Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 529 Blood-red Black Armor

In addition to the tornado, several whirlwinds were rapidly attacking his body.

"Are there any space formation flags?"

Mo Xun quickly replied, "There is one set!"

This set of formation flags was originally left by the old woman for him to break through the first layer of the formation, but the previous teleportation directly allowed him to penetrate two layers of the formation, so it was useless.

"Try to throw it out according to the direction of Qiankun Liugen!"

Even though Mo Xun didn't understand why, he knew that Gongyang would definitely not harm him. Then he waved his sleeves and brushed across the storage bag, and then took out several formation flags in his hand.

Because the space was dim, he could only rely on his general feeling to quickly arrange a set of Liugen Liuding Xumi formation around him.

He didn't know much about space formations.

This set of formation methods was accidentally obtained from a set of fragments. After all these years, I don't know if my memory is wrong.

After a few simple hand gestures, the six formation flags around him suddenly connected into one. Under the engulfment of darkness, they could only emit a weak fluorescence, wrapping him in it.

At this moment, the crazy tornado had already roared in.

In an instant, it completely submerged him!

In the pain like a knife, it seemed that even the soul was about to be torn apart. Fortunately, this feeling did not last long, and a dizziness came.

Then, his body seemed to be pulled up by an invisible force, and he didn't know where it was taken?

When consciousness slowly recovered, the surrounding scene had changed dramatically.

The moment he landed, his feet softened and his body fell down at the same time.

Perhaps it was pain, or fatigue, a sense of sleepiness swept over his body.

But the last bit of clarity in his mind made him bite the tip of his tongue suddenly, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't let himself fall asleep after all.

When the blurred vision gradually became clear, what he saw in front of him suddenly made him stunned in place.

This is a wide stone room of about 30 to 40 meters square.

There are several lighting instruments hanging on the stone walls around, but the light they emit is a faint green, and in this green, there is a strong yin energy.

It is like the ghost fire in the cemetery, which is gloomy and terrifying.

If it is like this, it is fine, but the corpses hanging in the air in the secret room make the whole atmosphere extremely weird.

All the corpses are naked, and they are all women.

Under their disheveled hair, their heads are tilted, and their cheeks are full of desperate pain. The thick iron chains directly penetrate their shoulder blades and hang down like that.

Like pigs waiting to be slaughtered under the butcher's knife!

Some have dried up, leaving only skin and bones, but in their eyes, you can still see the resentment before death, and some seem to have just died, and their bodies are still fresh.

On the bluestone under everyone's feet, there was a bowl-shaped pit carved, in which there was still bright red blood.

The air was filled with a thick bloody smell.

All this blood came from the thin bodies above, flowing from the wound at the dantian, along the thigh, to the toes, and finally sliding into the bowl.

In the quiet secret room, the sound of water drops rhythmically hit Mo Xun's heart.

On the ground, the intricate grooves, with the blood red that was about to dry up, connected all the stone bowls together, like some kind of formation, or some kind of sacrificial rune.

All the corpses added up, there were as many as thirty or forty!

From a distance, it looked like the souls of the dead rising from hell!

In this scene, even Mo Xun, who was used to all kinds of scenes, was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while, and it seemed that he had completely forgotten the pain in his body.

If he were a little less courageous, he would probably faint on the spot in such a situation.

Did he enter the morgue?

Looking at the faces that died with hatred, Mo Xun swallowed his saliva dryly.

At this time, his body was covered with wounds and bloody cuts everywhere. His gray clothes were mostly stained red. The whole person looked like he had just crawled out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

His face, which was originally bloodless, looked even paler when he saw such a miserable scene!

He clearly remembered that there was no such place on the jade slip!

Could it be that because of the space storm, he had been teleported out of the Five Elements Sect and came to some terrible place?

And judging from the situation in front of him, this place is definitely not a good place!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly recalled the exquisite ring that fell on the ground, took out the healing pills, and swallowed a few pills in one gulp.

A heart that had been slightly relieved was lifted up again!

Compared to the current situation, this injury seems insignificant.

"Boy, look to the left front!"

To be honest, Gong Yang was also full of doubts, but the only thing he was thankful for was that the two of them had escaped.

If it were in other places, even if Mo Xun died, he would have some other means to save his life, but once he was lost in the space crack, even if he had a trace of consciousness, it would only dissipate.

Mo Xun turned his head subconsciously, and saw a three-foot square stone platform built in the middle surrounded by those female corpses. The stone platform was also where the grooves on the ground converged.

Drops of bright red blood slowly flowed into the stone platform from the small holes on the ground.

The stone platform was also carved with various talismans around it, which was extremely weird!

On it was placed a dark red object, flashing a faint phosphorescent light.

When he saw this thing clearly, he didn't know whether he should be surprised or heavy!

If I guessed correctly, this should be the Beidou Xuanjia that the old woman asked him to steal!

But what's going on with the battle in front of him?

Those young female corpses seemed to be supplying nutrients to the Xuanjia, constantly injecting their blood essence into the soft armor bit by bit!

He seemed to suddenly understand why the old woman wanted this thing.

The old witch obviously had problems with her blood essence, which caused her whole body to wither and turn pale, so she needed this kind of evil thing that specialized in sucking blood essence to recover and heal.

To be honest, the Five Elements Sect is also inhumane!

Using living people to feed dead things, what's the difference between this and the demon clan ghost way they said?

The so-called famous and upright sects, in private, are even more despised than those crooked ways!

Poor these women, maybe they are still disciples of this sect.

They joined the sect with the heart of the great way, who could have expected that it would be such a tragic ending?

And judging from the situation before him, this kind of blood supply is definitely not a one-day or two-day thing.

For hundreds and thousands of years, countless dead souls have been left in this secret room!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun immediately felt a chill!

The whole secret room is like a slaughterhouse full of killing and blood!


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