Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 54: Qi Refining Level 8

"I won't!"

Su Yunshang felt a sense of resistance when she saw the whip, and she was even more horrified when she thought of the scene at that time.

Mo Xun saw her like this, and it was hard to force her. He thought that he could only wait for a while to solve this doubt.

In the next few days, Mo Xun finally experienced the feeling of being served by someone, and the relationship between the two seemed to have changed subtly overnight.

In this kind of life, more than two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Mo Xun finished his daily meditation, looked at the top of Cangming Mountain, and couldn't help sighing.

Now his cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of Qi Refining.

In two years and four months, he has broken through the fourth level. Such a speed should be enough to make him proud and happy, but when he thought of Su Yunshang now, who has broken through to the seventh level of Qi Refining, he felt helpless in his heart.

You know, in the past two years, he has been eating pills as food, because of the magical effect of black soil, a large number of heart-protecting pill herbs have grown in the green gourd.

Therefore, when he was refining pills, he was extremely wasteful. Often, before the medicinal properties of one pill were exhausted, he would take another one. This repeated practice, under the uninterrupted hard work, could achieve the current cultivation level.

But looking at Su Yunshang, in his impression, it seems that he has never seen her practicing.

In order to delay her progress in cultivation, Mo Xun would find some books or fun things for her to pass the time every once in a while. Su Yunshang herself was even more intermittent in her cultivation.

Since the encounter with the green-clothed woman two years ago, he was quiet for a while, and then he wandered around every now and then.

At first, Mo Xun was afraid that she would encounter any danger again, so he would follow her every time he went down the mountain. It was not until a year later that Su Yunshang broke through to the fourth level of Qi Refining. In order to let her have the power to protect herself, Mo Xun also gave her the skills of the next few levels, which led to her current realm.

In learning spells, Su Yunshang showed unparalleled talent. Not to mention the small spells in "Yan Shui Xuan Gong", even Mo Xun was jealous of her main water spells.

With a high level of cultivation, Mo Xun no longer had to worry about her safety.

Now, it is no longer others who come to her for trouble. Many times, she will deliberately tease others with spells.

Just last month, she went to the Meng family in Xingping Town alone to seek revenge.

According to her, she not only crippled all the warriors of the Meng family, but also drove the Meng family, who had been lingering for hundreds of years, out of Xingping Town.

Such a female hero really makes Mo Xun ashamed.

Of course, Mo Xun also gave her the red and black whip.

This magic weapon, as Mo Xun guessed, is used in conjunction with water magic.

When the whip is swung, the air will be condensed into ice, turning into countless sharp ice cones, and then killing the enemy invisibly.

With Mo Xun's fire spirit power, it can only be turned into air waves, and the power is naturally incomparable.

Looking back on the past three years of cultivation, Mo Xun has a lot of feelings in his heart.

His current fire control technique can already reach the point of being at will. With a thought, he can perform a flame slash, and the whole palm will instantly turn into a burning blade.

With a palm slash, not to mention splitting mountains and rocks, even ordinary copper and iron can leave a mark.

However, after practicing so far, he is still trapped in the current realm and cannot release the flame. Such a spell of releasing spiritual energy must wait until the late stage of Qi Refining, that is, after the ninth level of Qi Refining, before it can be performed.

As early as a month ago, he had already cultivated to the peak of the eighth level of Qi Refining. He wanted to use the power of the Heart-Protecting Pill to break through the bottleneck, but he was surprised to find that the pill was ineffective.

No matter how many pills he takes now, except for being able to feel a little spiritual energy, it still has no effect on his current cultivation.

In fact, when he was at the fourth level of Qi Refining, he found that the medicinal power of the Heart-Protecting Pill was slowly weakening, but it was just relatively weak. Later, as his realm improved, this weakening became more and more obvious.

When he was at a low level, he needed half a month to refine a pill, and then it became ten days, and then a few days, and now it takes half a day, and the medicinal properties will be exhausted.

Such a terrifying consumption speed, if known by other immortal cultivators, I wonder how many jaws will drop.

In theory, the higher the cultivation level, the weaker the medicinal properties of the pill, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

For this, he probably analyzed two reasons.

One is that this Heart-Protecting Pill is only suitable for use in the middle stage of Qi Refining, and cannot allow him to break through to the late stage of Qi Refining. If he wants to continue to practice quickly, he must find pills for the late stage of Qi Refining to take.

The other is that he overused pills, which led to drug resistance in his body. To solve this problem, he also needs to find new pills.

In his heart, he is actually more inclined to the former.

After all, the so-called drug resistance, he has only seen in some patients who have been treated for a long time, because this phenomenon occurs when the disease cannot be eradicated after taking relief drugs for many years.

And he is not sick, so there is no such thing as drug resistance.

Of course, it may be that he doesn't know much about cultivating immortals, or there are other possibilities.

Seeing that the three-year period is approaching, Mo Xun has no intention of continuing to practice, and it is time to fulfill his promise.

In three years, he has grown from a boy in the mountains to a masculine young man.

He is taller and his face is firmer. His skin has become whiter after years of seclusion in the mountains. The sharp wisdom in his eyes has been hidden and has become deeper.

There is only a faint scar on his face, but it is not easy to detect without careful observation.

Just as his thoughts were flying around, the fence outside the courtyard was pushed open and a figure walked in briskly.

No need to guess, it is Su Yunshang.

Three years have made the young second lady of the Su family more beautiful and graceful.

Her black hair hangs down to her waist, swaying from side to side as she walks.

She wears a green and crystal hairpin on her head. Under her long bangs, she has a white cheek and a pair of quirky eyes. Her long eyelashes jump up and down in the blink of an eye, as if they can speak.

Her every frown and smile shows the beauty of a girl.

She was wearing a pink and white gauze skirt with an exquisite bow tied at her slender waist.

The hem of the skirt fell straight to the ground, barely covering her beautiful feet, revealing only a little of the white upper embroidered with gold and silver leaves.

At this time, Su Yunshang was no less beautiful than her sister, and because of her cultivation, she had a faint aura of transcendence all over her body.

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