Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 55 Immortal Cultivator

As soon as Su Yunshang entered the courtyard, she saw Mo Xun lying on a bamboo chair and immediately ran over.

"Hey, I have something interesting to tell you!"

Mo Xun saw her expression and guessed that it was probably not a good thing.

"It just so happens that I have something to tell you!"

Su Yunshang was interested for a moment and said curiously: "What is it? You go first!"

Mo Xun thought about it, and after a moment, he said: "You go first!"

Su Yunshang didn't think much about it, and vividly told her experience at the foot of the mountain today.

After a moment, Mo Xun asked with some emotion: "You said that person is also a cultivator?"

Su Yunshang picked up Mo Xun's teacup without hesitation, drank a big sip of water, and wiped the corner of her mouth carelessly.

"Yes, but his cultivation is too low, only the fourth level of Qi Refining!"

Mo Xun suddenly stood up, turned around twice, and asked hurriedly: "Did he see through your cultivation?"

Su Yunshang said with a bit of complacency: "Of course not, you know, the Qi Condensation Technique performed by this girl is a bit better than yours!"

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly, he couldn't deny what the other party said.

"Is he still in the town?"

"I think so, he has recruited so many believers today, he will definitely not leave in the short term."

Suddenly discovering other immortal cultivators made Mo Xun's mind active for a while.

You know, in the past few years of his cultivation, he has been looking for the traces of other immortal cultivators so that he can find out about things related to immortal cultivation. He can't keep doing it behind closed doors like he is now.

When he thought of this, he planned to go down the mountain immediately, maybe he wanted to have a good exchange with this Taoist friend.

"Tell me what happened today from beginning to end!"

Su Yunshang saw him stand up, so she leaned on the bamboo chair and said without raising her eyelids: "I'm hungry and have no strength!"

Mo Xun glared at her unhappily.

"Didn't you eat on the street?"

Su Yunshang curled her lips and said: "I'm out of money!"

"Didn't I give you silver two days ago?"

Su Yunshang opened her eyes and said confidently: "Didn't you notice the new clothes I'm wearing today?"

Mo Xun stroked his forehead and was a little angry for a while. The little girl actually spent all his savings more than a year ago.

So he had to ripen a batch of medicinal herbs through black soil every once in a while and sell them to the town to survive until now.

Who would have thought that this girl could spend so much money? In the deep mountains and old forests, she had to buy clothes every now and then. If she were in an ordinary family, who could afford it?

Mo Xun immediately frowned and said angrily: "The food is in the kitchen, you cook today!"

Su Yunshang looked at him lazily and yawned.

"I'm tired, you do it!"

Seeing her like this, Mo Xun felt a little indignant. The two had been together for three years. Not only did he take care of her food and daily life like a servant, but he also had to earn pocket money for her like her father.

This is not the hostage he had kidnapped in the first place, it's just a mistress.

Mo Xun stared at her and suddenly snorted.

"Are you going or not? If you don't go, I will..."

"What do you want?

Before Mo Xun finished speaking, Su Yunshang had already pinched a Taoist formula with her hand and looked at him with a playful look.

"Have you forgotten the loss you suffered at the hands of this girl last time?"

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