Under the dust, four people were lying on the ground covered in blood, while the woman in green and another subordinate had already ridden away, running away like crazy.

Mo Xun looked around coldly, and the rest of the people who could move also fled like birds.

He looked at the backs of these people going away, without any intention of chasing them. In this battle, at least ten people died in his hands.

The wound on his face was still bleeding. Mo Xun quickly took out the wound medicine and simply applied some on himself. The piercing pain made his face look a little more hideous.

After this battle, he wanted to become stronger.

Looking back at Su Yunshang, who was still in a coma, Mo Xun rested for a while, held her horizontally in his arms, and then went to the mountain like a gust of wind.

Outside the bamboo house, Mo Xun leaned on the recliner with his eyes slightly closed.

Su Yunshang, who was standing next to him, held a porcelain bottle in her hand and wanted to apply medicine to him, but when she saw the horrible scars on his face, she felt a sudden pain in her heart, and before she knew it, tears blurred her eyes.

Mo Xun heard the crying beside him, turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Yunshang suddenly threw herself into Mo Xun's arms, unable to hold back her tears, her two white hands tightly grasping his clothes, her body trembling constantly.

"Why did you block that whip for me?"

Facing Su Yunshang's roar, Mo Xun did not speak, and glanced at her body rising and falling due to sobbing.

After a moment, Yunshang suddenly asked, "Will you leave scars?"

Mo Xun thought about it and said indifferently, "I don't know. I haven't used this medicine either."

Yunshang was anxious and said quickly, "Didn't you apply this to me last time I was injured? In the end, there was no scar!"

"Then it should be fine, but it doesn't matter if there is a scar, it will look more fierce!"

Although Mo Xun said it easily, he was not very sure in his heart. Su Yunshang was at most scratched last time, but he could clearly feel that the cut on his face almost penetrated his cheek.

"No, when we return to the Su family, there must be a way to cure you!"

The two were silent for a while at the same time, and Mo Xun suddenly said, "Why don't I send you home when I get better?"

Yunshang shook her head firmly, "No, three years means three years!"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart and didn't say anything else. During this period of time, they were together day and night, and they both had something inexplicable in their hearts.

He believed that Su Yunshang would not do anything to hurt him, but what about Su Yunyi?

If he was not at home, would the scheming young lady be willing to take this loss?

Both of them tacitly did not bring up this topic again. Su Yunshang suddenly moved close to Mo Xun, facing his wound with her small mouth, blowing gently to blow away the stains near the wound for him.

However, a faint fragrance came from her breath, and Mo Xun suddenly felt a tingling sensation on half of his body, and his lower abdomen was even more hot and unbearable, and even his breathing became rapid.

Looking at the beads of sweat that suddenly appeared on Mo Xun's forehead, coupled with her somewhat red face, Su Yunshang hurriedly asked: "What's wrong, did I hurt you?"

Mo Xun was really in a state of distress at the moment. On the one hand, he was quite nostalgic for the feeling just now, and on the other hand, he was burning with desire.

After a while, he said, "It's okay, just help me sprinkle the powder and bandage it!"

Looking at Mo Xun's strange face, Su Yunshang frowned in confusion, but still followed his instructions and bandaged him.

"Do you think that group of people will find this place?"

"I don't know, but don't worry, if that woman knows what's good for her, she won't easily mess with us again."

Because of the scar on his face, he can no longer eat and can only drink some liquid food, but he is not a person with a strong appetite, so it doesn't matter.

But when he thought of this, he suddenly had some doubts. Isn't it said that immortals eat wind and drink dew? Why does he need to eat after practicing for so long? Is it because his cultivation is too low?

Su Yunshang said "Oh" lightly, and suddenly asked curiously: "How did you defeat them in the end?"

Su Yunshang probably only remembered that before she fainted, Mo Xun was busy parrying with her on his back. Surrounded by that group of people, the situation was precarious, and she thought that the two of them were going to die there!

Mo Xun smiled, but pulled the wound again, and for a moment, the expression on his face was a little wonderful.

At the same time, he brushed the storage bag, and there was already a piece of soft whip in his hand.

Su Yunshang's face turned pale when she saw the soft whip. You know, the wound on Mo Xun's face was caused by the long whip of the woman in green, and she was almost destroyed by this thing.

"That woman, doesn't she also have a whip?"

Mo Xun shook his head and looked at the soft whip with burning eyes.

"It's different. This thing is called a magic weapon!"

"Magic weapon?"

Mo Xun thought about it and felt that he couldn't explain it clearly. After all, his understanding of magic weapons was just that they were extraordinary and could be used simply. He didn't know much more than Su Yunshang.

"How should I put it? Magic weapons are equivalent to the weapons of immortal cultivators. Only after refining them can they be controlled by spiritual power. The power is not comparable to ordinary things..."

Speaking of this, Mo Xun suddenly remembered that this thing was obtained from the hands of an immortal cultivator in the ancient tomb. According to his speculation, that predecessor is most likely the ancestor of the Su family.

And the technique that the senior was practicing was exactly the same as Su Yunshang's current one. Does that mean that if Su Yunshang were to control this thing, could it exert greater power?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

When a cultivator refines a magical tool, it must be tailored to the characteristics of his own martial arts, just like a warrior in the secular world, so this soft whip is most likely to be used in conjunction with the "Yanshui Xuan Gong" that Su Yunshang is practicing.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun handed the soft whip to Yunshang and said, "Try to inject spiritual power into it, and then swing it and see."

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