Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 534 Emperor Resting Ancient Tree

Mo Xun looked around at the footprints. It seemed that there were people going in any direction.

He wanted to find a hidden place, escape directly into the green gourd, and wait for ten days and a half before coming out, but he was afraid that the place would suddenly be closed and he would be trapped and die.

Although there is no air ban here, he has no intention of flying at high altitude.

What we are facing now is to find an exit as soon as possible.

There was definitely no way back from the original path, not to mention whether he would bump into the old woman. How could he climb up that dark pit without using his magic power?

But where to find this way out?

As Mo Xun hurried on, he was thinking quickly in his mind.

In fact, the best shortcut is to find out the whereabouts of those Nascent Soul monks. After all, these people have great magic power, so following them will probably not be a problem.

Moreover, he has no interest in the so-called opportunity, and has no interest in others. As long as he does not participate in the fight, his safety can still be guaranteed.

As soon as he thought of this, Mo Xun focused his attention on finding clues about other monks.

Sure enough, I didn't go far before I found some traces.

But what made his heart sink was that there were also a large number of dead bodies near these traces.

The clothes of some of them looked familiar to Mo Xun, and they were actually the alchemy monks on the viewing platform.

The reason why it is the clothes, not the appearance, is because these people have turned into white bones without any flesh and blood.

"It should have been eaten clean by some kind of insects and ants!"

Hearing Gongyang's words, Mo Xun couldn't help but take a breath!

How terrifying would that be if there were insects and ants that even the Dan monks couldn't escape from?

And...and this group of people got here in just one day!

This situation can only be due to one reason. An extremely large number of insects and ants with terrifying power have appeared here.

Mo Xun's scalp felt numb when he thought of the thousands and thousands of man-eating insects covering the sky.

Who could have imagined that this seemingly peaceful surface would be so ferocious inside!

When he thought of this, he didn't care about exposing his whereabouts, and directly jumped into the air, far away from this place of right and wrong.

But before flying very far, he saw another horrifying scene.

In a lush forest, an extremely tall shrub grows. If you look at it from a distance, you will see lush green trees surrounding it!

It feels a bit like Qionglin Yushu and thousands of lush trees!

But if you look closely, you will see that there are bloody corpses wrapped around those slender vines.

The chests, stomachs, and even heads of these people were directly pierced by sharp wooden thorns. Their faces retained the look of fear before death, and thick branches were tightly wrapped around them.

Looking down from a high altitude, it looks like rice dumplings hanging in the air.

At this moment, Mo Xun felt that his hands and feet were a little cold.

Because among the hundreds of corpses, he found at least twenty or thirty people who looked familiar to him.

What the hell is this?

Could it be said that trees can also become spirits?

Fortunately, Gongyang soon helped him answer his doubts.

"This is the ancient tree of Emperor Xiu!"

"Emperor Xiu Gu Mu?"

Mo Xun's face immediately showed some doubts.

In fact, he was a little scared in his heart. Fortunately, he changed his mind temporarily and did not continue walking along the road. If he accidentally walked into this strange jungle...

This place is really full of murderous potential!

Gongyang said solemnly: "It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Not to mention now, even tens of thousands of years ago, few people could recognize it. This thing comes from ancient times, but it is not a sacred tree, but it is different from the sacred tree. , there is a trace of involvement.”

Mo Xun didn't dare to stay where he was. After a brief moment of shock, he flew far away.

"It seems that this place does have some connection with the divine world!"

Hearing Gongyang's unreasonable emotion, Mo Xun couldn't help but frown.

"How to say!"

"Since you own both the Soul-Nursing Wood and the Heaven-Bearing Building Wood, you should have some knowledge of the Nine Sacred Trees, right?"

"You mean...the divine world is related to the nine sacred trees?"

The ram chuckled.

"Under my guidance over the years, you have made some progress. At least you are not as stupid as before. As the saying goes, Fusang is the leader of all nine trees in the world. Have you heard this before?"

Mo Xun simply ignored the intentional or unintentional teasing and nodded lightly.

Naturally, he had heard of the name of the hibiscus tree.

I think that after he got the soul-nurturing tree, he made a lot of efforts to inquire about it.

Just listen to Gongyang continue to say: "It is said that this sacred tree connects the gates of the three realms of humans, gods, and the underworld. If you want to ascend, you cannot avoid this sacred Fusang tree!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he heard this statement.

"This Dixiu is actually a companion tree, and the hibiscus tree happens to be one of its hosts. Since such a large Dixiu can grow here, it means that there is a high possibility that there is an adult Fusang god nearby. Tree!"

Mo Xun unconsciously touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

It turns out there is such a saying, no wonder it attracts so many Yuanying monks!

It seems that everyone is here to ascend.

But no matter from which perspective, this opportunity has little to do with him.

Considering his current state, it is obviously a little early to consider these things.

Furthermore, he must have this strength to snatch food from those old monsters!

It's better to hide safely for a few days and escape this disaster.

He secretly decided that this time, he would not participate in any chance grabbing.

He had gained enough during this period of time, so there was no need to take any more risks.

He had already left the place of trouble with a flash of his figure.

This place was too weird!

Even for a Jindan cultivator, if he was not careful, he would be doomed.

Not far away, there was another sound of swords and knives.

Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat. Would he encounter any fatal trouble again?

For a moment, he hesitated. Should he go over and take a look? At this moment, he was like a headless fly, and he was even restrained about where to hit.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would not even have a chance to run.

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly became ruthless in his heart, and followed the sound like a gust of wind.

He had to find someone to ask!

But when he approached carefully, he found that it was two groups of foundation-building cultivators who were fighting.

There were many dead people lying on the ground.

As soon as Mo Xun appeared, everyone stopped and looked at him with caution.

As if they were guarding against thieves!

"What are you doing?"

Mo Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked a late-stage foundation-building cultivator who led the team.

Each side had 20 to 30 people, and their strength was about the same, and everyone had some injuries on their bodies.

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