"Gong Yang, you didn't tell me before that this thing needs to suck human blood!"

"You can't blame me for this. After all, I don't know much about this thing. Although it has some reputation, it is extremely unconventional and rarely appears in the world, or..."


Gong Yang said uncertainly: "Or this is not the Beidou Xuanjia at all!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. Did he find the wrong one?

But in a second, he shook his head again. According to the old woman's description of the appearance, it is probably this thing.

As for what this thing really is, it is not so important at the moment.

After a long time, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Looking at those miserable female cultivators who slowly drained their blood and gradually withered, even if he was angry, he could do nothing!

There are too many unfair things in the world!

What he saw was just a drop in the ocean!

Which of those glamorous big sects has not done such things in private?

Perhaps the original founder was upright, but who can guarantee that the successors will be just as upright?

After calming down, Mo Xun carefully bypassed the corpses and came to the stone platform.

To be honest, he was a little bit insecure about his theft before, but now, he feels that he must take this thing!

Looking at the blood-red black armor in front of him, he felt a little mixed!

He even dared not touch it.

Perhaps it was due to psychological effects, he seemed to be able to feel the deep resentment coming from it.

After slowly exhaling a breath of turbid air, he began to carefully check the surrounding magic array. This place was not within the range recorded in the jade slip, so he didn't know if it would trigger any restrictions if it was taken away.

After a while, after confirming that there was no danger, he took out a jade box about a foot square.

Just at the moment of picking up the black armor, a blood-red worm suddenly jumped out from under it and went straight to Mo Xun's cheek.

Mo Xun had obviously expected the appearance of this thing. He snorted coldly, flicked his finger, and a flame flew out.

In midair, the worm met the true fire, making a piercing sound, and was swallowed by the flame.

Staring at the brown ashes falling at his feet, Mo Xun's face was gloomy. It turned out that this worm was helping Xuanjia to absorb the essence and blood.

Although he had never seen this thing, he was not unfamiliar with it. This thing is called the bloody worm. It is also on the spiritual insect ranking list, but it is a complete evil thing!

This Five Elements Sect is really unscrupulous!

There was a sudden rustling sound behind him. Mo Xun turned his head quickly and saw that the female corpses hanging in the air quickly dried up and shrank. In a few breaths, it seemed that they were dehydrated and lost blood, and turned into mummies.

Mo Xun frowned, it seems that things are not that simple.

Sure enough, under the dim light, a three-inch-long blood-red worm slowly crawled out of the dantian of the female corpse closest to him. Its body surface was full of stickiness, just like crawling out of blood plasma, which was extremely disgusting.

The same scene happened on dozens of corpses.

Mo Xun's heart was cold. Although this thing was not strong in attack, it was extremely vicious. Once it was touched, it would immediately drill into the body and merge into the blood like a maggot attached to the bone.

He first glanced at the female corpses around him, and said offended in his heart. Just as he was about to raise his palm and release the Xuantian True Fire, he heard the voice of the ram in his ears.

"Don't worry, this thing may be useful, keep one."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, but still nodded slightly, then took out a porcelain bottle, rolled up his long sleeves, and collected the bloody worm not far away, and then slapped it with one palm.

In an instant, the raging fire filled the entire stone room.

At this moment, Mo Xun had already come to the corner and quickly took out the teleportation array disk. It should be almost time for an incense stick of time.

Even if it hasn't arrived, I'm afraid this fire will soon attract the guards from outside.

As for the matter of the soul-washing umbrella, he can only think of another way.

As the array disk was activated, a dazzling white light shot out from the flames.

But just as he was about to step into the white light, he hesitated. He suddenly thought, what if he gave this thing to the old woman, and the old woman wanted to kill people to silence them?

In the case of unequal strength, he never believed in integrity.

And this black armor, if it continues to stay in the world, who knows how many dead souls it will create!

With this thought in mind, he immediately took out the jade box again, threw two black beads into it, and made a few hand gestures at the same time.

After doing this, he slapped the storage bag on his waist again, and clenched a jade talisman in his palm.

After thinking for a while, he recalled Xuantian True Fire and stepped into the teleportation array.

As his figure disappeared in the white light, he suddenly felt dizzy. He hurriedly kept his mind and tried to make himself more awake. You know, the old witch must be waiting for him at the other end at this moment!

He didn't want to be controlled by the other party as soon as he teleported!

Fortunately, the teleportation distance was not far. It took only a dozen breaths for him to feel his feet solid and step on the ground again.

At the moment of landing, he almost didn't even think about it, and jumped up and flew high.

According to his previous character, he would never be so rash when the terrain was unknown, but now, he couldn't afford to think too much!

Perhaps it was this cautious move that saved his life again.

Because just as his figure emerged from the white light, a withered and pale hand grabbed over like a gust of wind.

But it was a step too late, and the strong wind blew away the shadow he left behind.

A rainbow light flashed in the distance, and Mo Xun had already rushed out more than a hundred feet away.

In mid-air, he felt the movement behind him, and he was awed and frightened.

Fortunately, he was careful, otherwise he would have turned into a ghost for no reason.

For the old woman, no matter whether he succeeded or not, once he came out, he would have completely lost his value.

He knew this point clearly.

If he counted the losses he had suffered over the years, he could talk about it for at least three days and three nights. If he still didn't learn his lesson, he would have hit his head against his head and died.

Before he could stand still, Mo Xun held up the jade box with one hand, and said coldly with a sullen face: "You'd better not act rashly, this thing will be destroyed immediately with the next thought!"

Under the moonlight, although they were far away, the old woman's dry face was still distorted.

Not far from the old woman, Gu Qingqing seemed to be cast into a spell, motionless.

The delicate eyebrows were solemn, with deep worry!

After a while, the old woman laughed, and the sound was very unpleasant.

"I underestimated you, young man, not bad... not bad!"

Mo Xun didn't want to delay too much time. Since he had the initiative, the longer he delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be for him.

"Senior, please let my companion go first, and I will naturally offer this black armor with both hands!"

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