her smiling face, Mo Xun felt helpless, but since she was here, what else could he say?

"Forget it, come if you want, but you have to listen to me!"

"Okay, Brother Mo said to stand, I will never sit!"

Mo Xun shook his head secretly and whispered: "My name is Qian Tongtian now, don't make a mistake!"

"Got it, then I'll be called Qian Tongdi!" Gu Qingqing blurted out very cheerfully!

Qian... and Tongdi, isn't that ghost money?

Mo Xun thought secretly, with Gu Qingqing's interference, it seems that the next plan will inevitably be adjusted.

The white jade steps under his feet are more than ten feet wide, giving a feeling of cloud steps and moon land!

Looking up, the jade steps rise straight into the sky of the mountain top, where the clouds and mist are misty, appearing and disappearing, and the thick morning bell can be heard faintly in the ears. The surrounding mountains and forests are dense. Being here, it is like a blue cloud coming out of a mountain, stepping on Xuanxiao Danque.

It makes people unconsciously solemn and respectful!

The misty aura blew with the breeze, and the fairy mountain pavilions were probably just like this!

Just as Mo Xun was thinking, Gu Qingqing's voice came to his ears again, instantly breaking the current mood.

"We two are from the Wenyuan Qian family. Those who are not blind in front, please get out of the way!"

After her shout, the people around stopped in their tracks. Many of those walking in front immediately turned their heads and were about to open their mouths to scold them, but after seeing the cultivation of the two people, they all closed their mouths angrily.

Mo Xun was speechless. He really didn't expect this woman to act so self-willedly.

Besides, he just wanted to attract attention, but didn't want to attract hatred!

And this nouveau riche face was too embarrassing.

Mo Xun coughed dryly and whispered, "That's enough, almost done!"

"That's it? Well then... but you have to tell me, who exactly is this Wenyuan Qian family, and what exactly is your plan to confuse people so uncharacteristically?"

Mo Xun looked up at the towering mountains and said lightly, "Just an old friend!"

Gu Qingqing then asked, "If you don't want to say it, forget it, but are you really from the East Region?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, "Is there any problem?"

"I heard that most of the land there is wild. With your cultivation level, you should be able to lead a sect, right?"

Mo Xun glanced at her lightly, not knowing where this sense of superiority came from.

"I said I'm the leader of the East Region, do you believe it?"

Gu Qingqing chuckled and quickly covered her cheeks with her sleeves. Mo Xun shook his head secretly. This woman, even if she dressed up as a man, couldn't hide the charm in her bones.

"You've tried so hard to get the Five Elements Order, there must be some unspeakable secret!"

Mo Xun suddenly smiled slyly.

"To be honest, I covet the Five Elements Sect's treasure, and I'm going to be a thief, so I advise you in time to stay away from me to avoid being implicated!"

When Gu Qingqing heard this, she didn't show any worry, but said excitedly: "Then I shouldn't leave, I have the most experience in this area!"

"Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

"If you're not afraid, what should I be afraid of?"

Mo Xun gently stroked his forehead. This woman is simply a lunatic in front of interests.


"The Qian family of Wenyuan in the East Region, the Qian brothers, Qian Tongtian and Qian Tongdi, send a gift of nine golden Zhi fruits to congratulate Zisheng Tianjun and Fuyu Fairy for their harmonious marriage and going to Yaochi together!"

As the singing was shouted, Mo Xun stepped into the vast mountain gate.

After a short dizziness, the view suddenly became clear, and the sound of water resounding through the sky came to my ears!

What I saw was a waterfall hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, so high that I could only look up to it.

This waterfall seemed to pour down from the sky, stretching to both sides. It was so vast that it was about a hundred feet long, like a rain curtain across the sky!

Under the waterfall was a surging river, with surging waves and full of water vapor!

It was full of dazzling colors, and it was particularly dazzling in the sun!

At this moment, everyone who entered the mountain gate, when they saw this scene, couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. The so-called great atmosphere, who else but me!

The Eight-Star Sect really has some background!

"Two seniors, please follow me through the Yaotian Waterfall to the viewing platform!"

The woman who was speaking was dressed in a bright red dress, looking extremely festive. She was only in the initial stage of foundation building. She looked about 18 or 19 years old, with light makeup. She was born with a beautiful body. She was dignified and graceful in every frown and smile, and she looked like a beautiful girl from a small family!

Even Mo Xun, who had seen many beauties, was rarely surprised and couldn't help but look at it for a while longer.

He nodded silently, and it was indeed very appropriate to describe the magnificence in front of him as "Yaotian Waterfall".

Just as Mo Xun was about to speak, Gu Qingqing's voice came to his ears.

"Your eyes are straight, wipe your saliva quickly!"

Gu Qingqing didn't know whether it was intentional or not. When she spoke, she didn't avoid others, and even the woman's voice was completely exposed.

As if she was afraid that others didn't know that she was a woman dressed as a man!

The red-clothed woman's cheeks flushed, and Mo Xun's face turned black on the spot!

This woman is a maid who specially welcomes Jindan-stage cultivators. The Five Elements Sect is very considerate in this regard.

Mo Xun glared at Gu Qingqing fiercely, and smiled awkwardly at the red-clothed woman.

"Fairy, please lead the way!"

The three of them then jumped up and flew towards the waterfall. In the blink of an eye, they crossed the waves and disappeared in the water curtain.

Then, another scene came into view.

Among the undulating mountains, the Shenxiao Jiangque was looming in the clouds and mist.

The magnificent palaces, either on the top of the mountain or halfway up the mountain, were shining with dazzling golden light.

The pavilions and towers around, with red carved railings, were dotted with red silk ribbons.

There was a faint sound of immortals in my ears, and the music of the world was so beautiful, but I didn't know where to find it?

There was a rainbow light passing by from time to time in the sky above my head. Most of those people, like the maids beside me, were wearing bright red clothes. They came and went, and seemed to be extremely busy.

There were still clouds and mists under my feet. Looking up, I saw stars dotted in the sky in the distance. Many guests who were watching the ceremony had already sat cross-legged, all concentrating, as if watching something.

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