The two people's faces changed at the same time. Before they could react, they felt their bodies sink, and a hand fell on their shoulders at the same time.

The hand was dry and thin, and the skin was wrinkled like a rag, but it was pale like a disease.

The wrists were skinny and blue veins were exposed.

But such a dying pair of hands pressed the two people so that they could not move at all.

Mo Xun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley like a boulder. Before he could speak, he felt his body lighten, and he and Gu Qingqing were directly pulled up by the people behind them, and disappeared at lightning speed.

When the two of them recovered, the scene in front of them had changed.

This is a very dark cave, and the surrounding furnishings are extremely simple.

Except for a futon not far away, there is no place to sit.

There is a little sound of running water in my ears, and the air is also quite humid, giving people the feeling that they are underground.

Then, a figure in front of me gradually became clear.

When she saw this person, Gu Qingqing almost screamed and quickly covered her mouth.

This was an old woman who was so old that she was almost left with only a thin skeleton!

But this person's appearance was really... hard to describe!

Under her dishevelled hair, her wrinkled face looked like a thick layer of foundation, and in the dim light, it was a little creepy.

And that weird smile was like a ghost that suddenly appeared in the dark night.

Perhaps it was the atmosphere around her that made even Mo Xun feel a little uncomfortable, especially when his spiritual sense swept through, he couldn't see through the other party's cultivation.

He secretly went through the information of the seven supreme elders of the Five Elements Sect in his mind, but none of them matched.

Could it be that this was a newly promoted Yuanying?

The Five Elements Sect did not disclose it in order to hide its strength?

After bringing them here, the man did not rush to speak. His pupils, which were deeply sunken in his eyes, stared at the two of them like looking at prey.

For a moment, there was only a faint sound of water in her ears.

Gu Qingqing was a woman after all, and being stared at by such a ghost, she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If the other party hadn't just revealed that move, she would have slapped him with a palm.

But now, she didn't even have the courage to move.

This is the disparity in realm!

The gap in strength cannot be made up by any conspiracy or trick.

Mo Xun gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, and after calming down for a long time, he forced himself to calm down.

"I don't know if the senior asked the two juniors to come here, but what instructions do you have?"

After a while, the hoarse and dry voice finally sounded.

"This senior, I can bear it!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing were once again briefly stunned.

Because they clearly heard the voice, but they didn't see the other party speak, and even their lips didn't move.

There are probably two reasons for this situation.

This person is either unable to speak because of some strange disease, or he wants to hide his true voice.

However, in Mo Xun's opinion, the former possibility is obviously greater.

After all, with the other party's strength, there is no need to hide anything from them. Moreover, even if he speaks directly, he can swallow charcoal to become mute.

Combined with the other party's appearance that is neither human nor ghost, it must be due to physical reasons.

Another point is that the other party's words have clearly revealed his realm of cultivation.

Mo Xun bravely bowed and saluted. As the saying goes, you can't hit a smiling person, so he can only try to lower his posture.

"The two younger brothers and sisters greet the senior!"

Seeing this, Gu Qingqing also hurriedly followed the salute, as if she was afraid that if she took a step at night, her life would be in danger.

"Are you brother and sister?"

Mo Xun hurriedly said yes. After all, he and Gu Qingqing came here in the name of the Qian brothers, but now, it is not good to say so.

The old woman nodded, looked up and down at Gu Qingqing, and the fairy Gu trembled all over.

Gu Qingqing has seen many storms, but because of this, she knows the strange tempers of these old monsters. Facing such people, she cannot tolerate any disrespect.

"The sudden increase in the number of patrolling disciples outside is also caused by you two, right?"

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he was about to deny it, but then he thought, this sounded a bit wrong?

Is he deceiving him?

But the tone was wrong. When the other party spoke, it seemed that he was asking about something that had nothing to do with him.

As his mind was turning, Mo Xun was a little bit at a loss for words.

"You don't have to hide it. I don't want to blame you, or... I am not a member of the Five Elements Sect at all!"

Mo Xun suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party.

If so, this person is also a cultivator who came here to watch the ceremony.

But with the other party's cultivation, why is he so secretive?

It seems that this is another person who wants to attack the Five Elements Sect like him.

After careful consideration, Mo Xun said, "Senior, you have a keen eye, and you are targeting us two."

As soon as he said this, Gu Qingqing got anxious.

You know, the two of them are carrying more than 10 million spirit stones. If outsiders know about it, they will have to die here even if they have ten lives.

However, Mo Xun has his own considerations.

In their current situation, even if they lie, the other party may not let it go easily. It is better to admit it openly so as to find out the person's true intention. If the other party really covets the Qianyuan Fruit in them, the worst is possible. She is.

Compared with a small life, it is just a spiritual mine, so what does it mean?

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sudden chill around him, and a suffocating coldness hit his face.

Mo Xun thought, "This is a wrong bet!"

It is really possible that the other party is defrauding him, or is interested in getting rich and wants to kill someone to seize the treasure!

For a brief moment, Mo Xun's mind flashed with lightning, and he thought of several ways to deal with it. One hand habitually touched his waist.

But before he could make any move, the other party said: "Do you know that I have been planning for forty years, but because of you two little thieves, I almost failed!"

The old woman suddenly clapped out her palm, and with a "bang", smoke and dust filled the stone wall next to her.

Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing were startled and took several steps back.

When the stone chips dispersed, a deep five-finger mark appeared on the dark stone wall.

Looking at the old woman, she was shaking slightly with anger, and her face, which was already extremely terrifying, became even more ferocious.

The three of them fell into a silent confrontation again.

After a long time, the old woman slowly calmed down her anger and said calmly: "In that case, one of you two can go out and run for me!"

The two couldn't help but glance at each other, neither of them realized what was going on.

Fortunately, this person did not let them guess blindly. He paced and said: "I secretly lurked here forty years ago. After more than ten years of inquiry, I learned the whereabouts of a treasure of our sect. , and later after more than 20 years of preparation, we figured out all the terrain formations of the Five Elements Cave and found a way to restrain it. Originally, we wanted to take advantage of the appearance of the Holy Light of the God's Tomb and the emptiness in the door to sneak into it. , Who would have thought that because of your greed, not only did the people guarding the palace change their formations, but they also strengthened their vigilance. Do you think you should bear the responsibility for such a crime? "

After hearing these words, Mo Xun was shocked and a little bit dumbfounded!

How could such a coincidence be blamed on him?

But after hesitating, he still bowed bravely.

"Senior, please forgive me. I really don't know what's going on here. Otherwise, even if we have the courage, we wouldn't dare to ruin the good deeds of our seniors."

The old woman waved her hand very simply.

"It's too late to say anything now. You decide as soon as possible who will enter this Five Elements Cave for me!"

This time, without thinking, Mo Xun clasped his fists and said, "Let the juniors do it!"

Gu Qingqing wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

The old woman turned to look at the two of them and nodded slightly.

"very good!"

From Mo Xun's point of view, this incident started because of him, and he naturally had to deal with the aftermath.

"If that's the case, please let senior release my sister-in-law. As for what to do next, follow senior's instructions!"

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