Practice, use the false to cultivate the true!

Use this physical body of the four elements to cultivate my indestructible body.

In ancient and modern times, there is no immortal physical body, only the eternal Dharma body.

So-called, the original true nature is called the golden elixir, and the four elements are used as a furnace to refine it into a ball...

The physical body is a combination of the four elements. Although it is said to be a gift from parents, the father's sperm and the mother's blood are originally ordinary things. How can it not be destroyed after decades?

What are the four elements?

Earth, water, wind, and fire, that's it!

Earth constitutes bones, muscles and internal organs, water constitutes the blood in the body, wind constitutes breathing, and fire constitutes the body's normal temperature...

As the saying goes:

If you say that there is no gap between wood and gold, how can real lead and real mercury have a shape.

Who knows this heavenly mechanism, the sun and the moon will run high.

The two objects weigh one pound when they are combined, and the crescent, full moon, new moon and full moon combine to form the original number.

The true qi gathers in the space from time to time, and the Qiankun is touched as a tripod.

Zhen and Dui are not in the west and east, if you meet a fairy, you will personally point out the secret.

In an instant, all things come to life. These are the secrets of the golden liquid returning to the elixir.

Entering the elixir field brings eternal spring, and the innate and the earth return to one place.

The inside and outside are empty and bright, and the outside and the inside are true. When they gather, they become a form, and when they disperse, they become qi.

Returning to the origin and returning to the same emptiness, the changes are unpredictable.

How to escape the root of life and death is like forgetting the form and practicing calm breath.

How to return all the meridians to the origin is like breathing and thinking about the elixir field.

The transformation is different from the golden elixir, and there is a belief that the spirit and qi are the child and the mother.

One fire and one water divide the hexagram, and one rises and one falls by itself.

One yin and one yang are heaven and earth, and one hardness and one softness are even.

Only this fire and golden elixir secret depends entirely on the connection in the Huangting.

The primordial qi of the primordial qi is a thousand-year medicine, and it lasts forever for ten thousand disasters and never sleeps.

The golden light covers the body and is difficult for people to see, and the restraint and dignity are left and right.

The crane takes Chaoyuan away, and he ascends in broad daylight to visit Shangjing.


As the profound Taoist scriptures were read out, Mo Xun had already closed his eyes and listened attentively.

During this period, Mo Xun occasionally had some insights, but when it came to the realm he had not reached, he only had a half-understanding.

However, as long as it was related to the Tao, he never felt troublesome. Even if he did not understand the obscure parts now, he would force himself to remember them in his heart and wait for the future to comprehend them!

It is not always possible to listen to the teachings of the Yuanying cultivators in person.

Of course, don't expect that they can teach you their special skills. After all, it's free, so it's good to have some!

At this moment, Mo Xun seemed to have forgotten the purpose of his trip.

Even Gu Qingqing became focused.

At least half of the cultivators who came here were here for this so-called preaching, and it was said that the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch would also open an altar to preach after the wedding.

By then, it will be a greater opportunity.

The understanding of the Taoism of the late Yuanying cultivators is obviously not comparable to that of the middle-stage ancestor in front of him.

In other words, even if Mo Xun returned empty-handed, the two sermons alone were worth the nine golden fruits!

Three days passed in a flash!

The preacher had long disappeared, but the listeners were in a long period of enlightenment.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, few people noticed that the surrounding scenery was quietly changing.

As the mist dissipated, a magnificent palace gradually appeared.

Four large golden characters shone brightly in the sunset.

"Five Elements Palace!"

Opposite the palace, a huge square appeared. At this time, the square was densely packed with people, standing or sitting.

These people were clearly divided into different areas.

There were disciples of the Five Elements Sect with uniform clothing and neat positions, and there were also scattered guests of various kinds.

The foundation building and Qi refining cultivators were clearly divided, and at a glance, they were almost all heads.

Mo Xun and his group of monks who were watching the ceremony seemed to have been suddenly relocated in a dreamland, and moved to one side of the square, near the main hall.

As for the other side, there were nearly a hundred men and women standing there, also wearing the uniforms of the sect.

This group of people should be the Jindan elders of the Five Elements Sect!

However, as far as Mo Xun knew, the sect had 128 Jindan monks, so where did the others go?

Judging from the current situation, it should be time!

Sure enough, just as Mo Xun woke up, he heard a distant and heavy bell sound.

After 9981 bells rang, an old man in a scarlet robe slowly walked out of the main hall.

The moment this person appeared, the disciples of the sect in the square knelt down in unison, calling out to the ancestor.

Mo Xun recognized this person at a glance. It was another late-stage great monk in the Five Elements Sect, Zhishun Zhenren!

"I am late and neglectful!"

While speaking, no one saw how hard he was, but every word was clearly heard by everyone.

"Today is a great day for our sect. Although I am old, I was entrusted by my junior brother to be the master of the ceremony. If there is any inadequacy in the hospitality, please forgive me. To show our kindness and to thank you fellows for coming here from afar to watch the ceremony, I have prepared some small gifts for each of you. Please accept them!"

While speaking, Zhishun Zhenren clapped his hands, and two groups of figures flew out from both sides of the palace.

Each of them held a tray in their hands, and they were all wearing red long skirts, beautiful and pretty.

With every frown and smile, they were like lotus flowers emerging from the water, and each had its own merits.

Fairy Wei Qian, who had led the way and poured wine for Mo Xun before, was among them.

Wei Qian stopped beside Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing and put down the tray in his hand. Inside, there were six round fruits of deep red color, about the size of a baby's fist, with a slight luster on the surface, and a special fragrance wafted into his nose.

"Two seniors, this is the specialty of our sect, Qianyuan Fruit..."

Mo Xun's eyes lit up immediately. Is this Qianyuan Fruit?

He suddenly remembered the conversation between the two people in Mengtian City.

This thing is not very useful for Dharma cultivators, but in the eyes of body cultivators, it is an extremely rare spiritual fruit.

If taken raw, it can increase the effect of horizontal training!

In other words, if it is placed on a body cultivator, even without special training, it can improve the cultivation.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at the cultivators next to him. They were basically the same, no more, no less, just three.

He looked at the guests of foundation building and Qi training in the distance. Although they were also entertained, they were different things!

Mo Xun picked up one with two fingers and sniffed it at the tip of his nose.

He couldn't help but wonder, since this thing can improve the strength of the body, if some of it is planted in the green gourd and taken every day, over time, what changes will the body undergo?

With this thought in mind, he threw it into his mouth without hesitation and began to chew.

In such a hurry, it was inevitable that he attracted a few disdainful snorts, especially after seeing his shameless and frivolous appearance on the jade steps, he cursed in his heart that he had never seen the world.

Even Wei Qian was a little stunned!

The key is... she hasn't introduced it yet!

This senior is really... a little greedy!

But after taking a few bites, Mo Xun's brows suddenly frowned.

Wei Qian's heart skipped a beat when she saw this scene. Could it be that the taste is bad?

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