The old woman sneered, but the dry and hoarse voice was actually a bit harsh.

And without any warning, the other party suddenly raised his arm and sucked hard in his hand. Gu Qingqing exclaimed, and her body flew towards the old woman involuntarily.

Before Mo Xun could react, Gu Qingqing was already being pinched by the neck, unable to move at all.

"Senior, what are you..." Mo Xun's face darkened, and he was extremely alert.

It wasn't that he hadn't expected this situation, but when it actually happened, he was still a little caught off guard.

The old woman said sadly: "This girl will stay with me for now. After you get the things, I will let her go!"

Mo Xun knew in his heart that one of them was going to be kept as a hostage!

He hurriedly looked at Gu Qingqing. Although the old woman was grabbing her neck, the other party obviously didn't use any force. It was just that her magic power was probably restrained.

"With the strength of the seniors, are you still afraid of the juniors cheating?"

Mo Xun was really confused at this time. At this moment, he even used low-level methods such as provoking generals.

But having said that, he really had plans to leave this place first and then think of another way.

After all, with this person's strength, he has been planning for forty years to break into the Five Elements Cave, but with his little ability, it is almost the same as sending him to death!

But once Gu Qingqing is captured, it will be different!

The old woman obviously doesn't like this.

"I don't need you as a junior to teach me how to do things. What you need to consider now is how to make up for your mistakes and get that thing out for me."

If his strength didn't allow it, Mo Xun really wanted to meet the other party!

What does it mean to make up for one's mistakes?

This old guy really thinks he is a soft persimmon, relying on his old age so unscrupulously!

At this moment, Gu Qingqing was depressed and confused.

Looking at the eerie pale face so close in front of her, even though she was disgusted in her heart, she had to force out a smile and said cautiously: "Senior, um...actually... ...This junior is not very familiar with this fellow Taoist!"

The old woman said softly "Oh" and asked with interest: "Didn't you just act like brothers and sisters?"

Gu Qingqing smiled extremely ugly: "It's just nonsense. In fact, we just met by chance and have nothing to do with each other. Therefore, if I stay here, it may not be of much use. However, the junior suggested that the senior can use a poison on him." , or a ban or something, this will be safer. As for the juniors... I won’t bother the seniors. There are even juniors going together, maybe they can help this brother, I’m afraid the seniors don’t know, juniors He is from the outer nine sects, and he is very good at this kind of early youth thing!"

The so-called outer nine sects are a collective name for those monks who cannot achieve success in the world of immortality.

These people are best at cheating, stealing, and gambling.

Mo Xun did not expect that the first time he heard Gu Qingqing announce her family status would be on such an occasion.

Listening to all this chattering, the old woman's face did not change at all.

Maybe it was just a zombie face, making it difficult to tell what it was thinking.

"No need, I've never been blind to people. With you here, this little brother will definitely not play any tricks."

Then, the old woman suddenly raised her other hand, and in Gu Qingqing's frightened eyes, she tapped her forehead lightly, and Gu Qingqing fainted.

Although this series of actions was not fast, Mo Xun was unable to take action even if he had the intention. He could only watch Gu Qingqing collapse like that.


The old woman interrupted him directly and said: "Time is limited, if you delay for a moment longer, this girl's life will be in danger!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth and could only sigh in his heart.

Since forming the elixir, this was the second time that he had experienced the feeling of being under the roof.

As the saying goes, there are mountains beyond the mountains. It seems that no matter what level of cultivation he reaches, he can never escape the fate of being influenced by others.

An unprecedented sense of powerlessness suddenly arose in his heart.

After a long time, he sighed softly and said: "Senior, please give me your instructions!"

The old woman naturally didn't care what he thought. In her heart, both Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing were just tools for her to manipulate. Life or death was not important. Whether she could get what she wanted was the key!

The old woman then threw over a jade slip.

"There is the internal terrain of the Five Elements Cave. I have marked all the places where treasures may be hidden. There is also a detailed arrangement of the formation, as well as the method of breaking the formation that I have researched over the years. Act according to this method. Once you enter the cave, you can buy a stick of incense, but what to do is your problem. "

Mo Xun placed the jade slip on his forehead, and after just taking a few glances, his heart trembled.

There are actually three formations and nine prohibitions here!

Moreover, each layer of the formation was far more difficult than what he had encountered before.

If you break in without knowing what's going on, I'm afraid there is no other possibility except death!

What shocked him even more was that the old woman's idea of ​​breaking the formation was truly ingenious!

In his opinion, the other party's formation attainments were definitely the most advanced among the people he had ever seen.

In many places, it is not just a simple and crude way to break the formation, but also the ability to quietly shuttle through the formation restrictions.

No wonder this matter can make the other party spend decades thinking about it.

After half an hour, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh: "Senior's methods make me ashamed!"

The old woman secretly raised her eyebrows.

"Do you know the formation?"

"I have dabbled in it a little, but compared with the senior, it is far behind!"

To be honest, the old woman was somewhat surprised. Although the jade slip was written in great detail, according to her estimation, it would take at least two or three hours for ordinary people to understand it. However, Mo Xun was able to fully understand it in such a short time, which really exceeded her expectations.

"That's perfect. I don't need to explain it more."

Mo Xun nodded gently. If he couldn't even understand the method of breaking the formation, the decades of hard work before would be in vain.

It's like someone has already listed the process of solving the problem, and he just copied it directly.

The old woman then threw out another storage bag.

"There are weapons to break the formation inside. You should familiarize yourself with them first."

Mo Xun scanned the area with his spiritual sense and checked everything. With his ability, he didn't need to explain in detail.

But Mo Xun frowned slightly.

"I have a doubt in my mind. I wonder if you can tell me!"

The old woman said one word very straightforwardly: "Tell me!"

Mo Xun pondered for a while before saying: "According to what you wrote, the chance of success is 70% to 80% even if I dare not say it is certain. If that's the case, why do you still ask me to do it? I think you should be more familiar with the formation. After all, if I fail, I will definitely alert the enemy. At that time, it may not be so easy to take another action."

In fact, at least half of what Mo Xun said came from the heart.

If you put yourself in his shoes, if that thing is really important to him, he will most likely not let others do it.

As for the reason, it is what he said.

Once you fail, people will be prepared and there will be almost no chance for you to come back a second time.

The old woman glanced at him calmly, with a hint of anger in her eyes.

"I have just said the reason. It was because of your stupid behavior that the Five Elements Cave Heaven suddenly changed the formation before I was about to take action, and also strengthened the patrol and alert."

Mo Xun quickly picked up the jade slip and asked: "In this case, the method of breaking the formation in the senior's book is useless?"

"It's not completely useless. It's not that easy to rearrange the three formations and nine prohibitions. Even if there are changes, it can only be a very small part. But how to deal with it specifically depends on your ability."

Mo Xun was speechless!

If the original probability was 70% to 80%, then now, it would be good to have 10% to 20%!

Who knew that the old woman continued: "Besides, now that I have you, why should I take risks myself?"

This matter-of-fact tone was simply telling Mo Xun nakedly that you are my scapegoat!

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