Under the leadership of the maid, the two soared to the so-called viewing platform.

At this time, hundreds of pill-forming monks were already sitting here.

In fact, the wedding ceremony will be held in three days. The main reason why Mo Xun came so early is because he heard that starting from today, there will be a sermon by the Nascent Soul monk.

He would not miss such a good opportunity!

This is also a major means for the Five Elements Sect to spread its influence and attract monks to gather here.

Many well-known people will basically arrive in advance and stay at the accommodation arranged by the Five Elements Sect.

A casual cultivator like Mo Xun doesn't have many connections, so if he can make some money through this, it's already good!

There are not many casual cultivators and pill-forming cultivators. Among these hundreds of people, there are at most only two out of ten.

When Mo Xun came to the viewing platform, he caused a small commotion. It was because of his previous high profile that many people classified him as a loser with little cultivation.

There are not many people like this in the world of cultivating immortals. Although their cultivation level is very high, they have been forcibly improved through pills. In terms of strength, they are simply vulnerable, so they are also very despised!

Amid several disdainful glances, Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing came to the corner and sat down.

Looking from afar, I thought these people were hanging in the air on their own, but when I arrived, I discovered that this place was held up in the air by some kind of force, like a castle in the air. Under each person, there was an ice crystal futon. .

Mo Xun secretly lamented that the Five Elements Sect had put a lot of effort into showing off its strength!

It seems that everywhere you go, you want to be different!

At this point, it is a bit contrary to the great simplicity!

After sitting down, Mo Xun noticed that what these people were looking at was a pool of water with mist lingering on it, just like a fairyland in fairyland!

Around the pool, a circle of golden dew lotus blossoms bloomed.

What's more important is that amid the mist, there are nine scantily clad women dancing briskly to the fairy music in the clouds.

Under that slender waist, which is less than a handhold, the navel is exposed, the skirt is no more than the knees, and the shoulders are exposed on the upper body. The fair and tender skin is crystal clear in the sun, and the pairs of naked feet dance in the water. play!

There is a bit of vermilion on her pink face, and she looks like she is still trying to speak. Her bare feet are covered with silver bracelets, and her wrists are tied with bells.

Dancing gracefully with light steps, leisurely and graceful, swinging the sleeves, like a fairy!

Dance and move, breathtaking!

There is a saying in ancient poetry...

Listen to Emperor Juntian's music and know him several times.

Fighting like a human being, a new song about picking lotuses.

The willow waist is light and the oriole's tongue is chirping. Who can fetter the carefree smoke and waves?

Helpless, Tianjie has already urged the class to change.

But driving a colorful luan, looking forward to the hibiscus...

Xian Le was beside her, and her beauty was in front of her. For a moment, Mo Xun looked a little intoxicated.

However, under such grace, a cold snort broke the mood of the moment.


Hearing Gu Qingqing's somewhat strange tone, Mo Xun really wanted to say that compared to you, at least she didn't throw herself into a man's arms shamelessly!

"Hey, you don't really like this, do you?"

Mo Xun glanced at her lightly and ignored this woman who was looking for trouble.

But to be honest, this was the first time he had seen such a bold dance since he started practicing.

"Seniors, please have some drinks first!"

The woman in red who had led the two people here, instead of leaving, knelt down and sat aside, placed a table in front of them, and poured a glass of wine with a look.

This kind of treatment is not exclusive to Mo Xun.

In order to show the importance of the Five Elements Sect, there will be such a beautiful female cultivator next to every alchemy cultivator in the surrounding area, who is responsible for receiving them.

Because she was wearing a long undershirt with a cross-collar collar, when the woman lowered her head, a touch of white under her neck was exposed to Mo Xun's eyes without any cover.

In fact, Mo Xun just paid it back, but this seemingly random move once again aroused Gu Qingqing's sour taste.

"Be careful your eyes are blinded!"

The wine cup that Mo Xun had just raised froze in mid-air, and his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble?"

Gu Qingqing tilted her head and said coldly: "Junior, come here and pour me some wine!"

The woman in red responded obediently, picked up the wine bottle gracefully, and moved lightly to Gu Qingqing's side.

"May I have your name?"

The woman in red replied softly: "My name is Wei Qian!"

Gu Qingqing whispered, then asked casually: "Which elder do you study under?"

"To be fair to the seniors, the juniors are still short of foundation building and have not made great contributions to the sect, so they don't have any disciples yet!"

Listening to the two people's questions and answers, Mo Xun shook his head secretly, not knowing what this woman had in mind.

However, he admired Gu Qingqing for finding out everything about Wei Qian's background in just a few words.

Of course, Mo Xun, who kept his ears open, also heard a lot of useful information.

When Mo Xun once again focused on the charming dancing posture in the distance, the song had already finished dancing, and then a man in green clothes appeared in the mist, with impeccable figure and appearance. Sword dancing woman.

Although the people present all came for the sermon, there were more male cultivators after all. Even if they were waiting, with beautiful women and wine to entertain them, it didn't feel boring.

As for the few female alchemy cultivators, it is unclear whether they feel the same as Gu Qingqing.

Among the unfamiliar faces, Mo Xun also noticed the cold woman he had teased before. She sat alone in a corner, her face covered with frost, and she always looked like she didn't want anyone to come in.

Half a day later, the viewing platform was almost full.

There were at least four or five hundred Jindan cultivators who came this time!

As for the foundation building and Qi refining cultivators, there were special reception places.

As another song ended, a green jade lotus platform slowly appeared in the smoke, and then a middle-aged man in white suddenly appeared from nowhere, stepped down from the air, and landed on the lotus platform.

When this person appeared, everyone was refreshed.

"Middle Nascent Soul!"

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes slightly. If he guessed correctly, this person was most likely the preacher this time.

There were a total of seven Nascent Souls and two middle-stage cultivators in the Five Elements Sect...

He secretly verified his figure and appearance with what he had inquired about!

The so-called preaching is nothing more than sharing one's own cultivation experience.

Although there are thousands of flowers, each one is different, even twins, with the same spiritual roots and practicing the same method, will have some deviations in their understanding of the Tao. Other people's paths may not be suitable for oneself, but they can be used as a great reference.

Cultivating a path begins with talent and relies on resources. If we talk about it, the experience of predecessors may be more important than these two.

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