Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 517: Escape from marriage?

On the white crane, the two of them seemed to be on earth from the nine heavens, and in the scattered red flowers, they were like a couple of gods!

Many young female cultivators who saw this scene showed undisguised envy in their eyes!

Just imagine which woman would not want to wear a big red robe one day, and hold hands with her lover to swear an oath of eternal love in front of countless people?

Even if they have become immortals, weddings still have an irresistible magic for them.

Even Gu Qingqing forgot about the calculation with Mo Xun just now, and her eyes were full of complexity!

As for Mo Xun, while sighing at this golden boy and jade girl, he secretly looked at the bride's cultivation!

The early stage of the Nascent Soul, and the realm seems to be unstable!

Although the two are in the same realm, their ages may differ by three to five hundred years!

A standard old man and young wife!

However, this kind of thing is nothing in the world of immortal cultivation!

It is normal for Taoist couples to be a hundred years apart!

But through the hairpin on the woman's forehead, he noticed that her face was calm and there was not much joy.

It was as if such a grand wedding in front of him had little to do with him.

Could it be that this Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch was forcing her?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. A great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage should not be so dirty. After all, he had lived for nearly a thousand years and had seen all kinds of women. Why would he do such a despicable thing?

Besides, with the cultivation level of this woman in the early Nascent Soul stage, how could she be coerced so easily?

This person is probably the kind of person who is cold as ice!

Many women, because they are in high positions or stronger than men, are a little arrogant, which is also reasonable!

"Hey, are you interested in their newlyweds?"

When Gu Qingqing heard this, Mo Xun was immediately startled and then glared at her angrily.

Although he used voice transmission, God knows how powerful this Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch is. If he is heard by him, he will not be able to squander even if he has nine lives!

Gu Qingqing said with a bit of gloating: "You stare at her face like this, be careful to get your eyes gouged out!"

Mo Xun did not dare to answer, for fear that this woman would suddenly go crazy and say something fatal.

In the eyes of the late great cultivators, he is nothing more than a big insect ant!

From the discussion of others, Mo Xun already knew that the bride, named Xia Muyao, came from a medium-sized immortal cultivation sect called Baiyu Palace.

This sect is full of female cultivators from top to bottom!

And this woman is also the only palace master of Baiyu Palace who has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage in thousands of years.

In terms of origin, this Palace Master Xia is obviously marrying up.

The two slowly fell in the golden sunset, and stepped on the red steps and walked towards the hall under the attention of thousands of people.

The disciples who were helping out above their heads dispersed one by one and landed on the viewing platform below.

Next, facing the Yuanying distinguished guests in front of the Five Elements Hall, the couple had to greet and congratulate each other.

As the master of ceremonies, Zhishun Zhenren performed a set of extremely complicated ancient rituals.

Including respectfully inviting the immortal king, disciples kneeling and calling, respecting heaven and earth, etc.

The more such a big sect, the more they admire ancient rituals.

Until the sunset was about to sink into the sky, dusk came to its end, and the highlight of the whole wedding seemed to have just begun.

For cultivators, there is no such thing as worshipping the parents, but they must follow the etiquette of the master and the heaven and earth!

"Please invite the statue of the ancestor!"

With the loud shout of Zhishun Zhenren, the twelve disciples who had been ready in the hall slowly lifted a white jade statue that was more than ten feet high.

Although all the people who were carrying the statues had the foundation-building stage, no one dared to use magic power to blaspheme the ancestor.

Relying only on their physical strength, everyone's face was full of respect and piety.

The statue was placed on a lotus platform that had been set up in advance, and the white jade was crystal clear and lifelike!

Although it was just a dead object, many people saw the glory of this person in the deep eyes.

All the great founders of the sect were outstanding. This ancestor, who was respectfully called the Five Elements Daojun by the disciples of this sect, must have stood at the top of this world before ascending.

"The newcomers are paying homage to the ancestor!"

There was another round of chorus like a bell, and the extraordinary Zisheng Tianjun and the extremely beautiful Yugong Fairy slowly walked towards the statue of the ancestor.

The disciples of this sect who were able to witness their own ancestor's wedding and marriage, sitting in the audience, were naturally honored!

Moreover, once today is over, it means that the Five Elements Sect will have another Nascent Soul cultivator.

As for the guests, the low-level cultivators were probably only excited to be able to participate in this grand event, but it is unknown what the high-level cultivators were thinking!

But just as the two were about to perform the kneeling ceremony, the sky, which had already darkened, suddenly reflected a golden light.

This golden light was not as bright as the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was like a big golden lantern suddenly lit up above the head.

Such a scene only lasted for a blink of an eye and disappeared in an instant.

The sudden weirdness startled everyone present. Some of the shallow Qi-refining practitioners, because they did not understand, thought it was the sect ancestor who appeared, and all looked at the white jade sculpture.

And soon there was a noisy discussion in the crowd.

It is said that the Five Elements Sect is indeed worthy of its reputation. The Five Elements Daojun has ascended to heaven for many years, and he still protects his descendants.

However, the Yuanying cultivators sitting in front of the hall all changed their expressions and turned their heads to the north.

Sure enough, after a moment, the whole sky shone again.

And the north was the source of the golden light.

At this moment, everyone realized that this strange golden light was not the manifestation of the ancestors, nor was it specially made by the Five Elements Sect.

"It is the holy light of the God's Tomb!"

Finally, someone saw the clue and shouted first.

Then, several sound transmission notes came quickly from the air.

Some of them were directed at the elders of this sect, and some were directed at the Yuanying guests on the jade throne. Even Zisheng Tianju, who didn't care about the beauty beside him, quickly reached out and grabbed one.

Just as they were reading the information in the sound transmission note, the third flash appeared at the end of the distant sky.

Before most people could react, a rainbow light suddenly shot up into the sky and flew towards the north.

This person was none other than the Nine Profound True Man, who was known as the leader of the independent cultivators!

With someone taking the lead, the remaining Nascent Soul cultivators would not be willing to lag behind.

In an instant, dozens of figures followed without any prior agreement.

In front of the hall that was originally packed with people, there were only a few people left, among them was the White Feather Palace Master, Xia Muyao, who was dressed in red and was about to become a married woman!

Seeing the scene in front of them, those who didn't know would have thought that the groom had run away from the marriage on the spot!

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