Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 516: Yuanying gathers together

For Mo Xun, this thing was not like chewing a bark or swallowing a needle, nor was it because he ate it without careful observation. It was just...

There was no core in it!

How could he grow it without a core?

Mo Xun tried chewing it a few more times, and it was indeed all pulp, without a core or a seed!

He quickly picked up another one, broke it open with both hands, and looked carefully. The result was the same?

Gu Qingqing came over and asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

Wei Qian also looked suspicious. This question was obviously what she wanted to ask.

Mo Xun still didn't believe it. He immediately threw the pulp aside, picked up another Qianyuan fruit, squeezed it hard, and the juice flowed all over his hands. Instantly, a strange sweet feeling spread all around.

Wei Qian felt her heart was broken when she saw this scene. This Qianyuan fruit, in the sect, cost at least 10,000 spirit stones, and it was often out of stock. If he wasted it like this, wouldn't he be afraid of heaven's punishment?

Mo Xun's eyebrows were almost twisted into the shape of a "chuan" character.

He had never seen a seedless fruit before!

Could it be that after picking this thing, the Five Elements Sect had tampered with it to prevent it from being planted by outsiders?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible!

Just as he was about to pick up the fourth one and try it again, Gu Qingqing quickly reached out and grabbed it, and directly held the entire tray in her arms.

"These three are mine!"

Mo Xun's outstretched hand had to be retracted.

However, the doubts in his heart were still not resolved. Perhaps this opportunity was not meant for him!

After a brief opening, two rows of white jade chairs were placed behind Master Zhishun.

Then, in the hall, a Yuanying early stage cultivator dressed in ancient formal clothes slowly walked out, glanced at the people in the audience, and spoke loudly.

"Welcome to the Taoist Changkun of Yanyue Sect!"

As soon as the words fell, a dragon roar sounded in everyone's ears, and then they saw a dragon head half-hidden in the clouds in the sky.

Or strictly speaking, it should only be called a dragon head!

Amidst the laughter, a circle of golden light suddenly flashed around a white jade chair. As the golden light faded, everyone noticed that a gray-haired old man was already sitting on it.

After seeing the man's appearance, many people's hearts trembled, and after sensing the man's cultivation, even those who didn't know him secretly quieted down.

This man is the same as Zhishun Zhenren, both in the late Nascent Soul stage!

Before everyone reacted, another voice came from their ears.

"Welcome to the respected casual cultivator Jiuxuan Zhenren!"

Another rainbow light flashed, and a white-robed old man landed on another chair!

At this moment, even Mo Xun was holding his breath and concentrating. Even if he didn't know any Changkun Daojun, he was familiar with Jiuxuan, a late-stage great cultivator.

"Welcome to the headmaster of Tianyu Mountain, Chunyang!"

"Welcome to the great elder of Fengjian Sect, Cuixu Zhenjun!"


Looking at the more than 20 white jade chairs gradually filling up in front of the hall in the distance, many people secretly swallowed their saliva.

Those who had a little knowledge, while being stunned, began to count silently.

"Two late Nascent Soul, six mid-stage, nine early stage..."

In addition to the great elders of the Five Elements Sect, that is to say, there are at least more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators gathered here today.

If these people form an alliance, they may be able to walk sideways in this world!

At the moment, let alone the low-level cultivators, even the hundreds of Jindan strongmen on the side, their breathing is a little hurried at this time.

As for the Qi Refiners who rarely see Jindan cultivators, the excitement in their hearts can no longer be expressed in words.

Perhaps in many people's short cultivation career, today is undoubtedly the most glorious moment!

Who can have the opportunity to see so many legendary immortals on the same day and in the same place?

This opportunity, even if you show it off, you can brag about it for half your life!

If you can get the favor of any of them, it is almost like ascending to heaven in one step!

In an instant, tens of thousands of disciples and guests in the audience were all silent as if they had discussed it beforehand!

At sunset, under this inconspicuous sunset, although there was no Yuanying cultivator who exuded the slightest spiritual pressure, many people seemed to be shrouded by an inexplicable force, and they dared not move.

The powerful aura emitted from the invisible was enough to suffocate people.

After a short silence, the elder in ancient dress suddenly held the document in his hand and read aloud a paragraph of obscure text.

Judging from the sporadic meaning that could be understood in it, it should be some kind of long poem that informed the heaven and the earth.

For a whole incense stick of time, the sound of Brahma was chanting slowly under the extremely silent sky.

Even though few people could understand it, it pulled everyone back to the ancient mysterious artistic conception.

When many people were still immersed in it, countless black spots suddenly appeared at the end of the sky.

I don’t know who took the lead and exclaimed, and everyone’s heads turned around at once.

The scene that was seen next made countless people deeply imprinted in their minds!

If I have to use one word to describe the moment, it can only be the word "spectacular".

But above the mountains, between the clouds and mist, countless sword-riding monks flew over in a mighty force.

These people lined up in neat rows, wearing the same red Taoist robes, with silver-white swords shining under their feet, and their robes fluttering in the wind. Their faces were majestic, stretching from left to right for about a thousand feet, from front to back, and there was no end in sight.

The neat and uniform formation seemed like heavenly soldiers and generals coming from the heavenly palace!

These people were led by thirty-six Jindan cultivators in front, followed by thousands of foundation-building cultivators, and they were like a sky full of stars, whistling and coming!

Perhaps the number of people was nothing, but the only shocking thing was the huge square formation that covered the sky and the sun.

This regularity formed by the huge number was definitely a shock that hit the heart directly.

Mo Xun, who was sitting cross-legged in it, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. The Five Elements Spirit Sect really took great pains!

As the square formation composed of cultivators in the sky rushed into everyone's field of vision, the ethereal music also rose.

After approaching, these sword-riding messengers hovered in the air above the hall.

A moment later, a loud cry was heard from the back of the square formation, and then a huge white bird was seen flapping its wings several feet wide and slowly flying towards this side.

"Three-headed snow ferret crane!"

The moment this thing appeared, someone recognized it.

And everyone also found that there were two figures standing on the white head of the snow ferret crane.

One of them was wearing purple clothes, with a three-inch long beard under his chin, and a domineering aura between his eyebrows.

The person next to him was a woman, wearing a phoenix crown and a bright red dress, with a long skirt behind her, falling straight to the neck and shoulders of the white crane.

Looking at her appearance again, it can be said that she is a natural jade girl with a peerless beauty!

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